
Sex & Blood: The Vampire CEO's Future Wife

The story follows the powerful and enigmatic CEO of a successful company, Claude, who is also a vampire. Despite his immense wealth and status, Claude is haunted by his need for blood, which drives him to seek out a rare and special type of blood that only certain humans possess. One day, he meets a young woman named Chloe who unknowingly possesses this special blood. Claude is immediately drawn to her and he knows that she is the key to his survival. However, Chloe is fiercely independent and wants nothing to do with Claude, especially once she discovers his true nature. Undeterred, Claude begins to pursue Chloe relentlessly, even as she tries to push him away. He knows that he must have her blood in order to survive, but as he spends more time with her, he realizes that he is developing feelings for her that go beyond his thirst for her blood. Chloe is conflicted, torn between her attraction to Claude and her fear of him. She tries to deny her feelings, but Claude is persistent and refuses to give up on her. As their relationship deepens, Chloe discovers that Claude is not the monster she thought he was, and she begins to see his vulnerable and caring side of him. But their newfound love is threatened when a group of rogue vampires targets Rachel for her special blood as well as money-hungry royals, and blood-thirsty vampire hunters, Claude must risk everything to protect the woman he loves, even if it means his own death. As they face danger and betrayal, Damien and Rachel must confront their deepest fears and decide whether their love is strong enough to survive in a world where vampires and humans are at odds.

Dreamyy_Bunny · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: Driving Late at Night

Chloe notices how dark it was so she decided to look at her phone. She looked at the time and realized how late it was so she slowly walked to her car. As she was about to buckle up, she heard a familiar voice, Damien's voice. He was tapping on the window, he told her if he can hitch a ride with her.

Chloe smiled and unlocked the car door, letting Damien in. They greeted each other and settled into their seats, with Chloe starting the engine and pulling out of the parking lot.

As they drove, Damien brought up the strange behavior that Jessica had exhibited earlier. "I couldn't help but notice that something seemed off with Jessica tonight," he said, turning to face Chloe.

Chloe nodded in agreement. "Yeah, she seemed really spooked about that text she got."

Damien furrowed his brow. "I wonder who it was from."

Chloe shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe it's just some personal drama she's dealing with."

Damien didn't seem convinced. "I don't know. It just seemed weird how she suddenly got so secretive and wanted to leave early."

Chloe sighed. "I hope she's okay. I'll check on her tomorrow and see if everything's alright."

Damien nodded, satisfied with that plan. They lapsed into a comfortable silence for a few minutes, the only sound the hum of the car engine and the quiet hum of the radio in the background.

As they approached Damien's apartment building, Chloe pulled over and put the car in park. "Thanks for keeping me company on the ride back," she said, turning to Damien with a smile.

Damien grinned. "Of course. Anytime."

Chloe chuckled. "You know, I almost forgot to ask you. How's your love life going?"

Damien rolled his eyes playfully. "Same old, same old. Not much to report."

Chloe patted his arm sympathetically. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm in the same boat."

They both laughed, and then Damien opened the door and stepped out onto the sidewalk. "Thanks again, Chloe. I'll see you soon."

Chloe waved goodbye as he shut the door and headed inside. She then drove the rest of the way home, lost in thought about Jessica and the strange text she had received.

As Chloe drives home after taking Damien to his house, she spots a shadowy figure in the corner of the road as she was driving. She ignored it as some homeless person but when she heard a woman's faint scream in the distance, she decides to take a look to see what it was about. When she got a closer look, she sees red glowing eyes.

Chloe's heart started pounding as she saw the red glowing eyes staring back at her. She tried to keep her cool and focused on the road, but her mind was racing with fear and confusion. What was this creature? Was it human or something else entirely?

She drove a little closer to the shadowy figure to try and make out its features. As she got closer, she saw that the creature was tall and muscular, with sharp, angular features and glowing red eyes that seemed to burn into her soul.

Suddenly, she heard the faint sound of a woman's scream in the distance. Her heart racing, Chloe knew she had to do something. She pulled over to the side of the road and got out of her car, cautiously approaching the figure.

As she got closer, she could see that the creature was holding onto a woman, who was struggling to get away. Chloe realized that this creature was not human, but something much more dangerous.

Her instincts told her to run, but she knew that she couldn't leave the woman to be attacked by this creature. She tried to reason with the creature, but it just snarled at her and tightened its grip on the woman.

Chloe knew she had to act fast. She reached into her car and grabbed a tire iron, hoping to use it to defend herself and the woman.

With her heart racing and her hands shaking, she approached the creature and swung the tire iron at its head. The creature let out a loud roar, and Chloe could see that her attack had hurt it.

Taking advantage of the creature's momentary distraction, Chloe grabbed the woman and pulled her to safety. They quickly got into Chloe's car and drove away, leaving the creature behind.

As they drove away, Chloe could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She had never been so scared in her life. But she also felt a sense of pride and satisfaction for saving the woman from that dangerous creature.

She knew that there were more dangerous creatures out there and that she would have to be careful from now on. But she also knew that she couldn't let fear control her and that she would always do what she could to protect others from harm.

As she drove home with the woman, she remained unconscious but she noticed that she was dressed in a luxurious manner, name brand items, and jewels everywhere, whoever this woman is, she is a high-class woman but what is a woman of her caliber doing in the empty road and what was that creature that was grabbing onto her. She'll have to ask the woman herself once she wakes up if she has any hope of finding out who she is and what she wants.

Thanks for reading chapter 2! I wonder what happened to the woman!

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