
Severed Fate

A heroic villainess, Corlissa Veronique is an anomaly herself, such a paradox is the best description of her existence. A pitiful soul forever chained to the bindings of the Villainess, she was a bug in the system, a glitch in society, a defect in the world. Memories of past lives, her own life played on repeat, that was the curse of the Villainess. Emotions never left her, she felt the suffocation of betrayal time and time again, the burning of hate, the drowning of despair, the delightful yet excruciating taste of love. Each time they turned their backs to her she felt the same emotions each and every time. It was as if she was just a marionette, obeying commands against her will as if her free-flowing string of fate that connected to her 'happily ever after' was trapped tightly in the grip of other people's hands, stretching and fraying it however they wished. She vowed to, without fail, fulfil the wishes of the previous villainess who had left the world with unmistakable anguish...and sympathy. Such empathy... "You are a person, no matter what you look like or what you do, unless you prove me otherwise I will continue to view you as who you are." Such compassion... "I wish you didn't have to suffer, I wish you could've been born into a better world." Such understanding... "Let me handle the rest, take a comfortable rest." Such selflessness... "I won't let you suffer anymore..." She truly was such an exemplary hero. --- The cover art is not mine, I found it on Google. ^^

taikutsu_XD · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

E̵v̴i̴e̶ ̶L̵u̸x̷i̶e̶r̸e̷

How could I not be envious? Watching her stand on the top of that pedestal. It just makes my blood boil in rage.

Just because she was born lucky with a loving picturesque family, with mana exceeding the limits of our world, with affinities that she was just granted. Just because she was born with such luck, she was so easily able to climb to the top.

She was the one that was sheltered. She was the one who was naive, it wasn’t me. She said I was the one being naive but she was the one living in her false ideals that everyone would act without faking or masking their motives.

It was her fault that I had to live like this, she set the standard too high so I have higher expectations to meet. She doesn’t have a mother that had to risk her life to find out the Royal family’s secret just so her daughter would have a higher chance of succeeding in life.

Corlissa Veronique. She knows nothing of suffering.

She climbed to the top with such ease, she was granted so much power just because she was lucky.

It’s unfair. It’s so unfair! Why?! Why was she able to be gifted so much?!

She hasn’t suffered. She knows nothing of pain. She who has experienced nothing aside from happiness was able to wield so much power.

It should’ve been me.

I should’ve been the one who had that strength.

I, who was not born the daughter of the great duke.

I, who was not granted an easy life just because of my birth.

I, who was not born privileged.

I, who knows of true pain, who has suffered from the judgmental gazes of society.

That power should’ve been mine.

Every time I see her effortlessly climb higher and higher, it angers me to no end. She who had everything given to her on a silver platter could rise that high without hard work.

It’s wrong.

Nothing haunts her. She has no inner demons.

Why was she able to control mana? Why was she lucky enough to be granted the ability to control mana?

I was granted light magic, I am the Blessed Child of God. I am the one who has been rightfully given power.

She who had everything she could possibly need, was given more?

She has innumerable wealth, she could purchase anything she could ever want so why would they gift her more.

It’s unjust. This world is wrong. She who has tasted nothing short of content, safety and happiness, was never deserving of such strength.

She knows nothing of the real world, she never worked hard for her power. She was given lifetimes of strength despite being sheltered for her entire life.

She has never experienced true pain or suffering, all she knows is her unrealistic ideals of life. How could I not envy someone like that? Someone who has only had the easy way of life.

I despise her. Her who has never tasted defeat.