
Several Levels Down

Lin was a rank 0 who gained his elemental ability after giving up due to countless tries and failures. On a quest to increase his strength and investigate scenes from visions he had after gaining his ability, he discovers a terrible truth about his past and how important of a piece he is in an oncoming war...

W3R371G3R · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Broken Horned Madtsoia

Lin was lying under a ledge beside the stream. The sound of the stream was quite refreshing to hear. He had grown tired of walking and decided to rest a bit. Most of his wounds had already healed; he was not back to full strength yet. "I'm feeling much better now. Though it would take a few more hours for me to be back to full strength."

As he rested, he heard a sudden bubbling sound from the water that caused him to jump to his feet immediately and assume a battle stance. He drew closer to the water yet strangely, there was nothing there. As he stepped back a bit, the space around the water began to distort; there was a flash of light as something dropped into the stream.


<Fire Element beast Broken Horned Madtsoia found>

<Level: Quint>

<Rank: 2>

<Specialty: Ranged Attacks>

"What? A beast? Where did that even come from? I couldn't defeat a rank 2 beast at full strength yet; now there's another? Geez today, isn't my lucky day."

The water splashed all over as the beast landed inside the stream. It slowly rose from the stream and peered at Lin. It was a serpentine beast about 50 meters long and half a meter wide. It had a mix of dark brown and green scales and had a broken horn on its head. It had two large red eyes and quite several fangs in its mouth.

The beast slowly lifted its head to 10 meters and glared at Lin, who had become motionless. His body seemed to have been frozen in place as he also stared back at the beat. "Damn it! I really can't beat this guy even if I wanted to. I don't have enough strength to fight it but…" He slowly shifted his gaze to the left and prepared to run back the way he came. "I have enough strength to escape from this beast."

As soon as he moved his feet in a bid to run, a tail slammed into the ground right in front of him. He went flying a few feet back from the gust from the attack. Using that propulsion to his advantage, he turned and ran in the other direction. The beast launched its long body out of the stream and slithered after him. He was about 50 meters away from the beast. It spewed fire at him in a straight line.

Lin soon felt an intense heat threatening to burn him to a crisp. He quickly moved his body to dodge. Blue flames struck stuck the ground at the place he had just left. The ground began melting under the intense heat. "The hell is that firepower? Is this thing a rank two beast?" Lin continued to run in a straight line, dodging the flames spewing at him.

The beast looked like it wanted to take his life. It was as if he had killed a relative of the beast or something. "When did I provoke such a powerful beast? I have never even met one of its types before. Maybe I should try talking to it"

"Hey, Mr Beast" he waved his hands as he continued to run. The beast seemed to have understood he wanted to talk to it so it stopped spitting fire for some time but continued to chase him. "It heard me?? That's great." he smirked.

"Hey, Mr Beast, I haven't done anything bad to you, have I? Why do you keep trying to kill me? If I have entered your territory, then I'm so sorry. This is probably a mistake." Lin shouted at the top of his voice. In response, the beast spat even more fire than before at him.

"Hey, Mr Beast this is not cool" Lin roared as he continued to flee. By the time he knew where he was, he was already far from the direction of the stream and was approaching a dead end. The beast had been chasing him for almost an hour now and he was so focused on his escape he didn't realise he had taken a path that led away from the stream. As soon as he saw the dead end, his heart sank. "A dead end? I'm I going to die here?"

He suddenly came to a stop and faced his foe head-on. "Screw tiredness. If I don't find a way to escape this predicament, I will be done for. I will have to face it head on"

Black fire exploded from him like a gas explosion. Some nearby rocks were melted by the intense flames he was releasing. The beast spat fire at him again continuously. He clapped his hands together and pointed them forward with the black fire burning madly all over his body. The fire coming at him parted into two however; the force with which it was coming at pushed him back a few feet as he struggled to maintain that posture.

As the ray of fire ended, he switched to lightning and rushed madly at the beast. He began punching it in furry while trying his best to avoid the fire it was spewing from its mouth. It, however, seemed too much for him to handle. It was becoming difficult for him to maintain the speed at which he was attacking. The beast spewed fire at him again. He barely dodged it but before he could stabilize himself, something struck him and sent him barrel-rolling into the rock wall with his back.

He coughed up a mouthful of blood as his body dropped forward onto the ground. The fire that was burning around him quenched immediately. The beast only had a few bruises yet Lin wasn't looking good. His ribs had been broken even with many broken ribs, Lin did not give up instead he had a smile of satisfaction on his face. "Whether I die here today or not, I'm not letting that beast go scot-free."

He seemed to be enjoying the fight. "If this is my last fight, then I'm going to burn up every ounce of power within me before I do so. Besides, I think I have figured out how to beat this guy. Never tried this before but I hope it works".