
Several Levels Down

Lin was a rank 0 who gained his elemental ability after giving up due to countless tries and failures. On a quest to increase his strength and investigate scenes from visions he had after gaining his ability, he discovers a terrible truth about his past and how important of a piece he is in an oncoming war...

W3R371G3R · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Azeria Family Head

A boat arrived at the shore of Xu's residence, and Xu jumped out of it. He had a black amour that was laced with gold. It had exquisite engravings with a red mane on its shoulders and a long black drape. On the drape was a symbol Lin was familiar with. It was a symbol with three red diamond-looking objects arranged like a cross, with the lower part of the cross-looking symbol being a flame that resembled a spear. It was the same symbol Lin had searched about a while back. 

He looked towards the hut and saw Lin take a stance as he started performing the first form of the technique he was taught. His movements were as swift as the wind but as gentle as water. Each time he moved the spear, it was as if the wind was being cut. Each strike was soft but struck with the strength of a rock. As he spun the spear, wind pressure gathered around it and with a straightforward stab, the pressure was released like a dragon spitting fire. 

"No way, he managed to master the first move in just a few days? Not only that, but he incorporated a foot technique as well. Just who is this guy?" Xu was surprised by Lin's performance. He had taught Lin only one technique, but the fact that Lin mastered it and incorporated a foot technique in just a few days was nothing short of surprising. 

The foot technique Lin used was the final form of the Phantasmal Flow dance, Overflow. Unlike before, his mastery of the foot technique seemed to have improved quite a bit, as he made a few adjustments to fit the spear technique he was taught. 

"Impressive. You have managed to master the first technique in such a short time. Truly impressive", Xu complimented as he reached Lin. "Hahaha", Lin scratched his head, "It is nothing, Mr. Xu…huh?" Lin pointed at the armour in Xu's hands. "What is that?" he asked. 

"Oh, this is an armour I found while exploring some old castle ruins. I was surprised it was in good shape, so I hid it away as I had no use for it. Since you would be leaving for some time, I thought it might be useful to you." Lin gasped and smiled. "That is very considerate of you." He jumped towards Xu and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xu. I don't know how I would repay you for your kind gesture."

Xu waved and said, "Do not think much of it. I had no use for that thing anyway." He handed it to Lin, who took it without any hesitation. After inspecting it, he was shocked when he discovered the symbol on the drape. "Mr. Xu, where did you say you found this again?". Xu eyed him and answered, "In an old castle ruin. Is there a problem?" he looked at Lin suspiciously. Lin shook his head while waving in refusal, "No, no, no, it's nothing of that sort. I was just wondering if you could take me there when I get back."

"It's not impossible, but the place is very far, and it might take a few months to get there", Xu said, walking towards his hut. "By very far, you mean the other side of Floating Frost, right?" Xu shook his head and said, "Not at all. The place I speak of is the peak of a mountain in the Abyss of Kirin. So, you better prepare very well for that." Xu concluded and went into his hut. 

Lin looked at the armour again and uttered, "It looks like I am going to get a handful if I put on this armour, considering how little information there is, but what choice do I have? If I want answers, then I would have to take the risk. The Abyss of Kirin. It sounds like a dangerous place. I would have to prepare for the worst, but before that, I must prepare. The bout will begin in an hour." 

Thunder rumbled in the skies of Terasphere as dark clouds began to cover the entire sky. The rumblings were so loud the ground shook with each rumble. Under normal circumstances, people would be terrified if such a thing happened, instead, all over Terasphere, there was no fear nor panic. Rather, a roar of cheers was all that could be heard. In many places, many people sat to discuss the upcoming bout. 

Up in the skies, the image of a man appeared. His appearance was like that of a divine being. His skin was smooth, and he was heavily built. Even though he wore a suit, his chiselled muscles could still be seen. He had short black hair with a weave of blue and white in it. He was handsome. A man whom one would call beautiful. 

He had two katanas strapped to his waist, and his arms were crossed as he peered down. He exuded an intense pressure that made one cower in his presence. He is the strongest family head in Piora, an association comprising all the family heads in Terasphere and the family head of the famed Azeria family. Rakshasa The Soulless Sword Azeria. 

Though the strongest, he had no interest in the affairs of Piora nor taking any leadership position there. To him, it was just a waste of time. 

"This is the moment you have waited for. This is the battle you have prepared for. This is the time to prove your worth. Will you be victorious or will your battlefield become your burial ground? No more rules, no more retreat. Use whatever means you want to defeat your opponents. THIS TIME THERE SHALL BE NO SURRENDER", his voice boomed like thunder across the land, and his words reached the ears of everyone. A loud cheer erupted across the land. 

"I, Rakshasa Azeria, hereby declare the commencement of the Ranking Bout. Let the bout BEGIN. I pray for your success. GOOD LUCK!" His image scattered into dust, and the skies returned to normal. 

"I can not believe it is finally starting."

"I know right?"

"This year's bout is going to be phenomenal." 

"Everyone, log onto your Scopenets. Some participants are showing off their attires. They are so cool."

Somewhere in a hotel in the Inner Moon territory, a young man about 24 years old stood in front of an older man brimming with confidence. He was almost two meters tall and had a cornrow. He had green eyes and hair and was quite handsome. He had two chakrams in his hands. 

"I assure you, Father, I will not disappoint you. This year's bout, I will surely win it." He said enthusiastically to the man before him. The man had green hair, just like him, but had darker skin than his son. "Hahaha, I know you won't disappoint me, but please don't push yourself too hard."

"I will heed your words, father. Just wait for my victory", he said seriously and turned to leave. "Alright. Give it your best", his father encouraged. 

The man walked out of the room and into the reception. The people around gasped as they saw him pass. 

"Oh my, isn't that the one who came second place in the last ranking bout?" 

"Oh my, it's him. The Lava Demon." 

"Lava demon?" 

"Yeah, I heard he controls lava as if he were the lava itself. He is a genius." 

"Wow, really?" 

"Yes. Apparently, he is a high-ranking Hector now."

"At such a young age? He is that amazing?" 

In a corner in the reception, a man watched on with a smirk. "The Lava Demon huh? Interesting. I hope we cross paths soon. Do not lose before you reach me, Lava Demon", he said and disappeared as if he was not there to begin with.