
Seventh Reincarnation (SR)

Name: Seventh Reincarnation Author: Andi Candra Genre: Action, Romance, Immortal, Male Protagonis, Overpowerd Synopsis: Brandon is just an ordinary young man who can be found anywhere among the 8 billion people on earth. However, the Third World War broke out, and he was killed along with other civilians. After his death, he found himself in a dark place without light. Just when he thought he would spend his time in the boundless shadows, he finds himself reincarnated into an anime world. Brandon thought he would reach the pinnacle of life, have great wealth, and be surrounded by beautiful women. But that was just a mere delusion, he died at the age of one month after his reincarnation. Then, he kept reincarnating again and again, but always ended up dying young. Brandon's behavior changed his destiny?

Takamiya_Shin · Anime & Comics
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154 Chs

Sanka Rea's Future

"Smart! This time, I played the role of a trader, but the items I sell can change fate. After all, lamp genies who grant wishes only exist in fairy tales."

"So, Miss Rea, is there something you want?"

After saying that, Ars didn't say anything else.


Rea looked thoughtful, occasionally she would glance at the items on the shelves. A few minutes later, she had made a decision.

"Previously, Ars-san said you could see the future. Can you tell me in advance about my future?"

"Hmm... Usually, information about a customer's future also includes traded commodities. But since you are my first customer, I made a special exception."

"Thank you very much Ars-san."

"You're welcome."

Before starting, Ars took a glass containing a carbonated drink and drank it. He didn't like coffee and tea, so Restia prepared other drinks.

Placing the glass on the table, he lowered Est from his lap and placed her on his right. That's when Restia let go of his waist.

Even though Restia's pinch didn't cause any pain, Ars felt embarrassed being seen by customers.

Once the situation was conducive, he crossed his legs and started telling Rea's future.

"Your future is not very good, Miss Rea. 10 years from now, your world will enter the third world war."

"Third world war?!" Rea is shocked.

"The trigger for the war was because America sent an aircraft carrier to help Israel colonize Palestine. After all, America is a hypocritical country that claims to uphold 'freedom' when it is always present in the conflicts of every country in the world."

"America's actions this time are a big mistake. Other countries are fed up with American arrogance, especially Russia which supports Palestinian independence. Finally, various countries in the world were divided into camps, namely pro-Russian and pro-American. And Japan is pro America."

"At the beginning of the war, each country tried not to use nuclear weapons and fought only with military personnel. They know that once a nuclear bomb is launched, it will have a chain effect and modern civilization will end."

"Just like in the era of the second world war, the first country to launch nuclear weapons was America, which dropped a nuclear bomb on Moscow, and killed millions of civilians as well as the government. Luckily, the Russian president hid in a bunker and survived. After seeing America's cruel actions, Russia again launched nuclear weapons at Washington."

"As a result of the actions of the two superpowers, other countries no longer hesitate to launch nuclear bombs at opposing countries. As a result, billions of lives were lost in just minutes."

Rea who heard about the future, worried filled her heart, then she hurriedly asked: "How are Mero-chan and her family?"

"Furuya Mero died of old age, 8 years before the third world war broke out. As for her family... They were killed by a North Korean airplane missile." Ars answered.

Through Rea's future, Ars also learns that when the third world war took place, Indonesia ended tragically.

Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources. Especially minerals such as petroleum, natural gas, coal, gold and copper. Other countries have long been greedy for Indonesia's resources.

It can be seen from historical records that Indonesia was colonized by many countries in the past, namely Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, France, England and Japan.

Before being reincarnated, Ars came from Indonesia. He was sad to see his homeland fall not because of other countries, but traitors!

Several high-ranking state officials secretly colluded with China, and sold Indonesian assets under the pretext of 'debt', they also allowed China foreign workers to dominate employment opportunities in Indonesia so that local residents could not get jobs.

Worse yet, these shameless bastards sold dozens of islands to auction sites in America.

"Ars, are you okay?"

Restia's voice woke Ars from his reverie. He found the two Spirit girls looking at him worriedly.

"I'm fine. I'm a little melancholy."

He rubbed Restia and Est's heads at the same time. After that, he smiled apologetically at Rea.

"Sorry, Miss Rea. My thoughts were distracted for a moment."

"I don't mind, Ars-san probably remembered something bad."

"Oh, why do you think like that."

"From your expression. You seem upset about something."

"It seems Miss Rea has quite a high EQ."

Rea smiled lightly at Ars' praise.

"Ahem, back to the main topic. You worry about the safety of Mero's grandchildren after seeing a plane firing missiles. You left your hiding place and wanted to see their situation directly. Unfortunately, you encountered one of the North Korean infantry battalions and were captured. In fact, soldiers captured young women and raped them to relieve stress."

"What?! Their actions were very heinous."

Covering her open mouth with her hand, Rea got angry.

"That's a common thing that happens on the battlefield. In history, every time an army penetrated an enemy fortress, they would loot the people's houses and rape the women." Ars shrugged and said indifferently.

He had witnessed that scene with his own eyes as he wandered for a millennium in the world of [Naruto].

When a war starts, the ones who suffer the most are the civilians."

"I'm sorry, I lost control of my emotions."

Realizing she had scolded the wrong person, Rea lowered her head and apologized.

"Does not matter. Hmm... Where was the topic just now?

"Rea was arrested by soldiers."

Restia reminded Ars.

"Cough... A soldier who raped you felt an anomaly in you. Instead of feeling warm, he actually feels cold when making love to you. Then he realized you weren't breathing and didn't have a heartbeat."

"Discovering this, the soldier reported your condition to the platoon captain. In the end, your information reached North Korea's supreme leader. Then, you are locked in a laboratory and every day researchers perform various inhumane experiments on you. For example, dissecting the body without anesthesia, cutting off body parts, and researching whether you might be pregnant. Simply put, every day is torture for you."

Hearing Ars's narrative, Rea's body shivered knowing the future that awaited her.

"W-Why did they do such evil things to me?" Rea asked in a trembling voice.

"What for? Of course to find out the secret of your immortality! After all, the higher a person's position, the more afraid they are of death."

"Qin Shi Huang, Imhotep, Leonardo da Vinci, Dante Alighieri, Nero, and Alexander the Great. They were famous figures in history who sought a method of immortality! Although Miss Rea's immortality is only a pseudo-immortality, it is of great interest to the global elite."

"You spend your days locked up in a laboratory and never see the light of day again. Of course, it's not just you, humanity can no longer see sunlight because the surface of the earth has been covered by dust from the explosion of dozens of nuclear bombs."

"That's your future, Sanka Rea."

Read more chapters here: bit.ly/Candra12

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