



[System starting] 

[Please read the instructions and follow accord....] 

[An error has occurred. Please wait for a moment.] 

[The instruction window cannot be opened] 

[The instruction window cannot...] 

[The instruction...] 

[You have successfully opened the instruction window.] 


. ... 

. ... 

. ... ...\ 

[An error has occurred. Please wait for a moment.] 

[The instructions have been updated.] 

[You have successfully opened the instruction window.] 


. Do not die 

. Do not die 

. Do not die...\ 

[A malfunction is detected. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Rebooting the system.] 

[System starting] 

[Please read the instructions carefully and follow accordingly.] 


. Do not see 

. Do not let them see 

. Do not hear 

. Do not let them hear 

. Do not kill 

. Do not die\ 

[Currently loading the system.] 

[Download complete.] 

My first book here. Hope you will like it

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