
Seven Spirits Douluo

Fallen monarch of Western Empire, exiled and assassins sent for his head. But they didn't need to he was already dead with a spear through his throat. Sealing himself inside a cocoon he aims to reincarnate himself. Through this, he ends up in a land without battle chi or magic. The only things here are Spirit Beasts and Spirit Masters. ------------------------------------------------------ First time writing so there should be mistakes, please provide criticism so I can aim to fix it. ------------------------------------------------------- Temporary hiatus for me to adjust my sleep schedule. ------------------------------------------------------- I do not own anything except the main character in this fan fiction.

Josephmemes · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 5 Beyond the Veil

A day's work well done. My family is asleep and I can go about my actions sneakily and I established the foundation which I will build my power base. Without manpower every action is swift but, easily countered. Controlling this duke-ship will give me the power necessary to enforce my words with actions that leaves consequences.

After all, words are mine, it's the actions of one man. That done, nothing can be accomplished, after all who can you send to spy on others, such as the one that sent the spy to my power base.

No, future power base after all I still got my family off after I come to power. They haven't treated me well, so this will be much easier the second time around.

But before this.

Whoever sent her must be really dedicated to getting our family killed after all sending someone so skilled in espionage with that level of loyalty to spy on our family must be either delusional, or considers this family's talent as something dangerous.

There is a lot of people that would like this, but the only ones that would actually do this is The Sun Moon Empire. Their the only ones bold enough and that has the resources necessary for this.

My guesses include some head viziers of various departments, but really that is nothing compared to my current problem.

Now, the question of how is a two year old able to be a disciple of a someone at the level of a quasi-god is going to be held into question. And how does he know these terms only high-level nobility would know.

I can kill off the spy for some of these problems to be addressed, but I need my family to build the original part of my power base. So I have actual address it.

But at least I have my baby brother to lessen the burden. Otherwise lying my way through that would be unbearable.

He sighing, forms astral projection of himself, but older and takes his baby brother and leave's their room.

Still these halls I'm moving through with my brother in tow is quite beautiful, even if the palette clashes. The White Tiger statues and various golden trinkets fit so well with the aesthetic it almost doesn't hurt my eyes.

But should I or should I not move slowly and pretend to give my brother a tour of here. He slows to a halt moving slowly through the manor's halls and showing all the places he thinks his brother would like to stay in the future.

Of course there's no argument to be had. Anyone that thinks that is something reasonable is a deranged monster

Finishing the tour with the most place he considers the most beautiful.

Such is the garden filled with lush grass and the sweet smell of honey. Filled with pine tress and golden chairs and tables. There's also a turf maze, we don't know it's name but in it is supposedly is the place the wedding of The Duke of The White Tiger and the now Duchess of White Tiger was held in.

Above it is a sea of stars, tonight especially beautiful as streaks of light fly across this sea. As the child oohs and aahs at the beauty of the stars. His twin mutters, "It's beautiful isn't it? Ff you want one I can get you one."

The smaller boy nods his head, staring at him, until he suddenly smiles broadly. While his metaphorical heart throbs wildly. He prepares a large spell to catch one of the shooting stars to make it his brother's spirit.

Of course I will enhance it to an absurd level, something like a comet can't be my brother's spirit after all, his true spirit can only be the best.

For his next stop, he takes him to their former room and drops him off in the clutch of his mother's hands as he wander off else where.

Moving through the halls with expertise he comes to the servant quarters of the newest maid, the spy sent to, well to spy on them.

He weaves through then with a quick motion, over the window silently and stealthily. Then hopping up to bed the maid is passed out on. He takes his hand and jabs it forward immediately onto her the servant's chest.

His hand reaches out from her chest and on it is nothing. The servant's heart has been exploded and nothing remains of it besides the paste that is now where her heart should be.

She had died in her sleep, pretty good fate compared some of the others sent to death indirectly or directly by his hands.

There she is, pacified. Not enough traces for this era to detect me. I also have alibi, I passed out along with everyone else, my little brother is too pure to rat me out.

That star fall should have captured his attention, also he can't anyways because he's a normal two year old.

But that said, I should probably go fake my alibi now. He then walks to window, jumped out the same way he came. Closing the window on the way there and sprinting silently towards where he initially was and started pretending to be asleep.

Closing his astral avatar after getting of out of the room of course,

While pretending to sleep. He's actually weaving a comet and adding runes on it. Forming a picturesque figure. Then, slowly through the remaining time of the night he slowly inserts mana in it to form a soul spirit, of course it needs a element.

But his not worried, he'll have the spell done bye next year and will have this as the birthday present for his Xiao Wu's sixth birthday.

But to his brother, life had been good, he's in care of a friendly fruit seller's family inside a very prosperous village outside of Shrek City.

He's still unconscious which is not great, but he was taken care of by the friendly fruit sellers through their daughter, when he was in the mountain. When she was walking through the mountain on the outer edges of The Star Dou Forest.

Out here it's uncommon to see spirit beasts there still the chance of seeing one and though her talent is not great, she's still a Soul Master. Thus she dared wander here.

She was minding her own business but tripped and fell down, she was competent enough to avoid any injuries, just some dust on her.

But she still fell down and venturing up she found a cave and went in. Immediately she spotted what she though was a beautiful gem and then a beautiful woman.

She was wrong, she found a beautiful man that can be mistaken for a woman.

When she came upon him, she was bewildered by his looks, and started caring for him in hopes of when he awakens he would have a eternal gratitude to her and thus marry her?

Her reasoning started to fail her at this point because of his looks and her circumstance. It's nothing complicated, she just started to dream about boys.

This is probably because of her being well off but his looks definitely played a part. After he looks a porcelain doll carved into the most handsome man imaginable for her.

Black hair, with a perfectly pale but not too pale face and so beautiful he could be believed to be woman and charm any woman with ease.

Thus she started nursing him back to health through his labored breathing, bringing him food and blankets and pillows. His not beating heart non-withstanding, he's in good health.

He's breathing correctly and cared for daily by the woman that found him.

He's healing because of this. And fast, way too fast. May it be literal empowered by Goddess of Love considered by the person that found him. Or him being a replica of someone that copied cultivation and made himself basically invulnerable.

A copy of copy, the strongest of things.

Still as this happened within his spirit core, memories are coming back. A strange man in strange land, speaking an unknown dialect. He was speaking to me?

How? I failed my father, I've failed my spell. I'm a failure of a mage. How had this happened? I should be dead. My... I don't know it seems correct.

Coughing he awakens and he's eyes is bloodshot. Yet coming beyond veil at this point, a strange golden and indignant soul is pushing against it. Though it is slow the soul is pushing further.

While this happens the man in bed in the middle of the night coughs blood. Drop by drop falls to the blanket's he's in and but slowly he is getting better.

As his soul pushes further and further his body is less on edge and coughs less blood. But as memories clash of a strange man's life exchanges between various siblings and broken memories of a father collide.

The ringing in his ears grow stronger my second as he pushes all his memories off. He hopes it'll dull the pain, it does.

But his symptoms grow stronger, it's not just blood it's bile with it. Every second it get's worse until the pain is unbearable to him. And then, it stops.

All of it gone, and just as suddenly as the pain came, he passes out.

This has gone bye under the guise of night, but as the night draws to a close people wake up, and he's caretaker notices the blood, then the bile.

I'm not dead, yet. But I'll do slightly shorter chapters so I won't burn out. So no more 3k words were chapter. I felt the quality suffered a dip because of it.

Vote in the comments, the most one will be picked, either all the siblings are in. Or their not. Happy or sad ending. There is also one line that is everything I have fault with fate franchise beside it's complex lore. Shirou Emiya, Archer is the logical conclusion, Shirou is bullshit backed up by good writing.

Schedule is also changing so it might be 12 Am instead of the usual 2 Am.

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