
Seven Spirits Douluo

Fallen monarch of Western Empire, exiled and assassins sent for his head. But they didn't need to he was already dead with a spear through his throat. Sealing himself inside a cocoon he aims to reincarnate himself. Through this, he ends up in a land without battle chi or magic. The only things here are Spirit Beasts and Spirit Masters. ------------------------------------------------------ First time writing so there should be mistakes, please provide criticism so I can aim to fix it. ------------------------------------------------------- Temporary hiatus for me to adjust my sleep schedule. ------------------------------------------------------- I do not own anything except the main character in this fan fiction.

Josephmemes · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 3 Lies

Hmh, that feeling? It's a warm sensation, oh it's getting hotter. It's getting even hotter. Oh it's too hot. Too hot! Shut down the spell.

That was really painful what was I thinking setting that as my alarm. I should put it on ice next time I sleep. Which hopefully is never.

But this spell was set to start when my sister was done forming. This means it's been about three months since I've reincarnated.

Hopefully my mistakes hasn't manifested itself yet. That be a darn shame.

My manifestation should have awakened and started gathering resources. Hopefully this world's inhabitants is less cut throat then mine otherwise I'm screwed.

I won't have the time to fix it if it's dead. Worse still.

I can't even easily replace him as being a baby people wouldn't really notice anything too weird. This is in that category and if I'm older then that I would be immediately labeled a danger to society if I'm ever found out.

Being labeled anywhere in same category as a pedophile is not something anyone would want there reputation near.

I doubt villainous people in this world is tolerated as much as my previous world. If they are, I'm very concerned with the state of things. That's way too unstable for my liking, might even just off myself again just to avoid it.

I may off myself if that happened.

But the grieving that would bring my family, no they are currently strangers to me why would I care for them, family I let into my heart either all betrayed me or are dead. Or left.

Ah, that warmth, I must be being birthed. I feel suction, I feel more suction. I, gah! My eyes! Should have prepared better. Sniffling he takes a deep breath, and breathes out. Slowly he opens up his eyes. Their a deep blue, not the same color as the deep sea, but beautiful none the less.

He is picked up by a mid-wife, then moving over placing him down in a crib nearby, speaking nothing to woman birthing him she goes back to position, "Yun Er, push further there is another baby there." An golden haired man spoke with care, though undermined by how much guilt that lies there.

The guilt felt by everyone in the resplendent room, adorned with various items for small children and babies. His influence gave him his guilt, too influential without enough agency that let him make it up to the one he loves. His eyes, dark blue and cloudy, a representation of what he experienced.

Him wearing multiple badges on a black suit emblazoned with his family's insignia awarded by his superiors almost representative of that influence.

His wife stands next him, wearing a white dress with golden frills set up into a beautiful pattern of a golden net. Her outfit stylized to emphasize her beauty. Her hair is blonde like her husband but unlike her husband her eyes are light blue and filled with undiluted rage towards the woman across from her.

The woman being looked at is taking deep breathes, breathing in, breathing out. Slowly but surely pulling a adorable boy, with light blue hair and dark blue eyes out. Then when she when she is about to move away to put him in a separate crib, he starts crying.

The mother's breathing stops being labored slowly but when it's close to stopping she speaks out, "Miss can you hand her me, he seems hungry." She stops, looking to the golden man he nods, she turns around and nods back.

Handing him over, she starts breast feeding the small child. They didn't want to be near the other child, his aura screamed unfriendly, but they didn't think much of it. After all no child should have aura of someone dangerous except on coincidence. Right?

But instead, the father steps up looking at the child, he smiles him. Although forced he smiles back, they stay like this for awhile, no one making a sound waiting for what comes from this.

The father is the first to break sight, "Hmm, seeing the children has been birthed I shall leave you to being a mother now." Moving away so quickly no one notices his sweat marks on his wardrobe and his forehead.

His wife leaving soon after him, but before staring at the mother with anger once more.

The child smiles further, but unlike the last time it seems genuine. His aura is then restrained, the mother then stops feeding her child buts starts again after the child in her hand starts showing signs of crying.

"Miss, can you hand my other child?" Though posed as question but it is filled with an hardness only a mother can show. No ones shows movement, everyone is afraid from that child's blatant threat towards the boy's father

Though they don't know why or how. But the duke was afraid of him.

But one of the older ones moves to the child and picks him up, bringing him to his mother. Realizing they have to do it eventually. The mother smiles, taking him from her grasp. Holding him and then moving him around to be in a more comfortable position.

Starts trying to breastfeed him, he deadpans at her not allowing this happen, she tries again. He doesn't allow it again.

This repeats for hours until the unruly baby finally accepts his defeat, and allows himself to be breastfed.

That really was a wasted effort, why was my mother so insistent, it may be really weird but that's for her in the future, but I thinking back to before I put myself to sleep. I was thinking about my family both this life and my past one.

The ones that died, by my hands or the hands of my enemies. Some family aren't the ones I should let into my heart. The others are, such as James, you really were too good for that sinful world. And Sylvie which I regret my treatment of you when I was a child.

But it seems like my father is in a predicament. He should be in love with my mother but for undetermined reasons is not actually her. Probably because of political intrigue.

Although the hate directed at my mother may be deserved depending how much involvement she had between her and my father.

You don't get that much hate without murdering a loved one, so my guess is probably more political intrigue on my dad's wife's part, but this time masked under a marriage for power, but in actuality it's probably for love.

My father is probably not aware of this so he only feels like a gigantic douche and not on anywhere near my second father's level.

Instead of feeling like he cheated on a loving wife and impregnated his childhood friend without a way to truly provide for her. He only feels like he impregnated his childhood friend without a way to truly provide for her and he cheated on a distant wife.

Though not much better, it's probably what he would be telling himself when he goes to sleep.

But that aside, everyone's looks are really good, not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but really pretty. From the midwives and my current family. They look all very pretty, what is this a story?

But all of that is eclipsed by my adorable little brother, even if I though he was my little sister originally. I mean I never had a little brother even though I had one little sister.

With blue hair, blues eyes, crying like the little baby is. He's so adorable. I don't even care how much trouble is going to come my way. Anyone that tries to harm my little brother is going to die.

Heck that extends to my mother too seeing how much affection she showers him.

Nothing will stop this either, gods, transcendents, no one is harming him. Not my family, not my friends, they'd be too mesmerized by how cute he is. Not my enemies because their smart enough to know my subtle threats.

And most definitely not me because I'd kill myself before I'd allow that to happen.

That means anyone that tries anything with him is going to get everything they loved destroyed. Take a deep breath, calm down. Alexander your better then this. This is not great. Having a family to care for is not good.

It brings down the efficiency with sentiments and morality because of those darn big adorable eyes, but the main point is that look in those eyes. It's undeniably filled with hope. Those are eyes of blessed men.

It would interrupt some many of my plans that I don't want to. But I have to he is way too cute. I can't not hug him. That is like taking away my lifeblood, there is no way I will let any harm come to him. Important things needs to be repeated. Such as how cute my brother is.

But truly, I was lied to, if he was my little sister, he would been so cute. I would give up all my mana for his smile. Mana is only power, that smile needs to be preserved for eternity. Shame, he's not my little sister but rather my little brother.

He could be someone that won't hate me for my decision, though their verbal assault on me is very much deserved. I did things they would do but better. The family favorites, being the heir never was easy.

Being a mage was easy, the arcane was easy but politics was just not my drink. Magic is were my talent lies, Verdonna or Charles would have been better rulers. James would had been the best emperor, were we support his every action because of how much he needs to be protected.

But I'm just a tiny and minuscule bit skewed on that view.

Going to the duke's room we can see him sitting down breathing intensely, scowling. Him thinking to himself, 'That child, how that pressure exerted by him was greater then my father. And he was a damned Titled Douluo. Not ever in my life has I felt so, so, so helpless and instead of The Mighty White Tiger I know my spirit to be. I felt like a weak kitten waiting for it's slaughter.'

'That boy can't be something natural, he must have had mutation. But how ever unlikely he may just have been that blessed. If so our family has bright future.' Taking his twentieth deep breath, he smiles and takes off to the bathes.

With the excuse of coming back from travel and thus weary, so he's going to sleep.

But outside of this, we come to a dark dwelling, though lavish and rich it feels dark and bloody, here lies Ye Xi Shui, The Death God Douluo she is thinking over the message she had just received.

She may have old wrinkles and an aged appearance. It can be perceived when she was in her youth to be beautiful. Her hair is light purple, her hairstyle smooth. Wearing a distinctly royal garb mulling over something.

Earlier this week she had heard a messenger of the Star Luo Empire, loyal to The Holy Ghost Church of course sent recalling the general and dukes of The Empire. There are multiple problems. The most important of all was the message, "Holy God walks among men, Ghostly child born."

This can't be, there were no prophecy for this. And if there were, it wouldn't be an reincarnate. He couldn't be one of the vessels of The Holy God. And on the off chance he is, he wouldn't be born or child. I need go consult some of those better versed in the text.

But for now, he stays under under The Star Luo Empire house so we can keep our spies on him and if found out, we can let The Sun Moon Empire take the hit.

I understand I said read the webnovel and not the manhua, but blue, otherwise everyone would black hair because how genetic works. (I don't know what I'm talking about.)

Also I don't know how the death god works since I got thoroughly bored by that arc so, wiki.

Now blue hair should dominant with red hair as precendence. Eyes is a window to the soul, look for their desciptions.

In stories I'd keep my eyes peeled for them.

Such as bright eyes symbolizing hope.

Also I like the love triangel, because I interphret a good love triangle in different way. Love with a tri-angle of main views. Lovee and the two lovers.

Josephmemescreators' thoughts