
Finding the truth

"I'm a princess!?" Alex gasped.

"I could've figured that out" Anna teased.

"What does it all mean? What are districts?" Rose asked.

"Districts are other towns within our land" Emmy explained.

"How do you know?" Violet asked.

"Father had geography books, I looked through them" Emmy explained.

"So, what do we do now?" Came Gracie's small voice. Her question brought them all to silence. No one knew the answer. They had lived in that house with mother and father for as long as any of them could remember. This was home. This house. They were sisters, they belonged together. But what about their real homes?

"We go home" Evie said.

"This is home" Gracie's small voice seemed to be getting smaller.

"Of course, it isn't! We were stolen from our parents! From our lives!" Alex shouted.

"Of course, you would think that you're a princess!" Anna shouted back.