
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter 19: Momentarily Pause

The dining room of the opulent palace provided a serene backdrop as we gathered around the table, engaging in a peaceful meal that also served as a platform for discussing the pivotal book. This particular tome held a profound significance for us, its contents carrying the potential to unravel mysteries and forge connections that extended beyond the boundaries of the game we found ourselves entangled in.

Eysus, one of our companions, spoke up about the book's whereabouts, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "Oh, you mean the book that—yeah. It was hidden in the library room. We didn't know where we put it, but it is somewhere there." His words were met with expressions of gratitude, our shared objective acting as a uniting force that bridged our diverse backgrounds and experiences.

As we enjoyed the flavorsome dishes laid out before us, conversation flowed freely, blending the joy of satiating our appetites with the gravity of the task that lay ahead. The camaraderie we had begun to cultivate grew stronger, the bonds of friendship forming in the crucible of our shared mission.

Savoring each bite, I couldn't help but reflect on the peculiarities of the game that had thrust us together. "That's so delicious," I mused aloud, a grin playing at the corners of my lips. I never thought that this game seems to be really taking care of me, us. I mean, three meals a day? It's a luxury compared to my usual routine of surviving on coffee and a quick bite on the side. Or maybe it was only at my side.

A chorus of chuckles greeted my comment, an acknowledgment of the irony that had become a part of our daily lives. Time itself seemed to warp within this enigmatic realm, blurring the distinctions between day and night, normal and surreal.

After indulging in the sumptuous meal, our attention returned to the book that held the potential to be a key to our understanding. With a shared determination, we discussed our strategy for locating it within the vast expanse of the palace's library. The golden line adorning the book's cover served as our guiding star, a unique identifier amid the sea of volumes that lined the shelves.

Armed with purpose, we embarked on our quest within the grand library, our footsteps echoing softly in the hallowed halls. The sheer magnitude of the collection was both awe-inspiring and daunting, a labyrinth of knowledge that held the promise of the elusive book. To streamline our efforts, we divided the library into sections, each of us taking charge of a designated area. In a twist of irony, I found myself assigned to the fantasy region, a choice that elicited both amusement and determination.

Hours turned into a blur as we scoured the shelves, occasionally breaking for sustenance and brief respites. The lingering effects of the earlier encounter weighed on my mind, a persistent reminder of the challenges we had faced. As fatigue began to set in, I conceded that my mind and body needed a break.

With a wearied sigh, I announced my intention to retire for the night, bidding my companions farewell and making my way back to our shared accommodations. The door closed behind me, enveloping me in the familiar cocoon of the room. Yet, a chill seemed to permeate the air, a sensation that raised the hair on the back of my neck.

Before I could react, a voice pierced the silence, its tone a mixture of apology and regret. "Hey, I'm sorry about last night." The words hung in the air, a bridge between two encounters that had left me bewildered and intrigued.

Torn between my instinct to maintain a sense of detachment and an unanticipated yearning for understanding, I turned to face him. His enigmatic smile drew me in, his presence both unsettling and captivating as he closed the distance between us.

His words held an unexpected depth, his typically cold demeanor replaced by a warmth that resonated with me on a profound level. "You've changed," he began, his voice carrying a note of introspection. "Changed for the better. Perhaps this game isn't solely about finding the killer, but also about discovering yourself."

His perspective sparked a challenging curiosity within me. "How do you know?" I retorted, my arms crossing defensively over my chest. The shift in his demeanor left me conflicted, torn between skepticism and an unspoken yearning to unearth the layers that shrouded his true intentions.

With a gentle touch, he lifted my chin, prompting me to meet his gaze. Our eyes locked, and in that shared moment, time seemed to stand still. My breath caught as I noticed the absence of his eye patch, revealing a scar that marred his otherwise composed features.

Startled by the unexpected revelation, my fingers brushed against the scar, an impulsive gesture that betrayed my astonishment. "Damn, you look like a badass," I blurted out, my cheeks flushing as the words spilled forth without restraint.

His genuine laughter resonated, his touch leaving a tantalizing shiver in its wake as he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. The eye patch returned, concealing the scar and restoring his enigmatic veneer.

"Your honesty is refreshing," he acknowledged, a note of appreciation in his voice. "Sometimes, the truth can be quite liberating, don't you think?"

Nodding in agreement, I grappled with the complexity of our exchange. The master, once a figure shrouded in intimidation, had revealed a vulnerability that mirrored my own. As he turned to leave, a lingering connection hung in the air, an intangible thread that beckoned me to explore the uncharted territories of his character.

A torrent of emotions surged within me as I called out to him, my voice carrying a mix of urgency and vulnerability. "Wait! I'm sorry-" I implored, my heart racing with a desire to bridge the gap that had formed between us. The unresolved tension hung in the air like a palpable force, compelling me to address it head-on. My admission spilled forth, my words a confession of regret and a plea for understanding. I lowered my gaze, my fingers nervously playing with one another, betraying the turmoil that churned within me.

In that moment, it became undeniable—I didn't want him to leave. His absence had left a void that I hadn't anticipated, a yearning for his presence that defied logic and reason. It wasn't about possessing any rights or claiming ownership; it was about a connection that had grown unexpectedly profound. I longed for his company, his enigmatic allure, and the unique way he made me feel whenever he was near. It was a sentiment I wanted to cherish, to explore, even though I knew the potential risks of allowing these emotions to flourish.

His teleportation brought him before me, his unwavering gaze capturing mine. His words sliced through the air, a reassurance that resonated within the depths of my being. "You did nothing wrong," he affirmed, his eyes a steady anchor in the storm of emotions that swirled between us. His smile, a fleeting attempt to lighten the weight of our exchange, offered a glimpse into the layers that composed his enigmatic persona.

As the tension loosened its grip, a playful banter unfurled between us, a brief reprieve from the weighty emotions that had bound us. In a surge of spontaneity, I leaned in, rising onto my tiptoes, and brushed my lips against his cheek—a daring act that sent a jolt of excitement through me. The blush that tinged my cheeks mirrored the rush of feelings that surged within, a mingling of exhilaration and uncertainty.

To my astonishment, his expression transformed, his smile genuine and luminous. My arms wrapped around him, a gesture of gratitude and sincerity that transcended words. In that heartfelt embrace, the currents of our connection flowed freely, an unspoken understanding that transcended the barriers of the game we were entwined in.

Sensing a hesitation within him, a subtle restraint that held him back from reciprocating the embrace, I released him. His sigh held a mixture of emotions, and he offered a warm smile before turning away, his steps carrying him toward the window. Watching him retreat, I couldn't help but marvel at the enigma he embodied—an intricate puzzle that continued to draw me in with each enigmatic piece.

As the ambient glow of the room enveloped me, I settled onto my bed, replaying the events of the day like a mesmerizing tapestry. The complexity of the game, the revelations that had unfolded, and the intricate dance of emotions painted a narrative that was both captivating and unpredictable.

Yet, even as I allowed myself to surrender to the soothing pull of sleep, a voice of caution whispered in the recesses of my mind. The allure of the mystery, the magnetic pull of the master's enigmatic presence—it was all too easy to become ensnared, to overanalyze every fleeting gesture and utterance. It is a battle between the heart and the mind. As my consciousness yielded to slumber, the mysteries of the game and the captivating enigma of the master continued to linger on the edges of my thoughts, a tantalizing riddle that remained unsolved.