
Seven Coloured Melody

"There is no longer anything left for me in this world.." THIS BOOK IS NO LONGER PARTICIPATING IN WSA 2022 Ibuki Sumire age sixteen suffers from severe depression. Just when she was starting to find hope and live her life, she is betrayed once again. She is starting to lose all faith in the world, and fall into despair but there is one person that hasn't given up on her. Tsueno Mamoru is determined to reverse the situation. However,  how do you live a normal life when mysterious cases leading to the death of people close by to you happen? In order to live a normal life, the two get dragged into the deaths and supernatural cases of the underworld society.  The more they investigate, the more the pieces fall into place they both realize it is impossible for them to reach their happiness without sacrifices.

XOMatsumaeohana · Urban
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239 Chs

I have somebody I like

"Excuse me." Toh scooped her up and quickly shut the door.

The girl was acting stubbornly and trying to break free, but he didn't have it. He hurriedly went up the stairs and saw one of the rooms on the right open. That should be her room. Indeed, the moment he stepped inside, he knew it belonged to her right away.

Toh placed her on the bed. He should find her something to eat, and then she can swallow the medicine. Toh proceeded to leave the room when he felt her weakly tug on his clothes.

So, she wants him to stay? Toh quickly turned to her and grabbed hold of her hand. "You know I was debating about whether or not I wanted to see you too."

The lord's mission came at the right time, so he was away from town for a week. But even during the mission, all he had on his mind was this girl. It's strange; it's not like they conversed about anything special.

Or rather, half the time, the girl was behaving so cautiously. It was normal behavior, though. It was the first time for him to taken a random girl home. In a situation like that, he ought to have sent her to a hospital in a cab. But, considering how she sustained those wounds. He figured that she didn't want people to know.

Toh sighed. Now that he is thinking it through, that behavior was unusual even for him.

"I heard this story from a friend. But his sister was sixteen when she got pregnant. The guy who did it was a serious office employee, he was a kind man, but they made a mistake." Toh trailed off. "By the way, you're sixteen too."

"You found out?"

"Yes, you're really careless. Even if you're lonely, you shouldn't have slept with me. It'll make your parents in heaven cry; you know that?"

"I'm sorry about that day."

Toh shook his head. He didn't think they would be talking about it like this.

"It goes against my morals. Did you know that?"

"When I read your profile, I figured, ah, what a nice guy."

"That you can take advantage of?"


Such confidence and bravery. Is it because she is a member of the underworld? But, the other female members of the underworld he has seen before do not behave like this. Why is this woman so different?

This is the first time he is struggling to figure somebody out. As a professional psychologist, he thought he had already learned people's behavior patterns well. But maybe there is still more to learn.

No, for now, she is interesting. The situation could still change; she could end up the same as all those other people.

Toh caressed her hair. "I learned some stuff about you. You're a trainee at star records?"

"Mm, my guardian is the president."

'The president, huh? I figured it was like that. On the way, I thought I had to pay her current guardian a visit.'

"Do you mind arranging a meeting?"


"I want to take responsibility for what happened."

She seemed startled at his words. Seeing her confused face made him chuckle. "Why are you so surprised? You already learned that I am not an immoral man."

"Oh, sorry. This situation, I don't know-"

Toh squeezed her hands. "Well, I understand that too. That's why originally I wasn't going to see you again. But when I saw you at my university earlier, something inside me said, 'I want to protect this girl.' It's really unlike me to behave this way. But I want to take a chance."

"So that means you're interested in me?"

"I'm not sure if this interest is romantic or not. For now, I was thinking we could get to know each other before deciding." Toh trailed off. "You don't have a boyfriend, do you?"

'Anymore, it seems.' Despite her butchered story the other day, it seems like she had just gone through a bad breakup.

"I have somebody I like."

'Did I make a mistake?' For a moment, he is worried when he sees the expression on her face. No, she slept with him because she was lonely and hurt due to what her ex did.

"Is that your ex-boyfriend?"

"No, it's somebody else." Sumire trailed off. "You see, my ex-boyfriend, I only dated him because I was lonely."

So she is the type of woman who would use somebody? She doesn't seem to be that type. She is too strange; he needs to observe her more.

"The guy I liked had to go to Tokyo for his career."

"Didn't he offer to take you with him? Or was it a one-sided love?"

"He confessed to me, and I'm sure he was going to ask me to go with him. But I turned him down."

Toh saw that she was struggling to keep calm, and after a few seconds, he heard sobbing.

"I regret it so much. When he confessed I was so happy, I wanted to immediately say yes. But I heard rumors about him leaving for Tokyo. When I recalled those, I decided that it would be better to decline. Even if I went with him, my identity would only be his girlfriend. It would be bad for his career if the media also learned he was living with a woman. I considered so many scenarios and factors, and I concluded I would just be a burden to him."

"What kind of career?"

"He is a singer."

Toh sighed deeply when he heard those words. The entertainment industry is truly a complicated place.

He understands her way of thinking; having those thoughts is normal. But aren't women normally selfish? They would normally prioritize their own feelings.

So she rejected the guy she loved, and he must have gone off to Tokyo. She met a random guy and dated him to ease her loneliness. It's a typical story; he has heard similar situations from other women. But those women would normally choose to go with the guy or selfishly ask them to stay and not go.

She is only sixteen, a young girl. For her to make a decision as large as this one probably wasn't easy. So, the reason she cried when they did it. It had nothing to do with the ex; it must be about the guy she loved.

Her love story is average, and like any other lonely woman, she slept with the first man she saw after she could no longer contain her emotions.

Normally he would not bother with women like this, and yet for some reason, he cannot leave her be.