
The Bean Already Spilled

I need to full concentration on my work now. I post my chap in early. Just in case if I forget to post it like several days ago.


As Jaffar's permanent crew was only Hina, Sengoku assigned several men for his temporarily subordinate. After he met Jaffar, he instantly knew that Jaffar was unrestrained man like Garp who only believe his justice, not World Government or Marine. He would eventually searched his own crew like pirate. Sengoku didn't prevent it as long as Jaffar could bring good result without tarnishing Marine honor.

On the harbor, a new marine ship docked. Jaffar with his normal and formal captain uniform looked his newly ship. The ship in front of him was a Caravel. Jaffar didn't want a huge ship as he felt that taking care of huge ship really troublesome.

Not long after Hina and another unknowns members of his team appeared.

"Everybody, attention!"

"Half right, dress!"

"Eyes front!"

"At ease!"

Jaffar started to inspect his newly team. He felt ease after saw them could perform basic commands. At least Sengoku didn't prank him this time.

Jaffar started his speech. "Everybody, my name is Jaffar Anderson. You can call me Captain Jaffar. Our duty is protect citizens from bad pirates, bandits, and bad marine. Fleet Admiral had given me task to take care of Conomi Island. Any questions?"

"Excuse me, sir!" One of his members lifted his hand.

"Go ahead." Jaffar nodded.

"Can you describe about bad marine?" he asked.

"Good. Bad marine is marine that doesn't follow marine code of conduct. For example corrupt officials." Jaffar said without hesitation.

"Is there any corrupt official?"

"Any? Haha, very many, comrade!" Jaffar said with unrestrained laugh. There was a hint of mockery on his laugh.

Everyone including Hina felt uncomfortable by his laugh. Hina felt disdain on his speech. Was Jaffar despise the marine?

No one in mood to ask questions again. They just silent and waiting to be dismissed by Jaffar. Jaffar smiled silently and then dismissed the team except Hina.

"Hina, if you want to speak, just speak." He said gently to Hina after chase out other crew.

"Are you sure about bad marine? Hina curious." Hina asked hesitantly.

"Hm? Of course! When we arrived at Conomi Island, you will meet a marine captain that got bribed by pirate. It was normal." Jaffar said with exaggerated manner.

"How does captain know?" Hina asked with surprised expression.

"I calculate with my hand." Jaffar said his trademark.

"Captain, can you be serious? Or Hina will be angry!" Hina glared at Jaffar. Next, in an instant, Hina shocked by her own emotion.

"Haha, Hina you're really cute." Jaffar caressed her smooth blond hair.

Hina dazed by his smile and let him caressed her hair. She felt something comfortable inside her heart, but Hina not sure what it was. Suddenly Jaffar pinned her on the wall and kissed her cherry lips. Hina brought back from the comfortable feeling and felt unknown. Her heart beat madly. She wanted to struggle yet Jaffar's strength was obviously stronger than her. She was forced to enjoy the feeling.

After Jaffar sensed that Hina almost couldn't breathe, he let her cherry lips off. He smiled lovingly and touched her reddened cheeks. Hina slowly grabbed his hand and allowed it stay caressing her cheeks.

"Hina confused. Hina heart beats madly. Is Hina's heart suffered from illness?"

"Maybe you feel excited." Jaffar said shamelessly.

"It's captain fault to make Hina like this. Yet Hina don't hate captain." Hina said with reddened face, yet her expression as straight as usual.


No member knew about Jaffar and Hina's affair. Hina still oblivious with her feeling and Jaffar loved to tease her.

Three days had passed and the command already sealed. Now was the the time he embarked to Conomi Island. He docked his ship on Shabodi Archipelago and went to meet Shakky and Raylight. At least they were two among few of his acquittance.

Jaffar let lose his team and only brought Hina to to Rip Off Bar.

"A bar?" Hina asked.

"Hm, the owner is my acquittance." Jaffar nodded.

Jaffar opened the door and shouted. "Shakky, a can of beer!"

"Ara, Jaffar the Great. Welcome." Shakky said teasingly.

"Huh? How? Fuck you Old Geezer!!" Jaffar instantly knew who make fun of him.

"Haha, Garp know you will visit my bar again. That's why he especially give me special information about your deed in Sengoku place."

Not long after, an old man with glass entered the bar.

"Oh, enigma boy. Wanna drink with me?"

"Nah, I decline this time. I afraid to force my beloved Hina after I get drunk. And please not call me Enigma Boy." Jaffar said bluntly.

Hina didn't know how to respond and only lowered her head. As for Shakky and Raylight, they just smiled as they already knew Jaffar's deed from Garp. He even dare to piss him and Garp, just a little dirty joke was nothing.

"Enigma Boy, Garp said that you will head to Conomi Island? Why there?" Raylight asked suddenly.

"Nah, there is one super talented navigator on Conomi Island. I want her to be my navigator. Of course the real reason is I am really pissed by Fishman antic there. They flaunt their dominance there yet they bribed marine to cover their deed. They even deceiving a little girl to be thief to buy her village off from that pirate." Jaffar said with fake angry face.

"The real reason is the little girl, right?" Shakky immediately said with mischievous smile.

Jaffar chocked and almost spill the beer. He looked Hina straight face without any fluctuation expression, he felt relieved. Yet he saw her small hand clenching. He instantly knew that he was doomed.

"Shakky, I only want to help the villager. And her talent really godly. If she train enough, she can predict Paradise and New World climate accurately. Amazing, right?"

Shakky and Raylight light surprised by Jaffar remark. They were very experienced about Grand Line. The most unpredictable factor was not enemies but weather. The climate could suddenly change without any reason. And Jaffar said that the talent could predict it?

"Don't look at me like that. My past life job is scouting talents. Just finding her was a piece of cake for me." Jaffar said proudly.

Yet someone asked unexpected thing.

"Is she pretty?"

"Of course, she really beautiful. Especially her boobs..." Jaffar turned his head and saw Hina deadpan face. "Oh crab!"