
Set Fire to Rain

In the shadow of tragedy, Meredith's world crumbled like a fragile sandcastle, swept away by the merciless waves of fate. With her mother's demise echoing in her soul, a sinister revelation emerged – her father had gambled away their fortune, leaving behind a staggering debt that clawed at the edges of her existence. As if scripted by the cruel hand of destiny, Meredith's father fled, abandoning her to face the financial tempest alone. The burden of survival rested heavily on her young shoulders, and the weight threatened to shatter her resolve. But amid the debris of despair, an unexpected lifeline emerged, weaving an enigmatic twist into the narrative of her upheaval. Paris, the city of love and lights, became the backdrop for Meredith's metamorphosis. Yet, the glamour of the French capital remained elusive as her modest budget clashed with the city's extravagant reality. Shelter, a basic human need, became a luxury she could ill afford. Then, like a subtle melody in the cacophony of her turmoil, Matthew entered the stage. A peculiar proposition danced in the air – he offered her a room in his apartment. However, fate, in its mischievous playfulness, cast Matthew as a central figure in a drama laced with bitterness. Matthew, the ex-flame of her closest confidante Maria, was the embodiment of a past Meredith despised. The lingering embers of their tumultuous history sparked a tension that crackled beneath the surface. Would Meredith swallow her pride, her disdain for Maria's ex-lover, and accept the refuge offered by this unexpected ally? Or, would she face the unforgiving streets of Paris, choosing solitude over the discomfort of cohabiting with her nemesis? As Meredith contemplates this paradoxical predicament, a curious metaphor unfolds – fire and water forced into a reluctant alliance within the confines of a shared space. The sparks of their clashing personalities promise a spectacle, a sizzling fusion of passion and cool detachment. In the heart of Paris, where love and defiance dance hand in hand, Meredith and Matthew find themselves bound by circumstance, fanning the flames of an unlikely companionship. Yet, beneath the surface of this unconventional arrangement lies the question that lingers like an unspoken secret – can Meredith, the fiery protagonist scarred by her past, find solace and redemption in the proximity of her watery counterpart? The streets of Paris hold the answers, echoing with the footsteps of a young woman navigating the intricate alleys of loss, pride, and the unforeseen chemistry that ignites when opposites collide.

Marianne_2020 · Fantasy
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210 Chs

Team night out

"Hello," Meredith faked a smile looking away.

"Are you still angry about what happened yesterday?" Eddie asked walking close to her, he didn't get it, he was still doing the same thing that got Meredith angry.

"No I'm not," Meredith lied as he stood very close to her, Meredith stepped back creating a reasonable gap between them.

"It doesn't look like it," Eddie responded, he is one complex guy who doesn't give up easily.

"I'm not angry Eddie, I just don't like it when you are like this," Meredith mumbles looking at him.

"Like how?" he asked tactically.

"I don't want you making all those gestures to me because seriously it doesn't work on me," Meredith tried to explain as calmly as she could so he could understand.

"I get it, I'm just wondering who might have hurt you in the past for you to be like this," Eddie said walking closer to her again. He is a lost case nothing she says will make him understand or stop, people like him only understand violence.

Meredith felt uncomfortable just when she was about to give him a piece of her mind a lady from nowhere approached them and slapped her in the face.

"Ouch, what the hell!" Meredith groans holding her cheeks as she stares angrily at the lady.

"She's the reason why you broke our engagement? isn't it? what is so good about her? what does she have that I don't Eddie?" the lady pouts staring at Eddie as he runs his hands across his face. Meredith on the other hand sigh expecting Eddie to say something.

"She is the girl that cause Marisa to lose her contract and I can't believe he's the same girl you left me for her, this bitch who is only good at seducing men," Purple grunts.

Purple, Purple Nolan is the girl Eddie was supposed to get married to but he didn't show up at their engagement party. Even with that she still has high hopes of marrying Eddie.

"Purple would you stop," Eddie whispers.

"Seriously Eddie, I can't believe you will do this to me, you've not even tried to talk to me since you didn't show up at the engagement party. I was defending you in front of my parent but you are here cheating on me with other girls, this is the least I expected from you," Purple sobs.

"Purple just calm down," Eddie whimpered as Meredith stared at him angrily, she was being accused of something she knew nothing about and Eddie seemed to have no intention of clearing things up but instantly calming his insane fiancee down.

"What hurts the most is this same girl," she said turning to face angry Meredith, "I bet you climb into people's beds to get to where you are, but let me tell you my Eddie is out of your reach," she rumbles.

"Oh, I see Purple right? you must be a friend of my Marisa's. No wonder you two look exactly the same, You were cut from the same piece of cloth," Meredith said letting out a chuckle,

"I will tell you the same thing I told Marisa, I work really hard for what I have right now and I will not have any of you insult me," Meredith said rolling her eyes and stopping Purple from speaking, she wasn't done saying what she had to say to her.

"Shhh, I'm not done yet," Meredith said ticking her fingers in front of her, "it's not my fault he doesn't find you attractive enough to stay with you well that's your problem deal with it, don't go about crying and whining about someone taking your candy from you," Meredith said coolly as Purple's mouth drops open.

"And for the record, I'm absolutely not interested in him, he's not my kind of guy so rest assured this candy is all yours, it's up to you how you want to unwrap it and eat it or you could just admire from afar," Meredith chuckles with a smirk on her face as she walked away leaving Purple dumbfounded.

"What did you just say," Purple mumbles standing in Meredith's way.

"Oh shut up, I don't have time for your stupid drama, This is the reason why he's running away from you, no guy can stand annoying drama girls," Meredith shrugs,

"A piece of advice get a life!"

"Excuse me, I'm out of here, I don't have time for your drama," Meredith said pushing her out of her way with one hand.

"Are you going to watch her talk to me like that?" Purple complains to Eddie.

"Go home Purple and for god's sake stop disturbing me now, You know our engagement is cancelled you and I have nothing between us so stop making this such a big deal," Eddie said as he walked away from Purple.

Purple angrily throws her bag on the floor, She picks up her phone and calls Marisa.

Marisa was still locked up in her room crying her eyes out after she saw the news, A few media personnel called to interview her but she ignored all their call. When she heard Meredith's voice mail she angrily smashed her phone.

"Damn you Meredith this is far from over," she cursed angrily as she wipes her tears thinking of new ways to back at Meredith.

Marisa didn't expect Meredith will overcome the stone she threw at her but instead, she picked the stone to build an empire for herself.

Marisa pulls herself up to check the caller from her broken screen, she taps on the red button, "Where are you?" Purple asks angrily.

"What is it?" Marisa asked less interested.

"We need to meet," she demanded, "Not now Purple I'm not in the mood," Marisa replied wrapping her hands around herself on the couch she had been lying on since morning.

"Of course with this nightmare and your contract being cancelled at de la Victoria who will be in the mood? but I ran into that Meredith girl. Could you believe she's coming after Eddie? I hate her and I know you do too, so let's meet up and find a way to get rid of her, I really can't stand her," Purple mumbled over the phone.

"Alright fine I'm in my apartment, you can come over if you want to," Marisa replied.

"Great I'm coming over," she replied and then hung up the phone, She picked up her handbag on the floor and drove off.

Meredith joins the rest of the team at the other side of the car park,

"You guys were here?" Meredith pouts when she sees everyone in the car park.

"Yes, where were you? you said you were already at the car park," Gabby asked.

"Yes never mind I was at the lobby, okay shall we go?" Meredith asked.

"Yes, let go, you will be riding with me," Gabby informed as they both got into the car and drove off to the location, The rest of the team joined others who had cars.

Everyone gathered at the dinner table, where there were plenty of food and drink options available. To Meredith's surprise, Eddie and Matthew also showed up. However, Matthew seemed distant the entire time and refrained from drinking, which was unusual given how drunk everyone else was. Meredith, who has a zero-tolerance policy for alcohol, also abstained from drinking.

It appeared that Matthew's altercation with his father and arguments with Meredith the previous night were weighing heavily on his mind. Mark, who was barely able to stand, suggested playing a game, prompting Gabby to inquire about the type of game. "What game?"

Is Meredith in trouble this time too? let me know what you think at the comment session. Thank you.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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