
Set Fire to Rain

In the shadow of tragedy, Meredith's world crumbled like a fragile sandcastle, swept away by the merciless waves of fate. With her mother's demise echoing in her soul, a sinister revelation emerged – her father had gambled away their fortune, leaving behind a staggering debt that clawed at the edges of her existence. As if scripted by the cruel hand of destiny, Meredith's father fled, abandoning her to face the financial tempest alone. The burden of survival rested heavily on her young shoulders, and the weight threatened to shatter her resolve. But amid the debris of despair, an unexpected lifeline emerged, weaving an enigmatic twist into the narrative of her upheaval. Paris, the city of love and lights, became the backdrop for Meredith's metamorphosis. Yet, the glamour of the French capital remained elusive as her modest budget clashed with the city's extravagant reality. Shelter, a basic human need, became a luxury she could ill afford. Then, like a subtle melody in the cacophony of her turmoil, Matthew entered the stage. A peculiar proposition danced in the air – he offered her a room in his apartment. However, fate, in its mischievous playfulness, cast Matthew as a central figure in a drama laced with bitterness. Matthew, the ex-flame of her closest confidante Maria, was the embodiment of a past Meredith despised. The lingering embers of their tumultuous history sparked a tension that crackled beneath the surface. Would Meredith swallow her pride, her disdain for Maria's ex-lover, and accept the refuge offered by this unexpected ally? Or, would she face the unforgiving streets of Paris, choosing solitude over the discomfort of cohabiting with her nemesis? As Meredith contemplates this paradoxical predicament, a curious metaphor unfolds – fire and water forced into a reluctant alliance within the confines of a shared space. The sparks of their clashing personalities promise a spectacle, a sizzling fusion of passion and cool detachment. In the heart of Paris, where love and defiance dance hand in hand, Meredith and Matthew find themselves bound by circumstance, fanning the flames of an unlikely companionship. Yet, beneath the surface of this unconventional arrangement lies the question that lingers like an unspoken secret – can Meredith, the fiery protagonist scarred by her past, find solace and redemption in the proximity of her watery counterpart? The streets of Paris hold the answers, echoing with the footsteps of a young woman navigating the intricate alleys of loss, pride, and the unforeseen chemistry that ignites when opposites collide.

Marianne_2020 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
210 Chs

On the runway

"Goodness Meredith she's calling again?"

"Have she made up her mind?" Meredith said as Tatiana handed over the phone to her.

"Alright fine, I'm going to do anything you say, what do you want to tell me? what are your conditions? you win I can't put millions of people's work on the line. They have worked so hard for this and they don't deserve this. You have a problem with me right? release your anger on me instead and leave the team out of this. People really depend on this to survive, in case you don't know so please don't do this," Meredith pleaded out of desperation as tears piled up in her eyes, she struggled to hold them back.

Michael, Tatiana, and the rest of the team had tears dripping down their checks

"I don't want anything, I just want to see you ruined and that will be my biggest satisfaction," Marisa chuckled, still being unreasonable.

"Seriously you want me to beg you, go on my knees fine I'll do that but please we don't have time for all that, the show is about to start," Meredith shamefully pleads with Marisa again putting her pride aside as the whole team watch in silent.

"Well I'm sorry Meredith, I'm going to bed and I can't wait to see tomorrow's headlines, de le Victoria flop fashion collection show," she grins evilly.

"Really is that what you want?" Meredith asked she was surprised she wanted to that extent.

"Yes that is all I want, to see you ruined Meredith," Marisa said and hung up.

"For heaven's sake, what is wrong with this girl? She thinks everything is a joke," Meredith angrily said. "What are we going to do Marisa? the show has started and Eddie has been made to sing again to cover up for the delay," Michael frazzled.

"Hey, guys where is Marisa? Eddie can't hold up any longer," the MC for the show announced taping his wristwatch.

"Just a minute more, I know Frank please," Meredith hissed as she ordered for her hair to be fixed.

"You have 5 seconds," Meredith ordered. The makeup artist and the hairdresser hurriedly fix her hair and makeup. She didn't need much to be done to her she already looked perfect.

"What are you going to do Meredith? Don't tell me you are...." Michael sneered as his eyes widened in shock.

"What else since no one is willing to walk the runway, I'll do it myself," Meredith said looking at the team who had disapproval written all over their faces. Michael looked at Tatiana and hinted at her to stop Meredith.

Tatiana looked at Meredith, "Meredith but come on, please listen to me you really haven't done this before, it's not that simple," Tatiana and Michael have been in the industry for a long and they know what the outcome will be.

"We could talk to the management or something and skip the first part," Lucy and the rest look at Meredith disapprovingly.

"No way this is one of the main designs and we have worked so hard for this, It needs to be showcased if no one is going to, I don't care about the end result what I know is that this dress is going to be introduced to the public tonight with or without Marisa," Meredith angrily said.

The door is pushed open from outside, and Frank walks in, this is the second time he is signalled for the opening of the show.

"How much longer?" He chuckled.

"Give us 5 more seconds I will be right there," Meredith said as she quickly put herself in the dress with little makeup and hair loosened around her neck, she was looking like a goddess. She wasn't going out there to be Marisa fill in but Meredith.

"Meredith you don't want to do this," Michael said one last time trying to convince her not to make a fool out of herself. Meredith rolls her eyes and walks away from them. It wasn't the time to think of the what-ifs. She will have plenty of time to think of that later but right now she needs to do what needs to be done.

"Where is Marisa? what took you so long.." Gabby and Mark asked when they saw Meredith coming out dressed in Marisa's dress. Meredith arose from her dazed mind, deep down she was feeling nervous.

"Meredith, are you listening?" Nothing or no one was going to talk her out.

"Yes, it's a long story the stupid bitch decided to leave at the last minute, I need to do this," Meredith said as she takes a deep breath, she wears her confident smile and majestically walk out as the spotlight plunged on her, her face couldn't be seen from the start because of the light as she walks down the runway the crowd was disappointed because she wasn't Marisa.

The worse everybody predicted came true. The crowd went silent and they started looking away but that didn't bring Meredith down, she confidently walked down the runway with the most beautiful and charming smile ever.

She walks to the end of the runway and blows a kiss in the air. The DJ changes the slow background music to a piece of hip-hop music making the crowd draw their attention to Meredith.

She showcased a simply gorgeous and magnificent dance that blew the crowd away and her smile was captivating and alluring.

In a minute the crowd forgot they came to the show purposely to see Marisa walk the runway but instead they loved Meredith as they applauded cheerfully.

Gabby and Mark let out a relieved sigh when they realised the crowd had accepted Meredith, Michael, Tatiana, Lucy, and the rest of the team jumped in excitement.

Eddie was sitting in the front row, he was left speechless when he saw Meredith dressed beautifully and walking down the runway as a supermodel.

She was naturally born for this, it was her first time on stage but she loved it and the people loved her.

Matthew was among the photographers for the show.

He froze when he laid eyes on Meredith, "Oh my god she looks amazing," he whispered to himself before snapping out of his little imagination of undressing her with his eyes.

At backstage,

You could still hear the crowd making loud cheerfulness even though Meredith was long gone from the stage.

Meredith finally revealed her new creation as everybody in the room marvellous "Oh my god, I knew that this dress was going to make the headlines, believe me,"

"You were amazing back on stage," Michael whispered.

"Yes Meredith, you did great as if you are born for this," Tatiana giggled.

"Thank you, hurry up,"

"Thank God, you are the same size as Marisa otherwise we would have been in serious trouble," Tatiana whispered. Meredith was still nervous but she had no choice, Gabby and Mark were with them in the dressing room as they were blown away by the dress she made.

"This is the best dress ever," Gabby was astonished running her hand through the dress.