
Set Fire to Rain

In the shadow of tragedy, Meredith's world crumbled like a fragile sandcastle, swept away by the merciless waves of fate. With her mother's demise echoing in her soul, a sinister revelation emerged – her father had gambled away their fortune, leaving behind a staggering debt that clawed at the edges of her existence. As if scripted by the cruel hand of destiny, Meredith's father fled, abandoning her to face the financial tempest alone. The burden of survival rested heavily on her young shoulders, and the weight threatened to shatter her resolve. But amid the debris of despair, an unexpected lifeline emerged, weaving an enigmatic twist into the narrative of her upheaval. Paris, the city of love and lights, became the backdrop for Meredith's metamorphosis. Yet, the glamour of the French capital remained elusive as her modest budget clashed with the city's extravagant reality. Shelter, a basic human need, became a luxury she could ill afford. Then, like a subtle melody in the cacophony of her turmoil, Matthew entered the stage. A peculiar proposition danced in the air – he offered her a room in his apartment. However, fate, in its mischievous playfulness, cast Matthew as a central figure in a drama laced with bitterness. Matthew, the ex-flame of her closest confidante Maria, was the embodiment of a past Meredith despised. The lingering embers of their tumultuous history sparked a tension that crackled beneath the surface. Would Meredith swallow her pride, her disdain for Maria's ex-lover, and accept the refuge offered by this unexpected ally? Or, would she face the unforgiving streets of Paris, choosing solitude over the discomfort of cohabiting with her nemesis? As Meredith contemplates this paradoxical predicament, a curious metaphor unfolds – fire and water forced into a reluctant alliance within the confines of a shared space. The sparks of their clashing personalities promise a spectacle, a sizzling fusion of passion and cool detachment. In the heart of Paris, where love and defiance dance hand in hand, Meredith and Matthew find themselves bound by circumstance, fanning the flames of an unlikely companionship. Yet, beneath the surface of this unconventional arrangement lies the question that lingers like an unspoken secret – can Meredith, the fiery protagonist scarred by her past, find solace and redemption in the proximity of her watery counterpart? The streets of Paris hold the answers, echoing with the footsteps of a young woman navigating the intricate alleys of loss, pride, and the unforeseen chemistry that ignites when opposites collide.

Marianne_2020 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
210 Chs



All the staff in the design department lined up in front of the boss's office to congratulate her, she almost had a heart attack when they surprised her with whistles and balloons.

"Thank you guys, you gave me such a fright," Meredith whispers trying to breathe now.

"Don't forget our treat okay boss," Micheal mumbles.

"I won't, now All of you go back to work before I change my mind," Meredith teased as her lips curled up with a slight smile on her face.

"Yes, boss," they responded as they all left back to their post. Meredith spotted Matthew from the far end, When their gaze met, Matthew, moved his gaze as he turned his back, and left.

Meredith silted her lips to the side and ignored him, the heated argument they had this morning must have got him in a bad mood.

Meredith has been receiving congratulatory nods and hugs since she returned to the company this morning, she couldn't help but thank her team and most especially her mother for being an angel that protects her and brings good fortune her way.

"Thank you Mother for watching over me," she let out a soft murmur as she headed back to her office. Gabby was waiting for her in her office.

"I know you haven't checked the news yet," Gabby smiles.

"I really haven't gotten the time," Meredith said as Gabby showed her the front page of the newspaper and Air Host magazine, "Everyone is talking about you and in fact, no one even remembers Marisa," Gabby muttered as Meredith's eyes were fixed on the magazine, she still couldn't believe she is the one, the picture they used was incredibly beautiful that she couldn't recognize her own self.

"I sympathize with Marisa. I know she didn't like me, but it's sad that she lost a contract because of it," she says. She never wanted to take pleasure in someone else's misfortunes. Just because it hasn't happened to you yet doesn't mean it never will. Once you experience hitting rock bottom, you'll understand why you should never celebrate someone else's misfortune. It's a valuable lesson to learn.

"Don't feel bad for her. She deserved it. This is your chance to make a name for yourself in the industry. Enjoy your own moments. I'm happy for you. Well, I need to go back. If you need anything, as always, you know where to find me," Gabby said with a smile as she walked out of her office.

Meredith takes a second look at the newspaper with her on the front page again, she sets the newspaper on her desk and takes a deep breath.

"Boss, can I come in?" Micheal said as he entered without waiting for Meredith's response.

"You are already in," Meredith let out soft chuckles and smirked.

"Yeah right, take a look you are trending on social media everybody is talking about you," Michael giggled showing Meredith some of the comments people made.

"Great, now go back to work and I mean all of you," Meredith said stepping out of her office to meet the team, "According to the report from the sales department, the collections we made are all sold out and we need to make more so guys I'm counting on all of you,"

"Yes, boss," they all respond excitedly.

"I guess I need to work hard so I can party all night," Micheal let out a chuckle as he walked to his desk.

"My special treat is happening today guys, we are going to party all night," Meredith said happily to cheer the team up as they all cheered on excitedly.

Meredith goes back to her office to finish all the paperwork she had piled up on her desk. She raised her head to check the time and it was past 4:30 p.m. She let out a sigh when she was done with her work for the day.

She suddenly thought of Marisa and decided to give her a call, she didn't know what to tell her but her heart started to beat faster as the phone rang.

<You have reached the voice mail of Marisa Fernald, I'm busy right now you can leave a after tone and I will decide if want to call back, byee<< p>

Marisa didn't answer her phone, "Hey it's Meredith...I just wanted to know how you are doing and if you need someone to talk to, I know I'm not your friend but I'm not an enemy either so just take care," Meredith left Marisa a message she stared at the phone for a while.

Showing kindness, even to those we consider enemies, can speak volumes about our character. It's easy to forget to be kind, especially when we've been hurt. However, it's important to put ourselves in their shoes and ask how we would want to be treated. After all, we all make mistakes and nobody is perfect. Therefore, it's crucial to learn to forgive and accept people for who they are.

Meredith starts packing her things to leave. When she came out almost everyone was gone.

Meredith arrives in the lobby after a call from Gabby waiting for the rest of the team to come to join her, Gabby, Mark, and Jim are joining the team to go have dinner but she isn't sure if Matthew and Eddie will come too, she hopes they don't.

"Speaking of the devil here he comes," Meredith let out a soft chuckle and stared at her wristwatch wondering why everyone else was taking forever to come down, they left the office before her.

"Hi," he said.

"Hello," Meredith fakes a smile.