
Serving The Vampire Duchess With A Butler System

In a medieval world filled with war and magic, a man is reincarnated as a butler for the Duchess of the Aetherius Empire after selling his memories to god. He quickly discovers he has a knack for it and enjoys his role. He also grows in strength the more he does things like cleaning, serving and disposing of people. As he travels through this magical and dangerous world of magical races and empires. He must use his skills and strength to navigate the political and dangerous intrigues and serve his master well.

Valancy · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Little Vampire

Elora POV

As I walk through the corridors with mother, she glares at me before sighing. I know what she is thinking, but there is just something that I have to do.

"Please mother, I don't normally ask for anything. Let me do it this once." I plead with her. "Can you explain to me what it is, then?" She asks as we make our way to the dining hall.

I thought for a while about our new and special butler. Is it his looks? No. Maybe his aura? I don't think so. "I really don't know, mother. But I know you should trust me with this." I confidently state as I stare into her blood red eyes. My own eyes gleaming with confidence.

I will finally be able to meet him up close. Should I be my usual domineering person, or should I take another approach? "Mother, what kind of approach do you think I should take?" I ask her, as she almost always knows the answer to my questions.

"Be your usual self. He is still our servant. If you want to follow up later, disguise yourself with your magic and meet him as a maid or something." She says as she gives a tired sigh. Clearly giving up arguing with me.

I like the Idea, I will treat him as the servant he is now, but later I will try to get closer to him. I want to know what is so special about him.

This is where my Magic Affinity comes in the best. Illusions can come in many forms. So I can perfectly disguise myself. Not even mother would know if she doesn't try.

Arken POV

Just as the door opens, I try my best to remain neutral, but it's very hard. The first woman who comes in is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, not that I have seen many. But I can guess that she is at the top of the empire.

Pitch Black hair and gleaming Red eyes, around 190 meters tall. But what catches my eyes and senses the most is the pure strength radiating off her. As fast as she entered the room, I readied my guard. This is nowhere close to what the man I killed had.

I use my insight skill on her, and her colors are almost completely blue, gray and a tiny tinge of red. Her eyes roam the room before they stop at me. Her Ruby like eyes staring into mine.

The muscles in my legs tighten, ready for battle. Something they have started doing when I sense danger. Even if I know I have no chance at all to go against her, I still get ready.

Her mouth draws a tiny smile as her eyes leave mine and she goes to the chair at the end of the exquisite table. Right after she sits down, my senses scream at me again. Not with the same type of danger, but with another type.

I glance over to the door again and in comes a smaller version of the duchess. Her face holds a playful smile as she stares at me. She smiles and I can see the two protruding fangs in her mouth.

Wait, so the little vampire was the heir. This is not good at all. How could she have even seen me before? I just have to do my job and stay alive. She walks over to me and stops right in my face.

Her ruby eyes stare into my emerald ones in silence. Soon the duchess saves me, probably not intentionally, but I'm thankful either way. "Elora! Get to your seat now!" She voices slowly but sternly as she flares her aura a tiny amount.

It feels like all the blood in my body goes cold. Just from a tiny bit of her magical aura, I feel she can kill me just as easily as breathing.

Elora turns her head at her mother and glares back at her before sighing and walking over to the seat next to the duchess. "Get us our food." She demands and the maids and I go out of the door where a cart of food stands.

It looks so delicious to the point where my mouth waters. "Why are you here? And you may not touch this food." The maid in front of me questions. She looks to be a normal human with blond hair, but from what I have come to know, she's probably not.

"I don't know. After cleaning the dining room, the door was locked or something, so I was stuck inside." I answered her as I picked up a couple of plates. I at least have to do the work that came to me.

She stared at me before shrugging and picking up a couple of plates of her own. "Make sure you don't screw anything up." She said before entering the dining hall again and I follow right after.

I walk over to place the plates on the table, but something warns me. I jump to the side using my instincts and martial arts. Still holding the plate in hand. I try to see what I just evaded, but can't see anything.

I quietly walk back over to the table, acting like nothing happened. The other maid looked at me almost horrified. I'm just gonna hope they don't point it out or something.

The duchess glances at me before she takes one of the plates the maid placed in front of her. I get ready to place the other plates in front of Lady Elora.

Just as I was lowering it, what met my eyes was not something I ever wanted to see. A vampire smirking at me as her eyes glowed a tiny bit red.

"Servant, feed me!" She declared, as she had her eyes locked with mine. I quickly glance over at the duchess, only to see her completely ignoring her daughter.

"Of course Lady Elora." I say as politely as possible. I pick up the knife and fork before cutting a nice piece stake, and putting some gravy on it.

She opens her mouth for me and I feed her the entire dish. The dinner was over in about half an hour as the duchess got up.

The duchess glared at her daughter before announcing. "We have duties to do Elora, they also have their own duties. Come here." Before walking over to Lady Elora and picking her up by the head and walking out.

Just as they were exiting the door, the little vampire opened her mouth as she stared at me. In her mouth was the ring I got as the only inheritance from my mother. It was always on my right thumb, under the silk glove.

I felt with my other hand, and it was gone. The vampire smirked at me before disappearing around the corner. Carried by the duchess.