

Lilly,why are you staying quiet? You said you will explain better to me,where’s your explanation and how are we going to kidnap Krishna, I’m scared she might not come”. I said when Lilly was getting too quiet. “You don’t need to know how I will capture her,I always have my ways and besides am using a stone to kill two birds at the same time” she said. I became speechless. “lilly are you foolish or you’re high? You shouldn’t have use this stuff to blackmail Royal, you should have let us follow the first plan. This plan you’re following will favor you,it might not favor my dad. You shouldn’t have use it to lure Royal. We ought to have capture krish first , my dad would have use her without Royal finding a trace,by then there will be no Krishna anymore,you won’t have challenge in this year dice queen,Royal will be forced to accept the last option which is you… but Lilly, you just spoilt everything. You’re pushing Krishna to Royal and you’re pushing Royal to be more sensitive… I stopped talking immediately Jingwen came with angel. I rolled my eyeballs. Am really really angry at Lilly’s idea. She looked at me,I looked away. “Look Mira, I still love Royal. Am changed.I changed for Royal, I want to stop ruining him, I want to stop lying for him, i want to stop pretending for him… I already deleted guys and men’s contacts from my phones, I also blocked my clients. Am dropping nude modeling also, I drop smoking- Royal doesn’t like dirt. I swear,the two of us will gain from this… And at the end,you will have krish, Royal will be mine. I’m scared of hurting Krishna in the straight way. Of course I want him to see me as a good person, it’s just so annoying he loves krish”. Lilly said. I.sighed, I still don’t know what to believe but I think Lilly is deceiving me…I left her side. my phone beeped….dad. dear… don’t seee me as a bad person, have found another goddess but she’s too young, she’s just seven. he sent. tch…..why can’t you kidnap her? you keep confusing my already confused life” I sent. You should understand me,am trying” he sent. what difference does it makes? what’s the difference between you and Lilly’s dad?? gosssssssssh thought you’re different” I sent. ummm *sighs* history and past life made me understand more about goddess stuffs,they are real and are humans like us too. with what I’ve gathered, Krishna is the most fortunate,her creator is blessed with an equality of wealth and plentiful of beauty. Every human is bound to look at her twice or more than ten times each time she pass.Most interesting part is that,if we get her,we won’t have to do sacrifice again….. her creator is thoroughly blessed. Her boyfriend and whosoever she likes will never lack..and if it’s romantic feelings,it’s forever.. Her past life and family horoscope is interesting” he sent. who’s the seven years old girl? I sent. *hmm* theila malik” he sent. This is really getting out of hand. when did my dad turn to this?…. krish must come to school oooo. [Bombay city,10:30pm] Jeffrey’s p.o.v I’ve never been this happy. Knowing fully well that my parents finally accepted Dora as my fiancée. And I thought my mom won’t give in because she once had an issue with Dora’s mom.. The issue was serious, it really affected our relationship.. Dora and I broke up many times vod of this same issues. Even after all,they finally accepted. concerning my dad, am good to go.. She’s now 23,am 24. We will get married once Dora gets her certificate. I’m ready to forgive her whatever mistake she is going to make, she won’t be a house wife,she will.always be a career lady, I don’t care any amount of money she’s going to make or the one she has made, her money is her money and mine is to make a remarkable home. I don’t even want much, just two kids.

ROA_070 · Fantasy
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41 Chs


Episode 6


"she is the one!! me and dira said together and pointed at each other.

Royal bashed his lashes together in confusion while Dora and I recompose each other. We felt like crying but we were able to compose ourselves so that Royal, won't suspect us.

"she is the one! Dora said.

"she is the one! I said back.

Royal widened his cute eyes and slap his forehead slightly.

"the two of you did well by giving me headache but I will find the owner of this voice one day" Royal said and play the song I sang on his phone.

I was visibly shaking from the inside.

"is my voice sooo loud that he was able to record it from a far place???

He paused the recording and gave me and Dora a,long last look before leaving.

immediately he left,I breathed out.

"that was too close" I touched my chest and fidget slowly with my fingers.

"ummm this thing is like a pregnancy, it can never be hidden for forever" she said and breathed out a "you're the reason for your poverty.You have all what it takes to be wealthy but you are not using it.You're making it look like a waste.Assuming I have a body as perfect as yours and a voice as angelic as yours,I would have gone more far.I mean no one will even remember Han Lily" Dora relaxed on her speech.

I kept quiet and pack my laptop and phones in my bag.

"I'm not in for competition. Singing and dancing is not made for me" I said,Dora scoffed.

"you of all people know what happened the last time I followed Shantai to a dancing show. I almost got raped by some wealthy drug lord who did nothing than to place dangerous bets on me" I told Dora.

She smiled and stared chewing whatever was in her mouth loudly.

I got home and met my mom weaving mats at the backyard. I didn't bother taking off my uniform, I just remove my bag and joined in weaving.

She stopped halfway and started attaching golden bars at the center. We were done within an hour.

"who are you selling to?? I asked.

"I'm dashing one to Mrs Claudia while the other one is for sale to Mrs Suga" she replied.

"who's Mrs Suga??? I questioned.

"I don't know her too but Claudia will give you the address to her house"

I breathed out "okay" and took my bag inside. I settled for a white free gown all over my sandals. I dashed to the backyard and carried the mats.

I delivered Mrs Claudia's own first and collect the address of where to deliver the next mat.

The next mat is to be delivered at the most popular estate while the name of the mansion is "Luxurious mansion". I took a cab and gave him the address. I was dropped off few meters away from the estate since cabs are not allowed in. I paid the cab man and entered the estate. All houses in the estate are extremely beautiful but only one was unique and that's exactly were my mat is to he delivered.

I stood dazing at the mansion and pressed a particular button on the gate, it opened by itself.

"waoooww!!! I gasped and admired the glassy designs.Everywhere was clean and sparkling silver.

"who do you ask for???

"Sir Royal or Sir Romeo??? one of the guards snapped.

"Mrs Suga" I expounded with my heart grinding against my chest. Right now,Romeo is my fear.

"Mrs Suga is not around but you can wait for her" the guard said.

"why waittt??? I exclaimed.

the gate opened automatically by itself almost immediately while four cars drove in consecutively.

I saw Romeo in the third car.

"what a big mess???? I snorts and kept my head low.

The door of the first car opened. I can sight the guards rushing towards the third black Lamborghini that Romeo was in.

welcome ma

welcome sir

welcome first lady....

"where's Royal??? Mrs Suga stopped the greetings with a question.

"sir Royal went out! they replied.

"did he go out alone?? Mrs Suga asked with fury and I could send the jealousy in Romeo's eyeballs.

"why the….??? Romeo clenched his fists.

"fuck must you allow him out!! Mrs Suga completed in the most inhuman voice I have ever heard.

"are they this dangerous???

"why are they mad just because Royal went out???.

"I heard Royal is 22…why the securities?????

I wondered and admired the building they live in.

"you all are fired for allowing him out!! Romeo seethed and look in my direction. I quickly hide myself behind the chief guard.

"if he doesn't get here within 53min, you all are dead!! he glared and bounce walked in angrily.

I heaved a sigh of relief immediately he went in.

I showed myself from my hideout and held the mat.

"good evening ma,my mom asked me to deliver this to you" I bowed and stretch the mat to her with my two hands.

one of her guards collected it and handed me an envelope.i didn't wait at all,I collect it and ran out.

Another difficult escape from Romeo!

~~Han Lily p.o.v

I moved into my pent house,

Mira already went out for a party while Angel was busy with her phone.

I entered my room and slump on my bed with my head buried in my pillow

Mrs Samantha is the only person that can handle Royal but he is not making any amendment in whatever concerns me at all.

His attitude towards me get worst each passing day and I don't think he will ever find someone better than me.

Royal does not want anything to do with me!

even when Mrs samantha threatened to remove him as the band lead voice, he told Mrs Samantha and the board openly that he is not interested.

I recollect those hurtful words he said last month.

He even disappoint dice high by not participating in the last competition just because I am a participant.

I wonder why he hates me!!!

my phone starts ringing,

it was a call from Elliot( Royal's manager). I pick the call immediately.

"lily,Royal is missing for the past 6hours" Eliot announced.

"waaaaat! I gasped and ended the call. I rush out and drove to the places I hope I will find him but I didn't find him there.

"Royal!!!!! I screamed out and entered the last place on my mind.

He might be in the school's stage.

I rush into dice high stage,

he wasn't there.

I retraced my steps down the opposite building and met him sitting on the fourth stairs.

Now,he wasn't wearing the blue tux anymore. instead he had on a bad boy dressing.

He was putting on a black jeans and a navy blue cardigan.

it will he soo difficult for him to be recognized with the way the oversized cardigan cap covered his eyes.

I frozed on my spot and admire the way he did his things.

He was penning something down into a jotter.

he stopped and turn back,

I quickly move back and hide.

He smiled like a new born baby.

"ohh my royal smiled!!!. I smiled also.

Then he played a recording on his phone.

"thought I found the way"

"but you never go away"

"so I guess I gotta stay"

he smiled as he listened to the song. Slowly,he shut his eyes and removed his cardigan cap like he is trying to remember something.

"what if he remember????

"ohhh I hope someday I will make it out of here even if it takes all nights or a hundred years!!!!

the song stopped,his voice came up.

"who sang the song??? he asked in the recording.

"it was her!!! I heard Dora's voice in the recordings.

"whatttt I can't sing,it was her!!! an unfamiliar voice came up again. Her voice sounds amazing even when it was in a low tune that she speak.

"who exactly sang the song??? royals voice came up again.

"it was her!!!! Dora and the unfamiliar voice said again.

Royal took his lips in and paused the recordings. if he keep listening to that song,he might regain his memory.

"Han lily do something!!!! reality got me. I watch as Royal gently drop his phone beside where he sat,he brought out another phone and called Eliot,his manager.

"don't bother looking for me!! he said and ended the call.

He clasped his fingers and shut his eyes.

"is he sleeping???? I lamented, thinking of a way to get his phone so that I can delete the recordings.

I tip toed to his back on the stairs and slowly bend to pick his phone.

Too bad,it was locked.

His phone was finger print.

How do I unlock????

or should I take the phone away??? I smirks.

I was lost holding his phone when he raised his head. I quickly hide the phone in my purse. I was about zipping the purse when he turned back.

he slap his forehead immediately he saw me.

"Who are you???? he asked. I was surprised.

"I'm... I'm… I'm…." I stammered.

"I sang that song" I lied.

He stared at me with a plain expression without saying anything.

I moved closer and brushed my hands into his waists,he scoffed and removed it.

"Han Lily,where is your evidence??? he asked.

"hunnnnn!!! I gasped.