
Servant Wanted

Melanie Erickson is a normal teenage girl growing up in the town of Harlytown, North Oblivia originally known as North Carolina. Melanie wants nothing to do with the kids of the royals. The royals are people born in the kingdom who come down to capture townspeople. Melanie has avoided these people for many years now. That's all gonna end soon. She loves to cook with her brother and since her father and mother died in World War 4 she has been avoiding any of their friends. On the other side of the kingdom a young princess is gonna get the dream she's always wanted....to be a person like the townspeople. Her name is Bella Santiago and she is also a teenager. But when dates intertwine Melanie and Bella end up in confusion.

Amber_Mahoney · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: The Prince ( Melanie)

I wake up to a bad headache and slowly get up and then realize my brother is gone and so I get my clothes on and run out of the room as fast as I can and I run down the hallway. I come to a sorry that says Guard Wing which is where the training room is. I open the door and see my brother sleeping on a bed alongside other beds. I creep to him and pick him up and hear a snore and I avoid hitting any of the beds. As I leave and go back to my room he wakes up.

"You are so crazy sister, why would you do that?" he asks

" I have to protect you with all my life so I snuck in and got you out of there" I smile and think of where to hide him.

"The guards talk about you a lot sister, especially the one that grabbed us. He even said he would have taken you right there and then if it weren't for the king" he says.

"Carlos, I want you to hide under the bed for me any time someone comes in okay?" I ask him

He nods "Okay"

At that moment the door opens just as Carlos hides under the bed. The man from the alley stand there with his arms crossed.

"Carlos, I can see you under the bed so get out right now young man" he commands

"No! Carlos please don't go! please don't go!" I run after him but another guard grabs me and drags me back to my room. I struggle in his arms and feel something hard on my bottom and I jump away from the guy with a yelp. He is good-looking for sure and he seems Puerto Rican. I stare up at him and he blushes.

With the door closed I can speak alone.

"Your not from around here are you?" I ask him

"No" he says in an accent

"Can you speak English at all or do I have to speak the Spanish that I know?" I ask him

"Hmmmm....I no know..." he frowns

"¿Quieres que te hable español?" I ask him

He smiles brightly "Ninguna mujer me entendió antes. ¿Quién te enseñó español?" he asks who I learned Spanish from so I tell him.

"Lo aprendí de mi padre porque era un traductor de la cuarta guerra mundial" I tell him how my dad was in the war and how my dad and mom died.