
Interlude: Fuyuki Singularity

   It suddenly happened one day. Theodore Winston was just a normal guy living in the county of America. He was university graduate who hasn't still manage to find a permanent job. And he an enthusiastic fan of the nasuverse. Specifically, he love the fate franchise. And since the release of the game, the Fate Grand Order. Even through that time, it wasn't even release in their country. Since, the game has launched, he was there. He was crying in his mind when it was released on Japan. Gritting his teeth in envy and jealousy. When it was finally released on their country, he was happy. Then he came to learn the hell that was called 'Gatcha'. He have spent so much money on the game and even have argued with his parents and older siblings because of it. He become so engrossed and invested to the game that he went so far to pleased his older siblings. He was in his second year college when the game officially launched in their country. And then he also decided the devious plan to create a JP server account like the other players. It's no wonder that his allowance have just gone off like a cloud. After that he become penniless. He was just a lazy ass who was mooching off from his parents and the allowance that they have given him. But curse his luck he have never gotten a 5 star servant. With the allowance spent from his parents, he turned his eyes to his older siblings who have jobs on their own. He begged his older siblings.They don't understand his fascination with the game. His older sister called him a creep. When he reasoned how much he needed to get his waifus and that asshole Gilgamesh even through he dislike him.

That time, he was just a no good slacker who was spoiled by his parents as the youngest child. His older siblings got the vindictive pleasure when he promise that he would do anything. Even through he reminded them so many times that it was an immature thing to do. He was under their beck and call doing household chores at the house, gardening and he fucking learn how to do a massage so he just can fucking please them. He learned to do gardening and even clean the shit of their pet cats that his older brother love so much. If he could, he would already thrown their waste to that smug face of him. Not so long after that, he decided that enough was enough. He started to look for a part time job or things that would help him earn money. It continued after he graduated.

And now, he just experience an another exhausting and unlucky night. He curse his luck again when he didn't get the waifu that he want in the summoning campaign. His eyes then drifted to his current 5 star servants. Zhuge Liang, Ozymandias, Gilgamesh, Sakata Gintoki, Sherlock Holmes, Enkidu, Arthur Pendragon, Iskandar, Arjuna, Abigail Williams, Queen Medb, Scathach and Napoleon. Curse his luck! Why? Oh why? Why is there so many guys in his 5 stars?! He only have 3 girl 5 star tier servants. He was so unlucky. Theodore gritted his teeth while feeling frustrated. He sighed and decided to rest now since it was already night. He decided to think of happy thoughts. Certain thoughts like he has so many girl waifus on 4 star. At least, it would sooth him..right? Right?! He would try his luck again tommorow and deal with the few annoyances on his part time job tommorow. That night, before he sleep, he have even planned to search in the internet for a superstitious stuffs that can enhance his luck. He have a hard time falling sleep. He dreamed of the moment where kid Gil have given him a resort ticket during the Valentine's event. It was horrible. While he was frowning because of awful nightmares, in the morning– he would never thought that he would wake up in a completely different bed, room, place, continent and a different world that was just a fiction for him before he got in that said world.

When he woke up in a different place, there was a letter left underneath his pillow. If he didn't plan to throw the pillow out of annoyance because of the damn nightmare, he would be clueless that he was in a different place. He would probably found it later and came across the letter when it was already to late. Thankfully, he has a nightmare. A blessing that was a curse. He noticed the letter and curiosity took over him and read it. The more time passed as he read the letter, the more that Theodore's take a shade of pale white.

Inside his mind he curse someone's name. It wasn't the infamous ROB which was responsible for sending self inserts in the fictional world, but a certain famous vampire apostle who has knacks for pranks and magical girls.

' Damn you, Zelretch!! '

Thankfully, Zelretch didn't dropped him with no records or in a completely helpless situation. He look at his room, which was really different from before. All of the stuffs and object inside the room was unfamiliar. He look at his face and surprise to find that it was unfamiliar yet familiar at the same time. Since when did his eyes turned to emerald color? His hair was now a mess of silver hair with black streaks on them. He was also wearing the uniform of the Chaldea Staff. Looking at his 'self' was a strange feeling.

Moments later, he decided to take a look outside of his room. Zelretch has dropped him in this fantastical yet insanely dangerous world of Fate Grand Order. The vampire apostle didn't state any reason other than stating that he was dropped 3 days before the incineration of humanity have happened. On his wanderings, he found out that he was just really a staff in Chaldea. His name was Theodorus Solonea. One of the grandchildren of the head of the individual fundamentals in Clock Tower. A former master candidate of  the Chaldea. Unfortunately, he didn't passed the test because he wasn't compatible in Rayshifting  process. Still, using the influence of his grandfather– he really wanted to stay in Chaldea despite not passing the test. He refused to be sent towards back the clock tower or the Seraphix where failed masters are sent. Theodorus really wanted to get involve in Chaldea even as a staff. It was a rare opportunity after all and also he would rather stay here in the Chaldea than being babied and pampered by his parents. How did he get this information? When he returned after the first day of his observation, he found the journal in one of the drawers. That night, before he sleep– Theo stared at the mirror. When would he see his parents and siblings again? Also, why the fuck does Zelretch even choose him? He only has 3 da– 2 days left before everything went to hell. He would admit to himself that he wasn't really a smart guy. He was certain that he wouldn't really able to prevent the killings of the people here in the Chaldea or the Singularity F. Would he even be able to survive or be alive? Before he went to sleep, Theo went to read the journal again and tried to practice magic. He have stayed awake until midnight and not even a single water appeared at his hands. How horrible.

On the second day of his exploring the Chaldea, he notice that this Theo or a parallel version of him was somewhat of a loner. From the journal, he discovered that he was reserved, formal and polite– A very bland and plain guy. The people neither regard him positively or negatively. What was surprising was that he found out that he was sometimes would be put in charge to be one of the cook in cafeteria other than being one of the people who would be responsible in the food supplies. This revelation made him think of an idea. He would really look forward to it. On that very same day, he was dumbfounded when he saw Fujimaru Ritsuka. Not just the male version but there was also the female version of the protagonist. He just thought that there would be only the male version. If there was the female version, would the Singularity F be easier? Or would the female be offed just like the other masters?

While he was serving and cooking in the cafeteria, he was also surprised when Mashu was one of the people who was lining up for the food. She asked if he was okay since he look tired. He made a small talk with her and reassured her in a polite and reserved tone as he can act as possible. He really doesn't want the people being suspicious of him because he act OOC. Despite both of them being Theo, the parallel him was so different to each other. Inside his mind, a morbid part of him entertained if he have effectively killed himself because he was now replacing his other self.

Theo's second day at Chaldea was full of surprise. He got to see the 2 protagonist, Mashu with 'Fou', Da Vinci, Doctor Romani and even the A-Team  members that day. He was thankful for his luck on not meeting the Demon. The night before everything went to shit, he went to read the journal again. He also decided that he should also start a journal of himself in another book. He have just written something that happened to him on the first day and the second day. Of course, he didn't written anything abnormal like suddenly finding himself in a fictional world or how he was transmigrated in the body of Theodorus Solonea. He just went on how his day have proceed as Theo. After writing and reading a journal. He found books about the Magecraft of the Solonea. Then, he went to look more in the room and he found a jewel box. When he opened the jewel box, it was not a gem or precious stone that was revealed but something else. It was far something more precious yet dangerous.

A mystic eye was laying there innocently. Should he or should he not?


When the day that everything turned to shit arrived, Theo haven't gotten a proper sleep yet he decided to get to work early. He visited the supplies room and went to the cafeteria where he started cooking breakfast. Some of the older staffs asked if he was okay since he look like a shit. He just waved off their concerns. While cooking, he can't help but smile slightly. People who are already up and lining up for food was disturbed. After his duty was finished for the morning, he went to his room and tried to practice magic again. He finally have a result. A bucket size water finally condensed in the air. He tried to turn it into a circle shape but failed as his pants was suddenly drenched. Theo sighed and resumed his training there.

When he finally went out of his room, he happened to pass by in one of the corridors, and he can saw from the distance that Fujimaru Ritsuka– The male version was looking confused while Mashu was talking with the Demon. He frowned when he didn't saw the female one. While walking, he happened to pass by at one of the Chaldea staff. Her colleague was asking if she was okay. Theo lowered his head for a bit and a smirk formed on his face. But then, it disappeared when he thought that not everyone was not feeling uncomfortable or having an urge to go towards the medical facility. On his way to the Cafeteria, he saw one of his fellow colleagues was frowning. She then saw him and her frown was replaced by anger.

" You!! " She pointed her finger at him while gritting her teeth. " What have you done?! I know that it is you! I saw you doing something in the supply room! "

Theo wasn't ready for an angry lady. It wasn't according to his stupid plan.

" I know that you are jealous of those successful masters! But why would you..  Stupid!! Did you know what happened after you left?! "

She looks like that she wanted to kill him. When the silence continues, and she looks like she was ready to murder him, he decided to answer.

" ...No? "

He was surprised when she immediately grabbed his hand and proceeded to drag him. He was surprised on how strong is this girl who looks younger than him.

" Come with me and explain yourself, Culprit! Not even your grandpa would be able to save you from the Director's wrath! "

When they were near the Medical Facility, the girl look so pleased to herself. She smiled smugly. Theo thought that she was weird but she also look cute when she smiled. But, he have no time for her, to ensure his certain safety, he need to go to an absolute safe place. He was certain that he has an hour left.

" Hey are you listening to me? " She looks like she was ready to explode. Theo found that he was walking ahead of her and going towards the opposite direction of her destination. " Explain yourself to the director, Culprit! "

" Sorry. But I have no time. "

He apologized to her and she was walking now towards him.

" Don't you realize that you destroyed our reputation you absolute arrogant– "

The girl was in the middle of her rant when she was cut off. Theo's eyes widened and he haven't time to react as he the loud sound resounded. No way.  He was certain that he should have still an hour. Theo didn't have time to have more thoughts as an incomprehensible pain attacked his left hand.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhh!! "

He shouted in pain. After that, he felt dizzy and weak? Is this because of his lack of his sleep? How weird.. Theo lose his consciousness.

When he woke up, he found out that his left hand and left foot to his limb are gone. It was shock and strange experience for him. He have just comprehended the pain of in his left hand not his left foot. He also found out that the girl– his colleague has died. Scorched and blown up completely by the explosion.

Because of him, there are still an adequate amount of medical facility staffs. There are still Chaldea staffs who are currently suffering from a stomachache numbering to nearly thirty. Most surprising was Gudako who looks like she wanted to cry. She wasn't physically injured but she was also a victim of a bad case of stomachache.

Despite that, Theo wasn't happy at all. Olga Marie still went to see the proceedings even with a bad case of stomachache. And the girl– Theo sighed as he stared at his left hand and foot replace by something. He tried to move them. His hand didn't left foot didn't move. He hasn't still gotten enough time to adapt on his new body and something like this has happened.

After that, despite what happened, Theo decided to proceed to the control room where he have manage to find Doctor Romani Archaman and Da Vinci with some staffs that could be barely counted in his two hands. He wondered whether this is an improvement or not. As he got there, they were surprise when he showed up and him insisting that he could help.

" I know some things about Fuyuki City. "

Eventually, with so much stubbornness– Romani Archaman stared at him with unusual serious expression on his face before devolving on complaining and missing his Magi Mari. The Fuyuki Singularity wasn't what he expected. It was the same but there are differences. There are more servants instead of 7 servants who should be only competing for the Holy Grail War. There are two additional riders in the Fuyuki Singularity. He recognize them and as Boudica and Darius III. Another surprising thing that happened was the female version– Gudako she was called, came to them insisting that she wanted to be rayshifted and help in the Fuyuki Singularity. Unfortunately, Doctor Romani and Da Vinci can't grant his request. After that, she stubbornly remained with them. Communicating with Ritsuka and Mashu and sometimes teasing the Director Olga Marie. Theo, sighed. Despite having a stomachache, the director still insisted walking to her fated conclusion. The Fuyuki Singularity ended with Olga Marie dying and with that damn Lev Flaunos mentioning something unusual. After the successful annihilation of Singularity F, Gudako insisted that she wanted to join the Orleans Singularity. When she summoned Robin Hood, It was like that her dreams are destroyed. Looks like that this Gudako was still Gacha Obsessed.

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