
Serpent of Sin

A giant tree poked at the ceiling of the world they knew and changed their view of the world upside down. With the curse of the dead and dangers hidden in the dark. The world moves to a different era or joins in a pre-existing era of the World Arahat. Earth now faced forces of nature and those of invaders. The world as they knew changed for better or worse. The people must cope and learn the new ways. With scheming and conspiracy brewing behind the scenes, the ordinarily lives serve nothing more than cattle.

Eugene_Black · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Promised Cataclysm and Remnant Shard of the Slayer.

Far wide stretched an old abandoned city, most of the tall skyscrapers half collapsed and some entirely fallen. The place was so empty and devoid of activity, that a slight voice echoed far ahead.

The place was the ruins of an old city, The outskirts region of the main city. All things here were in shambles just like the people inhabiting it.

'And the people's life here is never easy is it? What are we even going to eat today? with the news of some bloody gang targeting food vendors, There is no one to supply food.' Virgil complained in his mind while looking at one of the beautiful views one could watch in this place.

From the top of the building, one could see the bright yellow-red sun descending on the exaggerated mass of crumbled ruins.

"Virgil we obtained some useful information, Do you remember the rumor that food vendors getting killed and robbed by someone?" Hector pushed the door open and entered the open terrace of the building, He gave a serious look to Virgil who was standing at the edge looking at the sunset.

"Yes, of course, it's the source of our current predicament...do you mean you found out who?"

"No..apparently it's discovered that..some huge animal has been stalking the vendors," Hector said in plain expression. Before Virgil could comment, Hector put on a troubled face and continued.

" I know okay...There can't be any sort of 'animal' here or was not supposed to be. But there is trustable evidence that something like that has indeed appeared."

'An animal? There wouldn't be as such in a place like this. Unless it's some failed experimental creature born from the laboratory and left in a 'no man's area' by those accursed people.' Virgil gave a long pause before answering.

"Uh..well you know what implications this animal means right..but well if it's an animal that means the blessing known as MEAT" Vergil grinned widely. After all, in a place like this Meat was a rarity. Virgil couldn't remember when he last ate a slice of meat. Was it two years back? or before he even came here?. It had been five long years since he ended up here, time sure flew fast when you only think of survival...I guess?.

"Yes, But like you said, who in their right mind would ignore the possibility of tasting real meat?. Haha..come on let's go...Wayne is tailing the Zacks group, apparently they have some leads." Hector was all smiles too. He looked as if he was off to buy a game he had long yearned for.

The two boys climbed down the stairs of the four-story building, they had to hop and jump, and sometimes entirely jump off from one floor to another due to the bad condition of the structure.

They came out of the building and dashed out in a direction pointed out by Hector.

The sun had completely sunk and night encroached on the seemingly dull city. The only things illuminating the area were the stars and moon.

Virgil and Hector sprinted along the broken streets.

The cold wind blew and carried with it the chorus prayer.

Both slowed their pace, catching their breadths, the prayer echoed throughout... Virgil closed his eyes and listened to the familiar chorus growing louder as his heartbeats calmed down.

"On the time of harsh chilling nights,

Alone on a dusty bench,

Far and long away from the mighty walls.

Oh! I pray~ could any lord...could any lord of beating heart, burn the realm with fiery flame~ burn the realm with fiery flame~"

The chorus echoed throughout, it hummed in the sweet melody of Hate and hope, An odd mixture.

"I never liked that song...It makes me feel grim and empty." Hector looked at the source of the chorus. What once was a shopping complex, now desolate and run down. The chorus came from the basement, It was a small settlement like many others across the city.

The song or prayer...was not a good one, but it had become famous among people. In a bleak and dull world, They needed something to cling to, something that gave them hope. A twisted song brought out the anguish and hope of the people.

Not wanting to stay there any longer they left the place.


After a short while, Virgil could hear the sound of battle.' But wasn't it an animal, why there is the sound of clashing metal?'

Virgil and Hector came near the spot where the fight was going on, Wayne waved at them from a hidden corner. Approaching him Virgil asked.

"What's going on"

Wayne with a face of amazement and fear answered " That thing is no animal!!! it's a monster look"

Virgil and Hector both peeked out from the boulder that was hiding them. On the other side, people were fighting a Spider like creature that was as tall as a human. its skin looked as hard as metal, six men were surrounding it and trying to bring down the overgrown monster.

The creature was terrifyingly nimble and its eight legs were as sharp as a spear. It tore through the chest of a man who unfortunately had lost his balance.

"That's frighteningly huge man...It is so big and grotesque" Hector reeled in horror.

Amused with Hector's reaction Virgil couldn't help but laugh " well at least it is not a hairy one"

"But hey, we should participate too...otherwise we can't demand a share of it" Virgil couldn't control his greed right now. no matter how it looked it may be tasty when cooked right?

Without any more words Virgil dashed out, he held the hilt of his katana on his hips and pulled it out.

Running straight towards the creature.

' It's busy dealing with others, it's my chance, now or never' Virgil bypassed the men and close to the repulsive monster, he swung his sword with all his power in a slanted vertical angle, tearing one of the monster's limbs.

Hector sighed "That idiot, come on Wayne we can't be left out" With that, both of them joined the battle. The spider let out a scream-like howl and attacked with ferocity. Two more men got overwhelmed and got pierced, blood flowing through their mouths, they fell motionless.

Zack seizing the opportunity tore another of its legs. And after a battle of endurance, the spider was finally vanquished.

Gasping for air Virgil fell to his knees in exhaustion. " That was one damn creature"

"I agree" Zack was similarly tired from the battle. Hector and Wayne, we're just beside Virgil and catching their breath. Now the fight was over, tension grew between the two parties.

" We take most of the parts of that creature, we contributed more and lost three men" zack declared staring at Virgil.

" Yeah sure, as long we get a good share" Virgil had no complaints. ' As long I can eat meat tonight all is fine!!'

Before both parties could do anything they heard several clattering sounds from their surroundings.

And soon they were surrounded by dozens of monstrous spiders.

"Shit" everyone screamed at the same time. The spiders didn't give the humans any time and attacked. Virgil, Hector, and Wayne with back to each other fought the creatures back. But were soon found themselves overwhelmed. Four remaining people of Zack's party fell and zack himself wounded joined with Virgil and others.

Before they could have any more casualties, the spiders stopped or rather frozen in place. Nobody could understand anything at that moment, but then they all felt it.

From the far end of the road, a man clad in full black armor was slowly approaching them. His black armor Shined like metal but it looked like it was moving, Like darkness coiling a person.

Virgil's every cell in his body screamed. he could feel every cell at the moment and his very existence screamed like it was in presence of Dark horror. His body didn't move and his thoughts stagnated and were ruled by utter and indescribable dread.

And when his eyes met the coming horrors burning red eyes, felt his soul got gripped and held down for slaughter. The eyes of the man radiated the purest form of madness, straight from the very depths of the abyss.

The creature of dread moved slowly, step by step. The surroundings were strangely silent and frozen. After an unknown time, the man was right in front of Virgil who hadn't moved a muscle in all that time.

And suddenly all the dread vanished for Vergil. But something else made him freeze. He could now make out the appearance of the man, tall and fair, with an elegant and Nobel demeanor. And the armor was like an abyss, once he gazed at its surface, he couldn't take his eyes off easily like it pulled his soul deep into it.

The very incarnation of dread then bent on his knees. The insanity in his eyes was nowhere to be seen. But he spoke in fanatic fervor.

" I am finally in your presence once again my lord,

My duty fulfilled, I only ask thee sleep in thy shadows.

I bring thy shard, my lord...."

After saying that, the darkness of armor surged into Virgil's body.

'What's going on!!!'

He felt something devouring him or...he was devouring something. An odd feeling...

But he didn't have the time to understand what was going on as he heard thousands of whispers uttering at the same time.

" slarieus...victous....doomanus...slarieus"

Virgil felt his head was going to explode with all those murmurings. Then it all vanished like it never happened.

When Virgil came to his sense he could see the man still kneeling, He wore a regal dress instead of armor. And like declaring a prophecy he spoke

" The promised cataclysm nigh.

The chain undone,

The Nightmare released,

The slayer yet reborn..."

He shouted at the sky, His hands spread wide. His eyes grew full black, his face and body cracked and he broke down into ashes.

Hello there, I'm a clueless author but an enthusiastic one nonetheless. The story may go slow in the beginning parts and the writing not be up to the mark. But STILL PLEASE DO TRY. I promise my writing will get better as I write and learn from referring to other books and The story will keep getting interesting as many characters keep getting added.

Eugene_Blackcreators' thoughts