1 The room

The carpet was as red as the tongue and the chandelier looked like diamond stairs almost ready to break someone's heart. The walls of the room were of golden colour but it looked like old folds were lying on them. The royal curtains were hung on the window and the blooming flowers of the pot kept under them fought with the wind. These flowers were neither blooming nor withering but they used to leave a different kind of sensation, which created a very pleasant atmosphere. There were some artificial bushes on the ceiling and some stars were hanging on them and right under those bushes there was a long wide bed on which one can sleep very comfortably. This will be like an ice melts very silently and right in the corner of the same room we will find an old table on which a cat always sleeps. This is the room of a girl who has grown up like a princess from her childhood or it wouldn't be wrong if I say she was a real princess.

... to be continue.

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