

She felt that she was floating. It's as if there is nothing in this world.

Who am I?

Where am I?

Is this real?

That was when she saw a speck of light and in just a minute everything went white.

She was in a white space and would have wanted to move but that was when she saw a white puff, it looked like a white rabbit without the ears, foot or mouth, it only has a pair of eyes and two antennae.


Why was it so hard for her to talk?

"Im Puff, your guide!" a child like voice sounded and it most definitely came from the white puff.


"Let me just start from the beginning then. You're already dead. But we needed a new host for the missions for this world that is why we saved your soul. There was a little hiccup that was why it is hard for you to talk yet but it would just come back to you."

"I...see...I'm dead."

So that was why she still can't move.

"So you saved my soul from being dead? That is why I am still here?"

"Uhuh...yeap! Puff is great! It was really hard saving your soul you know! Whew! Puff was tired but Puff did the best Puff could in that situation."

"What situation?"


"Teehee...so, what will you do? Will you help me do the missions in this world for you to be reborn again and enjoy life or this is the end?" Puff was sweating hard as puff was still restricted by the system in giving his host the details of her death.


"So...you're not...allowed to tell me."

Puff's eyes became big and bounced around her.

"My host is very intelligent! Yay! Yes, I'm not allowed yet to tell you about it but when we're on a really high level then I could tell you. So, host, are you willing or not?"

She closed her eyes and decided.