

Kurai Tachi is a normal student who just wants to study and do well. Lin Hayashi is his childhood friend and roommate who seems determined to spend the rest of her life playing games. When Lin purchases headgear for a chance to enter the beta of the newest VR game 'Seradeihn', Kurai suddenly finds himself trapped in the game in an Avatar that he doesn't know how to use instead, but not for long. Soon he finds that the game itself may hold a link to memories he'd long ago thought lost and the picture they paint proves to be a lot more sinister as they expose a plot that would shock the world as well as the other dimensions that soon become involved.

Mortifae · Games
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124 Chs

Hope and Despair

Kurai knew that the being hadn't seen him yet as he huddled down beside the cage to watch it.

At first glance, it seemed to look like shadows that were dancing around inside its form, but then Kurai realized that it wasn't simply just shadows, the being seemed to actually wear despaired souls like a coat to shape its body and they were all floating around with their expressions seemingly frozen in silent screams as it moved.

He tried to think of anything that could work against such a being, but he was dead sure that there were no exorcists to banish it from the world so he knew that he needed to come up with a different plan.