
Episode 1

The screen opens with me as a girl who has pink fluffy hair, wearing a white,and black dress cleaning the room, while writing in her journal.

"Dear Journal, I just watched the most amazing movie: Who framed Roger Rabbit, it had a great story, characters, and lots of cameos. I wish I could meet the characters, it would be awesome", I wrote.

So, I put the pen down and took a drink of tea, then got called downstairs by the owner of a mansion.

"Coming!" I called back.

"Three more months, then i'm out of this place", I told myself, looking at a picture of me hugging my mom and dad.

Meanwhile, the toons are working on a movie with their directors.

"Places people, this movie is going to be great, maybe even bigger than big itself", said the director.

This is a director who has black toupee, wearing a white suit with a megaphone.

"Where's Bugs,Mickey, Donald and Daffy, we can't start the show without them?" asked The director.

"I think I know, I'll get them", said Daisy.

"Thank you, I don't want anything to happen to them", replied The director.

Daisy leaves the room with Minnie.

"I hope they don't go in the red room", whispered the director.

In the red room, Daffy is checking out the place,when Bugs notice a giant TV screen.

"Odd, why would have this room locked?" wondered Bugs Bunny,as he sits in a chair, relaxing.

Donald in his way says "I think I have an idea".

"Did anybody understand what he just said?" asked Daffy.

"He said, 'I have an idea' why", Mickey answered that question.

Daffy and Bugs look at Mickey curiously, wondering how he understands Donald.

"I've worked with him for a while, in the show, we aren't best friends. But, that's different now, right Donald?" Mickey informs Bugs and Daffy.

Donald nodded, but wasn't paying attention to what Mickey is saying, instead he's eating while reading a script.

In-between this time, a mysterious person reveals a laser.

"A laser, I thought they said no science fiction scenes", Daffy remembered.

"This is probably for another movie", guessed Bugs.

"Then, we should go, before we mess it up", suggested Mickey.

Then, out of nowhere, Roger Rabbit comes and pushes a red button.

The red button makes a bunch of lasers appear, each pointed at Mickey, Daffy, Donald, Bugs, and Roger.

At first, they try to avoid the lasers as best as they can, but that wasn't easy for Daffy; since, he's a jinx.

Soon, the bad luck catches up,as they head for the door, Daisy and Minnie open the door, which launches the boy toward the lasers.

So, the boys get hit by the laser and disappear.

"Mickey!" gasped Minnie.

"What just happened?" asked Daisy.

The director opens the door,sees dust, and the girls are worried.

"Please tell me they didn't touch the red button", begged The director.

The sign of silence, the director knew it was too late, and says "Oh no!"

The screen goes to me entering my room, while holding a tray of cookies and a glass of milk.

As I enter the room, I see Roger on my bed, Bug searching through my TV, Mickey looking through my books and movies, and Daffy looking in my bins.

I was shocked by seeing all of them, and asks "What is going on?"

"Hello, do you live here?" asked Roger.

"Temporarily yes, i'm a housemaid, what are you doing in my room", I replied.

"A laser sent us here", answered Roger,as he takes one of my cookies.

"Really?" I asked, in disbelief.

"Yeah, any chance you know if there's a studio near by?" wondered Daffy, giving me his business card.

"Oh yeah, i've seen that studio, it's not far from here", I remembered, sitting by Daffy.

"Fantastic, could you help us find this place?" asked Roger.

I grab my phone, which has a map on it, and shows it to them.

"Amazing! Let's go", said Donald.

"Huh!" I replied.

"Nothing, let's head to the studio", said Mickey.

"Not through the door, Mrs. Purple doesn't like toons, let's go through the window", I said, then opens the window for them.

"Uh! How long has this ladder been here?" asked Daffy.

"SInce, I started working here, do you know about a company called Nick?" I replied, while climbing down the ladder behind Daffy.

"Yeah, it's one of the big companies", said Mickey.

"Well, there's a friend there, I want to see, but I owe a debt and I can't leave until I repay it", I said.

"Cool, who is this person maybe we could help?" Roger insisted.

"We can't promise that", said Donald.

"It's okay, You don't have to, after all. I can met him while I'm out here, since it's already my break team", I insisted.

"You sure?" asked Mickey.

"Yeah, but thanks for offering to help", I said.

We headed back to the company.

"Kanisha, is that you?" asked Somebody .

I looked up to see Danny, Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, Poof, and El tigre.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked.

Danny gives me a letter.

"He's working on another movie, so he wasn't able to come", said Wanda.

"Dear Kanisha, I'm sorry we couldn't meet today, but I made a reservation for us at the new restaurant, so meet me tonight at the place. Love, Spongeykins", I read.

"Spongeykins, does that letter mean Spongebob, the Spongebob?" asked Daffy.

"She has interesting taste", said Donald.

I smiled, while hearts flew over my head.

"I got this", said Timmy.

Cosmo makes a bucket of water land on me, that makes me wake up.

"Danny, everybody, can you show my friends to their studio? I have to get ready for Spongeykins, bye guys", I said, then ran away.

"Bye Kanisha", said The guys.

The chapter ends