
Septembers Death

Have you ever had this fear of dying well not everyone wants to jump of a cliff or hang themselves so everyone can see. well this story is about to change your point of view

The_next_writer · Urban
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Her presence shines through out

September was born 1980 September 8, The kind-hearted don't die but go to heaven they wrote in her grave.

1986 after September turned 6, she took all her presents and gave them to homeless people. The next day she gave them food. November the second 1986 September visited an orphanage with her parents and gave away all her toys to them.

1987 she gave a poor kid an apple after seeing he hadn't ate in days. June 1 1987 September gave away her shoes to a kid who had none. July 27th 1987 September got hit after saying she'd take a kids place who was being bullied.

1989 September visited an orphanage and played with the kids and gave them gifts before leaving. February 10 1989 September got hit by a bike but apologized and said it was her fault for not looking properly.

1990 September saw a shop owner shouting at a homeless boy and accusing him of stealing she quickly went there and stood up for the boy. Before the boy left she gave him an apple she was carrying.

Septembers dad got addicted to alcohol November 1990. Her parents go divorced soon after on may 15, Her mother than left her with her father to get married to her wealthy boss. She just continued with life as if that hadn't happened.

September 22 1992, September was diagnosed with cancer. Instead of crying or being sad she excepted her fate with a smile. Her mother still never called or visited even after knowing her child was gonna die soon. She took care of her father until he was no longer addicted to alcohol November 12.

She built a shack with her father and gathered homeless people and told them to live there. When the homeless people thanked her she said it was her last wish before death. Her mother and her boss broke up because she was expecting a baby. But she still never called even knowing her daughters death was near.

December 17 1992, Septembers long beautiful hair was gone and she had a bold head instead. She went to the beach with her dad and he taught her how to swim. she wrote his dad a book containing everything she wanted to say to him and that she wished he would witness her go to prom, get married and have kids so he would have grandkids to tell his story.

January 1 1993, September died peacefully in her hospital bed.