
Sephiroth World Traveler

The day that Sephiroth lost to Cloud, he promised him something that he would never forget. " I will never be a memory" A certain god watching the fight happened to take an interest in our one winged angel and saw an opportunity to have some fun with other worlds and causing some chaos in the process. Join us as we watch Sephiroth go to new worlds, meet new people, gain even more power if that was even possible with him as he changes the world's he visits from what we all know them to be. ********Do not own any of this so don't sue me I'm broke as it is already******

Cr1ms0nReader · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 43

After a small hour break the next division was up which was the boys division, Kiba and Sephiroth didn't join this division. Kiba wanted to fight both the girls and Sephiroth to test his current skill level in the sword. While Sephiroth just wanted to fight both the girls cause they caught his interest with their skill level.

The boys division went by without much trouble and the winner in the end was who Sephiroth thought would win it all the boy who he later found out was called Siegfried Cross. Considering that there were no other strong competitors in the boys division that really stood out, not like Saeko and Jeanne did anyway it was an easy competition for him.

Like this the first day was done and over with and the last stretch of the tournament was all that was left the mixed division of boys and girls. There was something of note that happened though was that before his group left for the day someone stopped them.

"WAIT" yelled two voices causing Sephiroth and his group to turn around and see who would be yelling at them. When Sephiroth turned around he was mildly surprised that the one to call out to him was Saeko and Jeanee, the winner of the girls division and the runner-up.

Stopping and deciding to see what they wanted Sephiroth stood there and stared at them not saying anything but was giving them an indifferent expression on his face. The women were curious about this guy for several reasons, first being that he wasn't showing a reaction to their beauty like most men do. Not to be vain or anything but both of these women knew that they were lookers but to have a guy not showing any kind of reaction when not one but two beauties come to talk to you was something they have never seen before.

The second reason being that they knew this person was powerful; their senses were telling him that, Saeko had told Jeanee that this man was going to be in the mixed division of the tournament tomorrow which is why they wanted to talk to him before he left today.

"What do you need from my onii-chan?" Kunou asked seeing that Sephiroth wasn't going to say anything, and she really wanted to go outside and do something fun with him so the sooner this conversation was over with the sooner she can have her fun.

Curious why the little adorable girl is the one to say something first but when they looked at her face it told them everything they needed to know, she didn't like that they were stopping them and wanted this to be over with quickly.

"We wanted to know your name?" Jeanee said while pointing at Sephiroth choosing to ignore the face that Kunou was giving them.

"Sephiroth Crescent" Sephiroth answered back not giving any more information than that to them.

"Saeko here said that you would be joining the mixed division tomorrow is that true?" To which Sephiroth just nodded his head showing that it is true.

"Are you strong enough to beat us though is what I'm curious about? While I can sense that you are strong I don't know if you're strong enough though….. So are you strong enough Sephiroth?" Jeanee said while trying to release some of her killing intent on him to see how he reacts to it.

Sephiroth didn't show any kind of reaction to the killing intent that Jeanee was releasing his way; it felt like a gentle breeze to him but seeing the effect that it was having on his group behind him, he decided that he needed to do something about it. He started to release a little of his killing intent to counteract Jeanee's killing intent but focused it on the two of them instead of letting it affect everyone around him.

He knew that if he was to recklessly release his killing intent and all of it at that he might end up killing someone by giving them heart attack or mental problems if they were on the receiving end of his killing intent. He was powerful enough for something like to happen, especially if the person that he targeted was several times weaker than him and these two were.

When Jeanee and Saeko felt the killing intent that Sephiroth was releasing they were scared and tensed up and had cold sweat all along their bodies and just as soon as it was there it was gone the next second. But to them it felt like minutes while it only lasted one second in reality, Sephiroth's group were confused on what just happened to the two girls, they started just randomly shivering in front of them and breathing hard for no apparent reason. If they only knew that those two could have just died if Sephiroth were to release just a bit more of his killing intent on them.

"Am I strong enough for you two?" Sephiroth asked in an even tone. To which the two girls were barely able to nod their heads to his question. Seeing that this conversation was done, Sephiroth started to walk away from them with his group following him all except one.

Walking up to the two girls who were trying to get their breathing under control and calm themselves down from what they just experienced. "Listen, some friendly advice don't provoke someone like Sephiroth at all costs, you wouldn't be able to handle the consequences of it. He is someone that would destroy everything that you love or hold dear just so that you can know nothing but despair in your life" Kiba said to them hoping that they won't make the same mistake again, they seemed like nice girls and he didn't want them to be killed or something for fucking with Sephiroth.

Watching Kiba walk away Saeko looked at Jeanee "I think we just met a monster in human skin" she said with a serious tone of voice.

"I agree, I only wanted to provoke him a little bit with some killing intent but his own killing intent overwhelmed mine completely." Jeanee said with some fear in her voice remember what just happened.

"Tomorrow is going to be a tough fight for us, well for everyone with Sephiroth in the tournament." Saeko said to which Jeanee could only nod her head and completely agree with her.

*The next day*

The next day and the last part of the tournament is finally happening in the mixed division. There were a lot of competitors in this part of the tournament because of the combination of boys and girls why it was scheduled for the last day because they knew there were going to be at least twice as many people involved in this division.

The mixed division of the tournament already had 2 people seeded for the semi finals, Saeko and Siegfried being that they were the winners of the boy and girl division of the tournament respectively. Everyone else had to fight at least 5 matches each before they qualified for the semi finals, there were only two spots available with the other 2 taken already.

Kiba was doing well so far in the tournament and had already won all five of his matches mostly because he didn't fight anyone strong really like Saeko, Jeanee, or Siegfried in his own bracket of the tournament.

Sephiroth's blew through his first four matches with ease but his last match of the five was against Jeanee, when he won he would be in the semi finals along with Kiba, Saeko, and Siegfried. Standing across from Jeanee he could see that she was hesitant and scared of fighting Sephiroth after what happened yesterday, this is something that Sephiroth didn't want. He wanted to test her skills. How is he going to do that if she already likes this before they even started, seeing that he knew he had to do something.

"Do not allow yourself to be shaken. Do not weaken your stance. Open your senses. And do not let your guard down for an instant." Sephiroth said while getting in his stance for the fight, consciously limiting himself to the peak of what a normal human body is capable of.

When Jeanee heard what Sephiroth said to her it helped her out a lot to calm down and get into the right mindset for the fight that lay ahead of her. Getting her resolve again she got into her own stance ready to show Sephiroth what she was really made of.

When the referee signals the start of the fight Jeanee dashed toward Sephiroth attacking his midsection with a diagonal slash. He responded by side stepping it and jumping back to give himself more space. Seeing how he easily dodged her attack, Jeanee realized that Sephiroth is probably faster than her, meaning that this is going to be that much harder to hit him.

Trying again she went for another attack to his midsection, when Sephiroth dodged the attack again with a side step, she followed through with a horizontal slash to his waist, seeing this Sephiroth raised his shinai to block it.

Using the force from the block she applied that momentum to her next swing making it that much faster and stronger. Every time that Sephiroth blocked her attack with his shinai she would keep adding the momentum to her next attack, she would keep trying every angle that she could be it high, low, middle, diagonal, left, or right. Everything that she could to try and hit him and she was gradually getting faster and stronger, Jeanee peaked at what her body could handle at the 20th attack on Sephiroth. She sent 10 more attacks at Sephiroth with the most force and speed that she could confident that she would be able to hit him now.

This whole time he had been blocking her attacks by simply moving his shinai in front of her attack path and doing nothing else, he didn't dodge them or redirect the attacks but let her bounce off his shinai to build up like she did to attack him. She had a feeling that Sephiroth wasn't even trying but just testing her, little did she know that she was right on the money because that is exactly what Sephiroth was doing he could have easily dodge her attack or redirected them but he didn't.

Sephiroth easily handled those last 10 attacks just like the first 20 she sent at him and on the last one that she had coming for him he redirected her shinai towards the ground effectively making her lose all of her built up momentum. He jumped back a bit giving her space, and Jeanee really needed that space because she was breathing hard from all the attacks that she sent at Sephiroth, normally a fight would be done already so her endurance isn't really that high because it isn't really needed but now she is suffering for it.

'I suppose that enough defense now, lets see how she handles me attacking now' thought Sephiroth who lunged at Jeanee aiming for her throat, Jeanee seeing this panicked a bit because this is the first time that Sephiroth has made a attack on her and he was moved so fast she barely caught it, if it wasn't for her instincts she would of been hit by his first move. She raised her shinai to block it and she succeeded but it ended up pushing her back a couple of inches due to the force of his attack.

'Damn, what the fuck is this. He is not only faster than me but much stronger than me as well' thought Jeanee while she gritted her teeth in frustration for the situation that she is in right now.

Sephiroth didn't stop there and came at her again with more stabs at all her vital spots with such speed that Jeanee could only block them and be pushed back without giving her a chance to retaliate against him. The force of the attacks were gradually making her hands numb due to the force behind that stab's, Jeanee knew that she was on borrowed time before she would be forced to drop her shinai during the fight, something incredibly embarrassing for someone like her.

Feeling like he had tested her enough at this point he decided to end this and do a simplified version of one of his favorite attacks and see how Jeanee handles it, getting in front of her he took a Iai stance with his shinai. Jeanee seeing this was scared about what Sephiroth was going to do, her instincts were telling her to block this anyway she could.

"Reaper" muttered Sephiroth in a quiet voice that no one could hear, it was a series of three slashes which would hit multiple times at a very fast speed. When Jeanee saw this she knew she was done for but she wasn't going to go down without at least trying. She was able to block one of them but the other two were able to get her and she was hit in both her side and the top of her shoulder on her left side, it felt like she was hit more than twice through and she couldn't figure out how that happened but it didn't matter she lost.

She fell down to one knee, panting and holding her shoulder and side from Sephiroth's attack while the referee called the end of the match and the winner was Sephiroth. He didn't say anything to her and just walked away, Jeanee was hoping that he would have said at least something to her but was sadly disappointed making her frustrated that she lost to him like this. She knew that if she was able to use her full power, her sacred gear Blade Blacksmith she would have beaten him easily. Or so she thought but Sephiroth was the one really holding back during the fight.

While the crowd there were all amazed at the level the fight was at and were excited after seeing what these two people were capable of showing them, they couldn't wait to see what the semi finalists were going to show them next. Meanwhile Kiba, Saeko, and Siegfried were honestly impressed by the fight those two showed so far but were also scared of Sephiroth because all three of them saw how easy that fight was for him and knew that he wasn't even trying but he was able to troll one of the strongest contestants here like she was a beginner.

When Sephiroth got back to his group they all congratulated him for winning especially Kunou who was super excited seeing her onii-chan fight and win, giving Sephiroth the brightest smile she could for him, this made Sephiroth give off a small smile of his own in response.

Next up was all of the semi final fights: Sephiroth vs Siegfried and Saeko vs Kiba. With Kiba and Saeko going first, giving Sephiroth a small break before his next fight.

This took me longer than I thought to write kept getting distracted by Hell's kitchen show I'm watching LOL.

What did you guys think of the fight scene I did let me know. We will be finishing the kendo tournament next chapter. then we will be meeting a certain fried chicken LOL.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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