
Sephiroth World Traveler

The day that Sephiroth lost to Cloud, he promised him something that he would never forget. " I will never be a memory" A certain god watching the fight happened to take an interest in our one winged angel and saw an opportunity to have some fun with other worlds and causing some chaos in the process. Join us as we watch Sephiroth go to new worlds, meet new people, gain even more power if that was even possible with him as he changes the world's he visits from what we all know them to be. ********Do not own any of this so don't sue me I'm broke as it is already******

Cr1ms0nReader · Anime & Comics
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70 Chs

Chapter 3

When Lilith sent Sephiroth to the DxD world, in her happiness she ended up using way too much power in the process so instead of being subtle like she wanted it to be she ended up alerting every major power in the world because of the sudden fluctuation of magical power that she used.

If you were near the epicenter of where Sephiroth landed you would have seen a several meter long hole in the sky that looked like a crack in the sky. The amount of magical pressure it was dishing out rivaled that of Great Red and Ophis, if not stronger than them which is why it alerted everyone. Something of that power level just doesn't go unnoticed so everyone was looking toward Kuoh town through their special means to see who or what caused this.

*Heaven sixth layer*

"I don't know what caused this magical power but something like this needs to be investigated, we must know what happened near Kuoh town even if it is devil territory" an angel that looks like a handsome-looking man with long blond hair and green eyes. He wears a red robe with a gold cross on the front of his white alb. He has golden shoulder plates with a white sash and a golden halo set above his head and goes by the name Micheal and the current leader of Heaven and is an archangel.

"Yes brother, I agree something like this needs to be looked into and with your permission I can go and do it, I just need to get in contact with Serafall first" A beautiful and voluptuous young adult woman in her early twenties with long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Wearing a priestly attire, who goes by the name of Gabriel and is an archangel. Who also happens to be one of the leaders in Heaven and Micheal's sister.

"Good be quick about it, if it is someone than we need to get someone with that amount of power on our side or an item we need to be in possession of it for the greater good"

"Yes brother, leave it to me, I'll be going now then" Gabriel says and turns around to fly off to get in contact with her friend Serafall to be able to visit Kuoh town. While Micheal just stares off into the distance thinking about that magical fluncation "I hope this doesn't disturb the fragile peace that we have between the three factions, we can't afford another war with the numbers that we have now" mutter Micheal to himself overlooking heaven.


Meanwhile in an office like room in the underworld we can see two people talking about the magical pressure that they are feeling.

"What is this magical power and why is it so near my little sister's terrority of Kuoh town" A handsome man who seems to be in his early 20's. He has shoulder length crimson red hair and blue-green eyes known as Sirzechs one of the four great satans in the underworld and in charge of domestic affairs and one if not the most powerful devil in the underworld.

"I don't know Sirzechs, but if you want I can go and look into it for you?" A beautiful young woman appears to be in her early twenties with back-length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down which ends in twin braids and silver eyes. Known as the strongest queen in the underworld and on the same level as the satans. She goes by the name of Grayfia Lucifuge and is the wife of a current satan Sirzechs but works as a maid for the family for some reason.

"No don't bother, I'll just have my sister Rias look into it since she is so close and this also gives me a reason to talk to her too. A win-win situation for me." Sirzechs says in a happy tone after he finds out he can call his little sister, if you're wondering he is a major sis-con much like another one of the other four satans who shall not be named.

"As you wish Sirzechs" Gragyfia says while bowing then proceeds to turn around and make a call to her sister in law Rias about looking into the magical disturbance.

*In a Grigori lab*

"I wonder what that was, maybe I'll have my agents in that area investigate it" Says a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee. He is the governor general of Grigori and a curious one at heart and goes by the name Azazel the strongest fallen angel.

"What was their names again Raynara or Rayne something like that"

"Whatever I'll just get Kokabiel to handle the situation I need to get back to this experiment with the scared gear I'm so close to making my own now" Shortly after saying this you can hear an explosion happen in the lab most likely him failing in whatever he was doing.

*Kuoh city outskirts*

While everyone is having their own plans and ideas on what the magical disturbance is, we can see a beautiful young woman flying in the air with bat-like wings with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair is tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place. She is wearing a miko type outfit with the top being white and the bottom being red. This woman is called Akeno Himejima and is the queen piece of Rias Gremory and best friend.

Having flown for a while now Akeno is finally able to find the source of it all and what she finds surprises her. She expected to find an item or something of that nature based on the power that was being output because she didn't believe that there was someone that could output that much magical pressure to affect that large an area. But what she found was a person in a huge and deep crater who looked pretty injured and that not' the only thing his clothing was in rags because of the fall most likely.

Slowly flying down to the person, she gained a major blush on her face because of the body of Sephiroth while his clothing may be in a bad condition it doesn't do anything to hide the chiseled body that he has underneath it all. You can think of it as a toned swimmer's body not skinny or too bulky the perfect balance between the two making it seem that a god has made his body. Where in a sense Lilith kind of did when she remade his body for him and reverted his age back a few years, it was solely for her benefit of course if anyone ever asked her.

Akeno seeing this man with such a body with long silver hair just about the same length as her own and green cat-like eyes that give him a slight feral look to them which can be hypnotizing. Staring off into the air with a confused look on his face made her want to help him and tease him at the same time, it is just in her nature.

"Hey there cutie, do you need some help, I'll glad lend you a hand" Akeno said in a flirty tone extending her hand out for Sephiroth to grab and help himself up.

Seeing her extend a hand to him the first thing that comes to Sephiroth is that this woman is very beautiful and he started to feel a slight attraction for her but he didn't know why that was. He knows that he is in control of his emotions and something like lust shouldn't affect him. Then it hit him like a brick, Lilith said that she made him part fallen angel and their race is known for lustful nature. While this might be a slight problem for him, Sephiroth knows that he will be able to manage something like this and maybe it won't be so bad this is a new life for him.

Sitting up, Sephiroth just ignores the hand that Akeno extends for him and slowly gets to his feet, and in doing so checks his body for any injuries on him and realizes that the only thing wrong with him is his clothes.

Seeing that this guy didn't take her hand and just stood up like nothing happened and then checked himself for injuries gives Akeno a slight twitch to her left eyebrow because he was able to ignore her and her beauty. Akeno is proud of her body and face and to be ignored like this upset her but it didn't show on her face after which she stood up straight waiting for this idiot to talk to her.

"I see while the fall did damage my clothes that was the extent of it all so overall could be worse, now what to do with this little devil girl"

"I don't really know anything about this world besides the general information on the races and I can't tell her that I'm from another world, that may lead to different problems in the long run hmmmm" Sephiroth was thinking all this while giving a once over on Akeno's body making her have a light brush on her cheeks again before she is able to calm herself down again to make it go away.

"I know I'll just go with amnesia, based on the fall it should work and can help cover my lack of understanding for this world. I need to get stronger but I'm not in a hurry to do it. I'm going to enjoy life a little bit. I'm sure Lilith will understand if she isn't already watching." thought Sephiroth ready to put his new plan into action.

Walking closer to Akeno, Sephiroth then does something that surprises her and leans forward and grabs her hand and proceeds to give the back of her hand a light kiss, thus making her blush harder than before. "Hello there, beautiful my name is Sephiroth Crescent and I was wondering if you can tell me where I am or for the matter of who I am?"

While still having a blush on her face "Ara Ara Ufufufu. [Oh my, Oh my (giggles).] well handsome my name is Akeno Himejima, queen piece of Rias Gremory peerage" Still not taking her hand away from him but they both don't seem to notice it and continue to have a conversion.

"You are in a devil controlled territory of Rias Gremory as for who you are even I don't know, but I am more than willing to figure it out with you." Akeno says in a flirty tone to him trying to get him to blush much like her but is disappointed when all she gets is a smirk instead.

As they were talking some more and Sephiroth was learning more about this town and who this woman was, all a sudden a small red circle shows up on Akeno's ear and a muffled voice can be heard on the other end so she steps back to listen to what the other person is saying to her.

Once the red circle disappears Akeno walks back to Sephiroth and explains who that was "That was my king Rias Gremory and she would like to meet you at our club room at Kuoh Academy"

"I hope that isn't a problem Sephiroth, maybe we can figure out who you are or at least figure out what the next step will be to do. My king Rias is a very nice person and she will know what to do, so will you come?" Akeno says while giving him the puppy eyes look near the end of her sentence trying to get him to agree to come along, she doesn't want to have to use force because based on the power he is giving off she doesn't think she can capture him quietly if he doesn't want to come along.

Thinking for a couple seconds "I don't mind at all Akeno, maybe your king will be able to help me out. I do have a favor to ask of her too, so let's get going then lead the way priestess" Sephiroth then unleashes his single black wing over his right shoulder getting ready to follow her in the air.

Seeing this Akeno is shocked inside but keeps a smile on her face where you wouldn't even know and the reason is because he is a fallen angel or at least part fallen angel because of his black wing on his back. She has a complicated feeling now because she is really starting to like this guy somewhat but she hates the fallen angel race because of her past and doesn't know how to treat Sephiroth right now.

Not noticing the situation that Akeno is in Sephiroth just follows Akeno to the clubroom where Rias is at in Kuoh Academy, giving Akeno the much needed time that she needs to sort out her thoughts about this guy she just met. On one hand he seems to be a nice and respectable gentleman that isn't eyeing her like a piece of candy. He isn't overbearing and polite to her and not to mention his body and face, his body is something that makes her want to lick her lips. Important things need to be said twice, you know. While on the other hand he is a part of the fallen angel race, a race that she deeply hates and might be a part of Girigori as well. If only he wasn't a part of the fallen race.