
Senran Kagura: Kunoichi Kidnapping

Alexrenda · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 2


Faster than Nishu could react, Glom jumped up and head butted him in the forehead. Pain spread out from the point of contact. Blood rushed to his eyes, stars and rainbow-colored spots swam through his vision. The boy stood up, trying to get his bearings. A heavy weight pulled his head forward, making his back hurt as he tried to stay upright. His vision cleared. He looked up and realized that the demon dog was forcing his way through his skull, boring into his brain through a hole the size of the tip of his thumb. He screamed in horror. Glom's voice now echoed at the back of his skull.

"Ugh, in hindsight I probably should have knocked you out first."

Nishu shuddered and fell to his knees. His hands twitched and his mouth agape as he watched the demon dog's back legs disappear from the top of his vision. Intense pain traveled through his body, and everything faded to black.

He woke up again in his bedroom. The warm yellow of the lights contrasted with the pale moonlight outside. Glom's voice rang out in his head, crystal clear, a separate consciousness within his mind.

"Sup. My endless, insurmountable power is now being shared with you. Do you feel any different?"

"Uh... Not really." He said aloud.

"Well, it's there. Just remember, I'm going to be the brains of this operation, so don't let our partnership get to your head okay?"

It took a second for Nishu to register the pun. "Oh god. Just kill me."

"Later. For now, do as I say and you'll get your prize. Now the best thing to do is take these girls when they're isolated. Don't worry, I already know when they're alone and where they go. An all-powerful yoma such as myself is a natural expert in sneaking up on schoolgirls. First, we should prepare our tactics based on who we want. Choose a target and we'll get to work."

The boy hesitated.

"I... don't know. I can't decide. I mean, just like that? Even now this whole thing just seems so surreal. How often would someone just come straight out and say, 'I want to rape that girl' as opposed to saying they want regular sex? It's weird. And it's wrong."

"We're weird people kid. I'm a part of you now, body and mind. That's the full truth. Most people would consider this a grand opportunity. A chance to obtain something they'd never be able to on their own. So come on kid, say a name, or just pick one out of a hat, I don't care which. Whether or not it's wrong has nothing to do with it. The most obvious choice would be the one you've got a crush on. In lieu of that, tell me, which girl do you like the most?"

Asuka. That was the girl he liked. In the waking hours of his mind, the boy dreamed of Asuka' s smiling face. Nishu shook his head.

"Katsuragi." he said without emotion

"Ah, excellent choice. Time to molest the molester! though, we'll be doing something much worse than that."

Katsuragi Prep

Nishu stood in front of his bathroom mirror. He frowned at his own rough frame, his droopy, sunken eyes and slouched posture. He could hear a low snickering at the back of his skull.

"All right kid. If we confront her upfront, she'll kick our asses so hard we won't have buns. No offense, but you don't quite seem like the fighter type. Either that or she'll just run away and disappear like with the others."


"Right. Lucky for you, you've got me. And together we've got the element of surprise. So check this out."

Nishu's skin grew slick and moist, and he looked down to see black slime oozing through his pores.

"Uh... What are you doing exactly?"

"Close your eyes and wait. Watch, oh it's gonna be good."

"Do I wait or do I watch?"

"Shut up and close your eyes damnit!"

Nishu closed his eyes. His skin tingled as the slime moved on its own. It clamped down his head and coagulated on to his hips and chest. It tore his pants off, the shreds being brought up to hang loose from his waist. His shirt got tighter as two round lumps poked out from within. What was once his pants became a skirt. His legs were bare and cold. Then pressure on his back forced him to stand up straight. There was an audible crack from his shoulders and backbone.

Nishu was about to say something, but once he opened his mouth slime jumped down his throat. He gagged for a second before it settled at the back of his mouth. More of the glop gathered on the top of his head. It grew heavier until it broke apart, forming strands of hair whose tips brushed against his shoulders. Glom started cracking up, his voice quick and delighted.

"Now go check your beautiful self out."

The boy opened his eyes, threw his hands up and froze when he saw a black girl staring back at him. The girl did the same. It took a complicated series of gestures before he realized that the girl in the mirror was just him, the black slime from earlier clinging to his body to make himself resemble a completely different person.

"Congratulations on your transition!"

Nishu coughed.

"Glom, if this a joke, it's an absolutely terrible one. This is might actually be one of the most offensive things I've ever witnessed." To Nishu' surprise, his voice had come out much higher, softer. Even knowing it was his own voice, hearing it made him think of the word "cute".

Glom chuckled in his head.

"Those are the best kinds of jokes kid! Also, sure okay, the prospective rapist wants to be politically correct."

"Ugh... At least change the skin color. I've read enough hentai to not be surprised by transforming into a girl."

"... Yeah. That's not weird at all... Just so you know, I was going to give you blonde hair so you'd

end up being like one of those ganguro types."

The charcoal black skin faded into a milky white. It was like seeing a chameleon shift its colors. He noted with surprise that the slime had fixed the skin around his eyes. The girl in front of him had a demure look about her.

Glom's cheerful voice penetrated his thoughts.

"Anyways kid, I'm thinking that if you want to go after Katsuragi, you'll need something to lure her in. Since one of her favorite sports is sexually harassing other women, what better way than to entice her with a delicious plump set of boobies?"

"They're... heavy."

"Good! The best ones always are! Hell, if I didn't know better I'd start sexually harassing you right now!"

The boy squinted into the mirror while his mouth twisted in disgust.

" ...Uh... Yeah, I'm so flattered. I guess? Whatever. As long as I get what I want in the end, this is fine."

Rooftop Arousal

Nishu's light steps echoed through the stairway. He was tired and hot, with sweat dripping down his shirt. His sizable boobs hurt his back as he climbed the stairs. He had gone through the whole day in disguise as a new female student.

"I can't believe nobody noticed that the real me was gone..."

"Hey, you got hit on by like three studs though. How's that for stroking your ego?"

"Ugh. Shut up."

"Anyways, once we see her you'll be the one doing the talking. I'll hang back and come out when the time is right. So act natural okay?"

"If you say so."

They ascended the school stairs, climbing higher and higher until they reached the top floor. This part of the stairwell was dimly lit, but beams of sunlight shot out through cracks in the door above them. The air around them felt warmer with each step up. Soon they pushed the door open with a loud creak, and sunlight flooded the stairway. Nishu shielded his eyes from the brightness.

"Yo." said a voice. It was a girl's voice, but sounded low, almost boyish.

There was Katsuragi smiling at him from far edge of the roof, her green eyes shining. Her waist-long blonde hair and blue ribbons flowed with the wind. A blue-white striped bra underneath was exposed beneath the half-buttoned white shirt. Her ample cleavage was beyond anything he's ever seen. Her plump breasts were like the matching pillows of a king-sized mattress, Nishu wanted to bury his face in them and stay there forever. She had one leg crossed and the other with its knee raised, her skirt fell and bunching to reveal a meaty thigh. He could see her blue-white striped panty beneath one of the skirt's folds, outlined by the smooth, light skin of her thighs.

Nishu blushed. He was nervous, sweating. His voice cracked. He barely managed a hoarse whisper.


He shifted his feet around, his hands clutching at his skirt. He would look the to beauty in front of him for a second before bringing his eyes down again. Katsuragi's smile grew wider. When she spoke, her low voice was smooth and sultry.

"Hey there. Haven't seen you around. You a new student here?"

Nishu was so nervous he trembled where he stood.

Y-yes. Yes I am. Um... I'm sorry. I figured... up here was somewhere quiet."

"Well yeah, up here is plenty quiet. Sometimes, I like to come here by myself to think. You could hang around if you're thinking of doing the same. Heh, don't worry I'll be as quiet as a mouse."

Nishu broke eye contact and walked to his left, stopping at an adjacent edge of the roof. From the top of the school he could see the white buildings of the nearby city. Blue white blocks with uniform windows, people below walking about in suits and school uniforms. The boy cupped his hands together and held them in front of his waist. The wind pushed his hair back, picking up his skirt. A tingling sensation coursed through his skin as the wind passed through his bare thighs. Behind him, Katsuragi's breathing had lustful air about it. The boy strove to make his own voice sound more confident.

"I'm a little uncomfortable though, being new and all. I've had trouble making friends in the past. I thought if more people payed attention to me I'd be happy, but it doesn't feel right. Maybe it needs getting used to."

"Oh. I'm sure you'll be fine, especially since you are fine. There are plenty nice people here, even if there are also a lot of weirdos. You're hot enough so you'll find that out eventually. Like I'm not even joking, you've got a rocking body. Like. Damn."

Nishu looked back. Katsuragi was walking toward him now.

"And I know being a new environment can be kind of nerve-wracking, but just do as I do, ya know? Stand proud and walk tall."

She raised her fist as she walked. It looked like she was doing an impromptu hero pose. When she got close Nishu blushed until his face became a bright pink. She was standing at his side, her arm on his shoulder.

"And if anyone gives you any trouble, find me up here alright? I'll set things straight. Or just beat 'em to a pulp!"

Nishu turned away from her, his face flushed. His heart racing.

"T-Thank you. That means a lot."

Katsuragi's hands wrapped around his chest. Her fingers pushed into the soft skin of his breasts and he yelped as a strange excitement rushed through his body. Katsuragi giggled while he squirmed, his own hands grabbing onto her fingers. She squeezed both breasts multiple times, grabbing them and moving them around up and down and to the side. A sensation that was both numbing and intense arced across his chest, and his legs went pigeon-toed. Nishu's mind raced, shouting into his consciousness "Aren't these breasts supposed to be fake?"

Glom's laugh echoed through his head.

His whole body went hot as he noted Katsuragi pressed her body against his. Her boobs squeezed themselves across his back, and he smelled her flowery perfume as her long blonde hair dropped over his shoulders. Katsuragi's breath tickled his right ear.

Nishu shouted aloud at Glom "What the hell are you doing!?"

Katsuragi chuckled. Her warm breath on his neck. "Don't fight it. Just relax. Focus on the pleasure. You like it don't you? Geeze. I have to say these are the most perfect pair tits I've ever got my hands on! No wonder the guys were all over you."

Glom's voice rang out in his mind. "Hey kid, stand your ground for what happens next. Lean forward and don't fall."

Katsuragi squeezed harder now, making Nishu squeak aloud amid her assault. After a few more seconds she loosened her grip.

"Alrighty. That's all for now. Thanks for that. Now I'm refreshed... Wait. What the?"

Katsuragi's hands remained on his breasts. She tried to let go , but it was like the hands were glued to his chest. He whimpered and whined again as she pulled harder at his tits.

"Heh. Well. This is awkward. Not that I mind this kind of thing. I wonder what the guys will think when they see -GAAAGH!"

Glom's face appeared at the back of Nishu's head. Black, sticky tentacles erupted from its mouth, wrapping themselves around Katsuragi's head and shoulders. Glom compacted himself like a spring before launching onto Katsuragi's face.

His full doggy body clung to her head, the arms and legs grabbing on to her blue ribbons. Katsuragi tried to scream, but her voice became muffled as a moist, black tentacle plunged down her throat. Tentacles forced her jaws open as wide as they can go. A bulge appeared going down her neck. She choked and coughed as the tentacle moved up and down, increasing speed with each second. She shook her head left and right, trying to step back. Nishu yelped once more as she pulled his boobs apart, stretching them out in her frenzy.

Glom's voice was out of Nishu's head, now heard in the outside world. With his deep voice, he purred like a cat.

"Ooooh... Her throat pussy is clamping down on me so gooooood."

Katsuragi leaned forward, one leg stretched behind her, then straightened herself up as she swung her leg to the front. Her knee slammed into Nishu's groin so hard he lifted into the air. His vision blurred, he saw rainbow stars, then saw double. The slime and ooze that covered Nishu's legs came alive.

It jumped from him and coiled around Katsuragi's legs. Then It crawled up her body, bringing both of her legs together in a tight bind. The boy crumpled, falling to his knees and hunching over, his head spinning as his body tried to deal with the pain traveling from his crotch to his chest.

The slime that made up Nishu's breasts detached themselves and flew behind him. Katsuragi tried to jump backwards, but the leg restraints made her trip and fall over. She was on her back now, her arms and legs stuck together as Glom jack hammered himself into her mouth. She gagged and coughed with every thrust. Nishu's body rippled, the slime covering his body sinking deep into his skin and muscles. A few seconds later the pain in his groin disappeared, and his disguise jumped to the floor in small droplets. They crawled over to Katsuragi, adding themselves to her bondage. She squirmed, but her movements only made the restraints go tighter.

The boy then stood up and turned around. The Balls of black goo that stuck her hands and feet to the floor looked like huge, twitching patches of bubblegum. They kept her hands stretched above head, with her legs straight and closed. She winced and moaned, still choking in rhythm. Glom grumbled and cooed while Katsuragi's lips squeezed down on his slippery tentacle.

"Kid…... If I wasn't wrapped around you -oooh-, that... kiiii-uuuuuugh-... that kick would have sent your balls into space. You're -oh yes- very lucky."

He looked down, watching as their movements made Katsuragi's breasts jiggle and her skirt shift.

"Well kid, you want to join in or what?"

Story Branch:


Nishu shook his head.

"I... I can't do this."

Nishu walked towards the door, his legs shaking. Glom's voice was soft, almost sad.

"Oh...Sorry to hear. Oh well Kid, more for me."

"D-don't worry Katsuragi, I'm going to call for help!"

Katsuragi's gags and moans became softer and quieter. When he reached the stairs, the creaking of the door seemed to drown out the sounds behind him. He looked back. Both Glom and the girl disappeared.



Katsuragi Catch

"Wait. We can't do it here. People might see us."

"Oh right, good thinking. I know just the place."

The demon dog's mechanical thrusting stopped, and Nishu heard Katsuragi trying to breathe despite the monster dick in her jaws.

Glom's form expanded. It blew up like a giant black bubble, completely covering her and growing further until it stopped at the boy's feet. A dog face poked out of the murk.

"Get in! I'm going to teleport us out of here."

"Wait, you're what? Why didn't we do that from the start instead of having me go through the whole day as a girl!?"

"What are you getting so worked up for? You rocked the miniskirt pretty well if I say so myself."

Nishu scowled at the blackness before him. After a moment, he sighed, shrugged, and stepped into the dome. For a few seconds he floated aimless in a pitch-black void. There was no sound, sight, or sense of touch. A new environment formed around him in streaks, like someone wiping away dirt off a window. He found himself in a forest clearing. The sun shone bright in the clear sky, its beams penetrating through the leaves of pine trees. He could hear birds singing, but nothing else stirred around him.

Katsuragi was on the ground, still gagged and bound. She lay on a thick bed of grass that extended through the clearing. Beneath the grass, Glom's black essence spread through the soil, making it look like an infestation of oversized worms tunneled through the ground.

"Where are we?" Nishu asked.

"We're In a forest a few miles away. Don't worry, its isolated even from shinobi like her. We'll have some nice, peaceful, alone time here."

Glom freed her hands, taking delight in her effort to push him away. He thrust into her mouth once more. The thick blonde gave a muffled cry.

Nishu stared down at their writhing form. Katsuragi choked and coughed, her moans muffled by the thing pounding into her mouth. Tears were welling up in her eyes. Thick, white, salty liquid dribbled down her chin and her cheeks, sticking onto her long yellow hair that only minutes ago, fluttered gracefully in the wind. The blue ribbons on the side of her head and her shirt became soaked with the white splooge.

Her head and body turned left and right as it tried to escape the black slime pinning her to the ground. The monster-dog peered back at Nishu, its red-orange eyes twitching upwards with pleasure.

"Amazing...the way she bites down on me, her furious face staring up my blackened red rocket..." The dog creature laughed "Yes, her reactions are amazing! Okay kid, I'm going to stay here and keep her mouth busy. You do you."

Not all of Glom's slime had left the boy's body. The remains pooled around his cock, completely covering it and changing its shape and making it gargantuan. The slime became part of him. His dick was now cartoonish and over-sized. It curved upwards, with bumps and smooth ridges along its head and sides.

"By the way, don't worry about damage. She's got quite a durable body, and I'm keeping it healthy to boot."

The demon's barbaric grin spread wider. Nishu's new, augmented cock throbbed in anticipation. In his mind, he knew what he wanted to do first...

Katsuragi's gags and chokes shifted in tone as she kept moving her head around. Her eyes shut tight as she struggled to breath, barely able to get an open airway past Glom's lumpy tentacle. The demon dog looked down and noticed this.

"Ah. Okay. Hang on..."

The penetrating tentacle slid up, retracting back into its owner. The bulge on Katsuragi's neck disappeared with it. She coughed twice and gargled when a small fountain of demon-semen erupted from her mouth. She turned her head to the side and heaved, coughing as the thick, sticky goo cascaded from her throat. The tears in her eyes now slipped down the side of her face. In between the coughing and gargling she took deep, desperate breaths of air.

"You bastards… I'll Kill you! Let me go! LET ME GO!"

Katsuragi jerked out, trying to raise her arms and legs out of the goop. Her restraints held. She moaned in frustration, whimpering "Nooo" as Glom climbed back on to her face. She yelped a fearful "No!" again just before the iron- hard tentacle sprang out of Glom and nudged its tip into her mouth. Katsuragi tried to keep her mouth shut, pressing her lips tight, but the rough appendage still probed into her mouth. Her jaws were being forced open. Right when she screamed in fear and resentment, the tentacle plopped deep into her throat once more. The rapid tapping on her face resumed. Her gagging continued, some of the semen splashing out of her nose.

"Aaaanh... There we go."

Nishu knelt in front of her open legs, watching her hips gyrate in her struggle. He looked past Glom's body at her face, as she kept trying in vain to bite down on the tentacle. His penis throbbed so much It could have burst right then and there.

The boy took a seat on Katsuragi's stomach. His over-sized penis lay all along her body, extending out between her pillowy boobs. The tip of it giving a light touch on Glom's back.

"What the-?"

"Fucking don't worry about it." Nishu replied at once.

Nishu leaned forward and dug his hands into her cleavage, grabbing her shirt. Buttons popped into the air as he snapped it open. There, barely contained by her blue and white striped bra, were her massive breasts. Katsuragi gave a distressed whimper, though her gagging became more strained as Glom sped up his tempo. He could see her breasts jiggle in waves in time with Glom's repeated thumping.

"Katsuragi...for all your obsessing over other girl's boobs, I always thought yours were the most amazing."

Nishu squeezed her breasts as hard as he could. Pulled at them and pushed them in, readjusting his grip before repeating. Pushed them left, right, pulled them apart, pushed them together. His rubbed cock between them, His hips thrusting forward until her chest became soaked in his pre-cum. Katsuragi moaned and whined. She sounded like she was trying to say something, but instead she retched into thick tentacle pounding down her throat.

Glom's ecstatic groans reached a fever pitch. More tentacles erupted from the side of his body, each of them wrapping around Katsuragi's head, pulling her closer to him. She gagged and choked, wincing and moaning each time her nose rubbed against the dog's belly. More fluid trickled down her chin even as she struggled to swallow it. Her eyes rolled from lack of oxygen.

The dog retracted its tentacle and lifted himself off her, trotting away to rest at the base of a nearby tree. It watched as Katsuragi made another fit of coughing up demon-cum. She vomited straight up, the semen splashing into her face and eyes. She groaned and lay her head back, her arms dropping into the soft grass before the slime restrained her yet again. Her chest rose and fell with each deep breath.

"Uuugh. Why is my body growing hot? What did you force me drink?" She whispered. As she caught her breath, she looked down at the boy sitting on her body. Her face twisted into an intimidating snarl. Her arms and legs rose before being held back by the tentacles. "You. You punk. Think some crappy poison will stop me? Do you have any idea who I am?"

She pulled at her restraints again. She grunted and yelled, her exertions giving way to rapid fire cursing. Her hands remained glued to the ground, unchanged. Katsuragi's face grew red, and she lay back, panting.

"Damn it all. I don't feel right. I can't think. Why is this happening?"

Nishu ignored her. He let go of her breasts and spread his knees so they were on either side of her. His hands then slid down her body. They drifted down the sides of her stomach. He rubbed her sides slow, appreciating every bit of her hourglass curve. The groping hands reached behind her, the fingers dragging up her skirt, sinking into her butt. He lowered his head in between her legs, murmuring the garbled words against her skin. Her body grew hotter.

His hands brushed up against something stuck to the small of her back. It was papery and smooth. Katsuragi tensed up, her back pressing against the ground. It was if she was trying to hide it from him. He pinched the surrounding skin before pulling the object out. He held it up. It was a dark red scroll, the paper bound tight with a yellow seal. Nishu weighed it in his hand.

"What's this?"

"None of your business! Don't touch that!"

After ripping the seal, he let paper roll out, holding it up to read the contents. The lettering was written in black and with careful, precise brush strokes. The demon dog, still lying on the tree, spoke to him.

"Transformations. Hand to hand and weapon techniques. Magic."

"You're kidding. She really is a ninja, huh?"

Still curled up against the tree, the dog nodded. The scroll fell from his hand, and everyone watched as the ground swallowed the red paper. "Yum" The dog said. Katsuragi tried to threaten him, but Nishu stopped caring after he noticed her reddening complexion. Still she spoke, her voice shaky, somewhat moaning. It made him eager to press into her.

"I have friends just like me. They're coming… you'll see. They'll break me out, and I'm going to split you in half…from the bottom going up."

Nishu just smiled and pressed his head against her. He took his time, licking up and down her body. It was like he was defiling a goddess. Her exposed breasts, her long hair now moist and sticky, the lovey wide hips covered by thin panties. Just the sight of her almost made him cum. Without a word from the boy, the slime that bound her legs split apart, spreading her legs out wide. She picked her head up and scowled past her breasts at Nishu's grinning face.

Sweat dripped from her legs, the muscles on her thick thighs twitching as she struggled to keep her knees together. Nishu repositioned himself in between her legs and ripped off her white-and-blue striped panties. Her hips jerked around in reaction. Nishu's hands grabbed her ankles and pushed them until her knees straightened out. Afterwards he rubbed the underside of his throbbing member up and down her pink pussy. Fluid dripped down his shaft, the bumps stroking her clitoris.

"Do you like this, ninja-girl? I like it. I love every second of this."

Katsuragi looked at the boy's size with widened eyes, the lips of her mouth pressed tight. A mix of terror and anger played out across her face, trying to force a smile before she spoke with a trembling voice.

"H-heh. Who would get anything off t-that microp-p-penis of yours."

She winced. The tip of his cock poked into her entrance.

"I-its so small I haven't n-noticed anything. You piece of trash. W-when I get out of here I'll kick your ass so hard it'll-

Katsuragi gasped. Nishu stuck his tip into her, easy and slow. He looked at Katsuragi's face with a sadistic sneer. For a second, her eyes met his. She grit her teeth and struggled in vain at the restraints. She tried to kick at him, but the slime held her legs in place. She wept.

"No... Don't do it...Don't you dare! Please! W-Wait!"

In the last few words her voice cracked. The boyish charm and confidence from earlier completely gone. Nishu thrust his hips forward, forcing it in as fast and as hard as he could. It penetrated in all the way to the base. Part of her stomach bulged out. Katsuragi's muscles tensed from the pain. She let out a harsh, deafening cry of agony. Her mouth was agape, her eyes and lips trembling. Blood trickled down the inside of her thighs, pooling into the ground.

Then he pounded into her. Over and over he thrust into her womb, his dick smashing against the back of her womb. Through it all Katsuragi yelped and whined. She would yell out each time he penetrated her tight pussy. Each push seemed to knock the wind out of her, and she gasped before he brought himself out for another hit.

"Stop this! It hurts! You bastards! You'll pay for this! I swear! Please! Stop!" She sobbed in between breaths. Tears gathered up in her eyes and dripped down her temples.

"I'm not attracted to men..."

The boy picked up speed. Her moans became louder, faster, her yelps and grunts more frequent. Nishu's head leaned back, his eyes glazing over as he stared up at the heavens. His chest rose and fell with each deep breath. All his focus centered on the sheer incalculable pleasure flooding his brain. The young boy noted every inch of her, every fold and every twitch of her pussy. He went in even harder, deeper. He was to the point of rapture each time his dick pounded her cervix. The bulge on her stomach disappeared and reappeared with every thrust. Her loud, wild moans echoed across the forest.

Glom sat and watched from the side. He panted, his demonic dog tongue hanging loose, his tail wagging.

Nishu lost track of time, his mind and body lost on the ecstacy coursing through him. He plunged in and out, sped up and slowed down, breaking rhythm before starting up again. Sometimes he would exit out of her, then plunge right back in. He would pick up her hips with his hands and lift her up, aiming his rod into the more sensitive spots. He leaned left and right, going in at different angles, spreading her out bit by bit. Katsuragi's face twisted and her eyes rolled back as she climaxed in a rough, screaming orgasm.

The boy would remove herself from her and crawled to sit on her chest. She would lay there panting as his hands cupped on to her breasts, pushing them together. They completely enveloped his penis, and he moved his hips in deliberate mechanical motions. The tip of his dick poked into her mouth and shoved itself against her teeth. Then two hair-like tentacles would spring from behind her head and slip themselves into her mouth, forcing her jaw open.

From then on whenever his penis tunneled between her breasts, her lips would wrap around his cock. Her tongue would put pressure on the head, as if she were trying to push it away, the tip of her tongue sometimes poking at the hole. He shot hot, sticky loads into her mouth, and she would moan and shut her eyes in revulsion, her throat moving as she swallowed sperm.

Sometimes he would orgasm outside, cumming in globs across her face and hair.

Late in the afternoon Glom rejoined the fray. He willed a large tentacle to burst forth from the blackened ground. It was shiny and wet, caked in the same liquid that Katsuragi swallowed down earlier. It slithered through the grass like a snake, prodding its tip into Katsuragi's asshole.

"No. You can't be serious. No, please! I can't take anymore of this!"

Then in a burst of movement, it forced its way in. As Nishu moved, the tentacle in her ass moved, and he could almost touch it while he was inside of her. It was a sensation that added to his pleasure, and he plowed on with both her holes filled. He kept fucking her while he leaned forward and sucked on her breasts like a thirsty child.

At one point Katsuragi's back arched straight up, strained and curved. Every muscle in her body twitched. Her eyes rolled back, and she let out a long, pained howl that repeated itself in differing tones. Fluids gushed from her cunt while Nishu's dick still hammered into her womb.

Sometimes he would ask Glom to flip her over, and she'd then sink completely into the grass only to rise again, now belly down. Her plump bottom would be propped up by a rough tentacle. Then he would bend over and fuck her pussy like a dog. In that position he reached over and grabbed her breasts, squeezing them and rubbing her nipples. Bent forward, Nishu would grab Katsuragi's arms and pull her into him, his hips slapping mercilessly into her thighs. She moaned and screamed with every thrust.

He didn't stop for a second.

At one point, he pulled out of her pussy only to slide it a little higher into her ass. Katsuragi looked back at him while still panting from another crying orgasm. Nishu made a shallow poke into her other hole, making her gasp in surprise and fear. Her heavy breathing interspersed with the breathless words of the girl talking to herself.

"He's really doing this. There's no way that thing could fit, but he's going in anyway." She said, wincing. "This doesn't feel good. I don't like men!"

He piled into her. The tightness made Nishu's eyes roll, and he gripped her hips trying to keep his composure. It was a dry thrust, and she screamed until her voice became hoarse. Her hands gripped her tentacled restraints to brace herself from the pain. Glom laughed from his spot, and another tentacle sprang up in front of her face. It pushed into her mouth, already wet with more of the thick spunk.

Nishu alternated between both parts of her. He plunged himself into one hole and then the other at a rapid-fire pace. With one hand on her hips, Nishu raised the other and smacked her ass. He spanked her ass while he thrust. Pink hand imprints appeared where struck her. He watched as the vibrations traveled across her skin and muscles, her coarse howling delighting him even more as he battered her womb. A rapturous, energy-draining orgasm poured into her ass, the pressure and volume filling up her up. The cum would shoot through her system, making her gargle and throw it up even while a tentacle brushed against her tongue and roof of her mouth.

Other times he would lift one of her legs and fuck her from the side. For these he took extra delight in caressing and licking her long, thick legs. He ran his hands down her thigh and up to her feet, licking her calf. Her moans of pleasure and pain echoed through the forest.

Nishu's ecstasy became increasingly intense, his conscious mind almost shutting down when his swelling dick burst inside of her. The first time he did so, Katsuragi's eyes grew wide at his pulsating cock, and she screamed.

"No! Please! Not Inside! I'm already so broken! I'm already so destroyed!" The sound of her voice only making his penis grow even harder.

And each time he orgasmed, he would look down and see her belly pump up, inflating where his dick-bulge was. He would then push down with his hands and see the semen gush out from her cunt all the while still ramming his dick into her womb.

By the time they finished it was already well into the next morning, the early rays of dawn piercing through the blackness. The stars faded away. The moon lost its shine. After so many hours, Nishu went limp. He backed up. His dick flopped out of her, drooped down like a deflated balloon. The restraints that held Katsuragi down for so long loosened. Though free, she remained lying on her back.

Her hands reached up and covered her eyes. Her chest and hips jerked up and down. Half of it was due to delayed sensations of pleasure. Half of it from her renewed sobbing.

"How could this have happened? All the training I've done to find strong opponents…. I'm...supposed to be a shinobi. I'm supposed to be strong..I'm..the strongest...I'm...I'm...cumming...I'm...cuum-cu-aah-AAAAAAAHHH!"

Her limbs twitched. Katsuragi's body spread eagled in a violent spasm. She arched her back and her hips thrust upwards. Her entire body shook, convulsing for one final orgasm. Her pussy sprayed out, soaking everything 3 feet in front of her. Nighttime animals scurried away from the sound of her screaming. After several seconds the thick blonde went limp and fainted.

After seeing this Nishu also fell backward. A look of complete and utter satisfaction spread across his face. His eyes closed, the soft grass of the forest floor acting like a natural cushion. Glom sat, panting with his tongue hanging out as he eyed their unconscious bodies. He made a wide, toothy grin.

"Alrighty. Time to bring her home for now."

Glom expanded himself, enveloping both teenagers in a dome of blackness. The dome then shrunk, becoming smaller and smaller until it disappeared entirely.

Nishu woke up in his bedroom. The sun's rays beamed in through the windows. He stretched groaned and stretched his arms, but flinched when he looked and saw Katsuragi lying next to him. She was on her side, facing him with her legs straight and her hands resting in front of her. She was completely naked except for her blue ribbons. Her creamy skin and thick curves seemed to shine in the morning dawn. He became erect in the next second. Glom's voice crept into his head.

"Slow down there. We need to get the other one's first before we continue with her. She'll be out for a while so it's the perfect time to get your next target. Don't worry, I cleaned her up and healed her body while both of you were asleep. Physically, she's as fresh as ever. Mentally...well... I'm sure she's yours now. In the meantime, I'll put her in a pocket dimension of mine while she recovers. She'll be in a state of suspended animation while she's there."

He laid his hand on her shoulder, before traveling down to grab her hips, palming her thigh. When he moved his hand away, she grumbled and frowned. She spoke in her sleep, her voice soft, gentle, nothing more than a whisper.

"Dad. Mom. Don't leave me alone again."

Nishu frowned. What was she dreaming about? Maybe she's remembering a deep part of her past? Nishu realized that for all the times he worshiped her from afar, he knew nothing about her. He took a deep breath and looked out the window. rolling black clouds drifted In from the west. they spread halfway across the horizon, dulling the colors of the city streets. a flash of white lit up the sky, streaks of lightning snaked their way through its underbelly. The golden sun and the storm split the city in two.

"What's up kid? Got another one planned?"

He turned to face the dog at his bedside.

"Yeah. Can we do Asuka next?"

The demon's grin spread from ear to ear.

"Of course we can."