
Senju Ryoichi’s tale to Immortality

Having died and felt the clutches of death once, Senju Ryoichi biggest goal in this new life of his was to never feel that again. To do that he needs to achieve Immortality at any cost, and being reborn in a world where people can spit fire and become God after eating fruit, he has quite a shot at his unachievable goal. . AU . info dump .

41_Claws · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

2: 7years development: part-1


~Konoha, Year 42~


Ryoichi exited the council room and leisurely strolled towards his house with his mind occupied with one of his latest projects which is related to souls.

To get a better understanding of this subject Ryoichi has delved deeper into many soul-based Jutsus. Mainly the Impure World, summoning Jutsu, Reaper death seal, Spirit Transformation Jutsu, and some other Jutsu like Clones and Illusions.

There are few reasons Ryoichi has fixated researching on the soul in the last two years. He believes that only immortalising the body won't make him a true immortal, he also has to become immortal mentally and spiritually, so that he doesn't become tired of his eternal life.

Of course, that's not the only reason behind his research. Ryoichi also believes that creating soul-based attacks is the only way to truly kill an Otsutski.

"Ryoichi!!!" As he reached the Senju compound, a voice called him.

Ryoichi's gentle smile strained as he turned to face the only person who still call him by his name.

"Ahh Tsunade… I see you have returned from your mission." Ryoichi greeted the still flat teen Tsunade with a smile.

"Oh please wipe that fake disgusting smile off your face or I'm gonna make you," Tsunade spoke as she cracked her fist.

Ryoichi's smile became even wider as he replied to her threat. "It's better you stop acting like a man, or else you'll die unmarried."

"Then you haven't seen how many boys leer after me." Tsunade snorted with a smug face.

"Heh~ Jiraya doesn't count, Tsuande."

Ryoichi's words caused a crack in Tsunade's smug face.

"Ji-Jiraya isn't the only one. I-I have other boys crazy for me." Tsunade replied with a stutter.

"Ooh do tell their names."

"Thei-their na-names are… ugh! Forget it I came here to inform you that Grandma has invited you for dinner tonight!!!" Tsunade shouted with a red face and flickered away without waiting for Ryoichi's reply.

Ryoichi who saw the behaviour didn't say anything and continued his walk back to his house. But his walk was disturbed again, this time by an Anbu.

"Lord Senju, we have detected an abnormal level of energy discharge."


"Around our main base…"

The Anbu's answer made Ryoichi silent for a few seconds before he spoke again.

"Hmm… send the full report to my office I'll look over it"

"Hai! But what should be our immediate response?"

"What did Mirai say?"

"She sent a team to investigate the area."

"Hmm? I see… so let the team return first and inform their findings, I'll decide then."

"Understood." The Anbu nodded and bowed his head deeply before he disappeared, leaving Ryoichi to his thoughts.

Ryoichi's thought lasted for a minute or so before he continued walking again, fortunately, no one disturbed him this time

As Ryoichi reached his newly built house his mind drifted to how these 7 peaceful years passed.

When he became the patriarch, the situation of Senju was dire, to say the least, the two-generation patriarch ignoring the clan issues to build the Village had the clan in crumbles to the point Ryoichi even wondered how the Senjus didn't go extinct.

With most of their earnings going to Village development and a lack management for remaining resources has left the clan's assets in rags, not to mention the continuous inbreeding that caused the birth rate to fall at an all-time low. It was a miracle and a testament to the greatness of Senju's bloodline that the previous two generations weren't born with permanent disabilities.

The millennium-long inbreeding had caused some serious gene degradation in the clan, the only reason they hadn't fallen centuries ago was because of their alien DNA and Chakra. Normally the said DNA should still prevent gene degradation, but Ryoichi has found something in the rice grain entering the Senju compound. It was a special type of chemical that prevents pregnancy if a female consume it after sex. Something similar to birth control pills.

But unlike the pills, the chemical has some long-lasting side effects if consumed regularly. It causes females to become permanently infertile and lessen their sex drives.

Whoever planned this was not only patient but also cruel enough to snub out Senju's lineage like that, though Ryoichi already knew who it was.

And knowing the identity of the preparator made his palm wrapped around that pale white neck of his even more satisfying.

Even if Ryoichi knew the problem, it did not help him solve it as he faced an even bigger problem — that being the case of almost having no young and unmarried Senju in clan. Most clan members were either old or happily married, the only ones who weren't were Anbus. However, they did not want to get married as their job had a mortality rate above 90%.

Only after Ryoichi banned the Senjus from leaving the Village due to attacks from their enemies in the absence of the Senju brothers did they accept Ryoichi's offer/order which helped the clan finally raise its number after almost a decade. And in these 7 years, 13 new Senjus have joined the clan.

Originally Ryoichi wanted more, but after first conceiving he realised that civilian women need at least a year to become healthy enough to conceive again. Their civilian bodies were too fragile to birth a Senju with their high vitality, Chakra and a strong body without affecting civilians mother's healths. The Chakra and vitality don't come from anywhere, those come from the mother's body thus they need time to recover.

After solving the biggest problem of the clan Ryoichi focuses on the declining businesses of the clan. He had to use his modern knowledge to build new products and upgrade existing ones to stabilise the business. He even had to hire many new workers and build a proper system like the modern giant corporation, so he could better manage the hundreds of small scattered businesses across the Fire Nation.

Once Ryoichi was finally done with population and income growth he was finally able to focus on the growth of his organisation. His founding and main base, Akihara Village has become a small town with Mirai attracting people from destroyed civilian villages from the previous War.

Mirai has once again exceeded Ryoichi's expectations by managing the village so well that he didn't even think twice when he gave his proto-limit-breaking serum to her.

The serum was precious to say the least because the materials needed to create it were very limited and not purchasable.

Ryoichi created the serum after experimenting on the remnant roots of the Shinju. And even after completing the serum formula, he needs a large amount of the Shinju root to create a single serum which only helps break the limits of Shinobi below Kage, completely useless for Kage rank Shinobis like him.

The serum was the reason Ryoichi had invested a considerable amount of resources and manpower in finding the main villain of Boruto series. Jigen.

Ryoichi knew Jigen had a complete Shinju in his Dimension, and believes that if he got his hand on that he should be able to create a serum to break his own limit, not to mention researching on an Otsutsuki's body might lead him to have a breakthrough on his main research.


[AN: That's it!!! I won't be uploading any more chapter this week, I'll upload a few on Patreon tho. And If you want to read more go to my Patr*on/41_Claws. There are 10+ advance unedited chapters on it…]
