
Sengodan - AN Unseen Land...

The serial story tells about the most haunted place in India (Khuldara Rajasthan). What happens when a young couple go there to live ? They started living there as both were left homeless due to corona pandemic. But something was there waiting for them. What was it? Or rather who were they? What they did to the young couple? A nail biting sci-fi for all types of readers.

Srija_Venkatesh · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Sengodan - An Unseen World!

Chapter 1:

Year 2019 December 24th.

Andy was tasting his Chai tea in the shop. He was a very strongly built tall man with brown skin and black hair. He worked as a tourist guide in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan India. He took proud in the fact that; he could speak English. About his birth and education, he was the son of the state. In other words, he was left as a newborn on the steps of a temple without even a letter. The merciful people around the place put him in the orphanage nearby. He grew along with few such children. He was named Dharak Mandir. Since his last name was unknown, he was named Mandir, the place he was found. The name was unbearable to him for he was teased in his orphanage as well as in the school because of his name. He wanted to change to some English name for style, but was not allowed to do so, because of the care taker of the orphanage. Mr. Sitaram was a very kind and honest man, but whenever someone asks him for name change, he threw real drama. So, at the age of 16 Dharak Mandir changed his name to Andy Temple.

For a boy from the orphanage attending a public school was not easy at all! All students used to talk about their mother, father and even grandparents. Sometimes they even met their elder or younger siblings at the school and exchanged lunch boxes. All these made Andy long for a family, and a house. He was neither a naughty nor a very brilliant boy. He was an average student who managed to pass in all subjects. But as far as making friendships, even though he was willing, the other students were a little reluctant to even talk to him. Of course, Dharak (at that home he was) had a few friends, but never visited their houses. At last, at the age of 13 his dream came true. When Andy was in 7th standard, his friend Raghu took him to his house. Andy was really feeling proud and elated to be invited home by a friend. He told everyone in the orphanage that he was going to visit a real house. Some did not believe, some felt jealous. He ignored everything and went on to wear the best dress he got for the occasion.

Raghu's house was located in the outskirts. It was not a big one, but his mother welcomed both with love. Andy thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was wearing a red saree, red glass bangles. She made them some nice snacks and gave them tea to drink. Andy was more interested in talking to Raghu's mother than Raghu himself. He wanted to sit near her and talk endlessly. Andy felt a new warm glow inside him. Raghu's father was a peon in an office. He rode his bicycle to his office and back home. 12 kilo meters every day! Poor man! They could not afford a house near the city. All these information passed on to Andy by Raghu and his mother Ipsa! Andy was fascinated by the household worries and the concern for each other between the family members. He realized the family value and longed for one!

After snacks and chai, Aunty Ipsa sat beside them in the cot which was placed outside the house. "Never ever touch alcohol beta! That thing spoils the goodness in every man! Be nice to your wife. Build her a house! A family in their own house will be always happy and stay together!" said Ipsa Aunty looking far away! "I will never touch alcohol ma! And I promise I will build you a house on our own. You can live like a queen there!" said Raghu emotionally! Ipsa Aunty hugged her son. With expectation Andy went close to her, with a laugh she hugged him too! That security, warmth and love were all new to Andy. He decided to visit Raghu every week. But unfortunately (may be fortunately for Raghu) Raghu's father got a good job in Jodhpur so the family moved there. His house visits came to an end abruptly. Andy longed for warmth and hug. Building an own house became his aim of life.

As he grew up, His dream of owning a house became stronger and stronger. A family in it with a beautiful child and two nice children became his wishful dream. He studied hard and finished his schooling. As it was the rule of the orphanage, any boy who is older than 16 should move out. But the caretaker of the orphanage was very helpful, he helped Andy to find a job with a hotel. He was the bell boy. He somewhat enjoyed his work there as many foreign tourists came there and gave a handsome tip. He started concentrating on their language and soon learned English. He was thrilled when the foreigners understood what he said. He loved his job.

He had completed 7 years of service in the same hotel. Now he was not just a bell boy, a housekeeping person, often asked to contact foreign tourists if they needed anything. A great change occurred in his life when Rani Singh joined the hotel as a financial executive. She was very beautiful girl, and very good in her work. Andy was smitten by her from the first day he set his eyes upon her. Something was assuring, if Rani was with him, everything will be alright. Andy wanted to befriend her. But she never spoke to anyone and no one knew anything about her. There were so many speculations about her family. One said she comes from a very rich family, the work she was doing here was just a pastime. Andy's heart cried with pain on that day! No rich girl would bother to marry an orphan. Some other told she was an orphan and earning money to keep her going. Even though Andy felt pity for Rani, he prayed to God that should be the truth.

One day Rani was simply sitting in her place during lunch. There was no lunch box in front of her. "hmm…excuse me! Do you want me to buy roti or anything for you?" asked Andy. She simply bent down her head and did not answer. Andy was horrified by this totally strange behavior. "I am sorry Madam! I did not mean any dishonor! I was going out for lunch, so I thought I could get you something! " said Andy in a timid voice.

Rani's body was shaking and he was able to hear sobs. Now Andy was feeling terrible. "I am Sorry! I won't talk to you! You please don't cry. If someone come they will assume many bad things! I am going… see?" saying that he went away. Andy was feeling a bit annoyed. "Why such a drama over nothing? Am I that bad? Or is she crazy?" he thought to himself. But that afternoon when Andy was preparing a suite for a couple to stay, Rani came there without making a noise. "Has she come here to accuse me? If the manager sees this, then I have to say Good Bye to my job! " Andy cast a side wise glance at her. She was feeling awkward and wanted to talk to him. "Excuse me Buntiji!" She said a very low voice.

"Are you speaking to me?" asked Andy with surprise. Rani simply nodded her head. "I am not Bunti! My name is Andy! Don't you know that?" asked Andy defensively. "I am sorry Andyji! I want to apologize for my behavior. I cried because no one ever bothered to ask whether I have taken food or not! I could not control my emotions." said Rani. Andy's hear melted. "Why? Your parents…?" Andy was about to ask something, they heard footsteps. "Andyji! We cannot talk here freely. Can you meet me in Mithai shop at 6Pm today?" asked Rani feeling embarrassed. He understood her predicament. "Please I won't take it otherwise, or tell anyone. You can trust me! I will be there!" said Andy. Flashing a smile at him she went away. Andy was feeling elated for the rest of the evening. He was humming some songs. It was nothing, but, it might lead to something.

6 'o clock Andy was sitting in a nearby Mithai shop. It was crowded, but some how he managed to secure a corner place for them. He gave order for chai and samosas. At 6.10 Rani came there smiling. The waiter placed the food in front of them. Without any further ado, Rani started eating the samosas. After eating 3 samosas and 2 cups of tea, she looked up. "I am sorry Andyji! I have not taken food yesterday. I was feeling lonely and hungry. Then you came and asked about food. I…I…was taken over by self-pity. That's why….." She stopped abruptly and looked at Andy. Rani was wondering whether she had spoken too much. But Andy's face assured her something.

"Not eaten since yesterday? Why Raniji? Your health, ok? Or your mother fell sick?" asked Andy with concern. Again, Rani felt tears in her eyes. But She controlled it with supreme efforts. "Both my parents are dead Andyji! I am living with my uncle. His wife, my aunt does not like me staying with them. Sometimes she speaks many bad things about my parents, I feel like hitting her. But what can I do? As a girl I need a house for protection na?" Said Rani. "Ok! I understand! But food?" asked Andy with shock.

"Yesterday, they made arrangements to marry me off! But I refused the relation. Aunty was so angry; she won't give me food here after." Said Rani. Her voice choked. "Marry you off? I don't understand" said Andy flabbergasted. "A man , he is my Aunt's distant relative. Has some wealth, so they say. He wants to marry me. If my Aunt arranged this wedding she will get 25,000 rupees. That is why she is compelling me for this marriage." Said Rani. "umm…Rani I am so sorry! I did not get your point. Are you in love with someone?" asked Andy keeping his fingers crossed. "No! Not at all Andyji! You don't understand. That man is 62 years old. Why should I marry such an old man?" asked Rani with anger. Now the whole thing came clear to Andy. There was a certain old gentle man who wanted to marry Rani, and was prepared to give Rs 25,000 as commission to her Aunt. If she refused, then what would happen? Andy was thinking.

"My Aunt had given me three days' time Andyji! If I don't agree to marry that old man, she will not allow me to stay at her house. I don't know what to do! " said Rani. Andy was thinking very hard. But Rani mistook his silence. "I am sorry Andyji! Why should I bother you with my woes? ...." said Rani in a timid voice. "No Rani! Not at all! I was thinking of a solution. Please don't mistake me! By confiding in me you have done me an honor Rani! I will not allow any bad thing to happen to you!" said Andy, holding her hands. But Rani speedily withdrew her hands. "Listen Rani! Have you heard of working women's hostel?" asked Andy.

Rani nodded her head dismally. "I have tried that Andyji! Their monthly charges are ok. But they want Rs. 20,000 deposit. I don't have that much of money!" said Rani woefully. Again, Andy felt silent. But his mind was racing. He had to protect Rani. If 20,000 rupees could stop Rani from that fateful wedding, then he would arrange it somehow. "Please don't accept the old man in a hurry. Give me a day Rani! I have something in mind. Just have my mobile number. In case of any emergency, you can call me anytime." Said Andy. Thanking him, Rani left for her house. He bought a few rotis and subji for her to eat at night. Rani accepted with full of gratitude.

From the Mithai shop Andy straight went to his old orphanage. He took caretaker Sitaram into confidence and told him everything. Sitaram looked at him for a few minutes. "What happened Dada? Why are you looking at me?" asked an amused Andy. "Listen Beta! What you are planning is a very big step for a girl. Once you make a girl come out of her house, then she becomes your responsibility. We are not living in USA. Neither we are very rich or influential people. Jaisalmer is a small city and people talk. " Said Sitaramji. Andy was about to say something, with a hand gesture, he stopped. "Let me complete! Look Dharak! You have two options. One is very easy, just ignore about her woes and problems. Leave her to her fate. Or make her come out of her house, and take the responsibility. I warn you; the second road is not going to be easy! A great responsibility for the rest of your life. Are you ready to take up this responsibility? Take your time and think!" said Sitaram. Andy knew what he would choose the moment he heard it. But for the sake of thinking, he walked here and there for some time and came and sat next to Sitaram.

"I am prepared to take up the responsibility dada! I don't think I could leave her to her fate." Said Andy with conviction. Sitaram got up and patted his back. "I am proud of you Beta!" said he. But his problem was not over. He had to arrange for a huge sum of 20,000 rupees. What was he going to do? "Dharak, I have 15,000 rupees in my account. Do you have any savings?" asked Sitaram. "No dada! I cannot rob you of your hard-earned money." Spluttered Andy. The old caretaker hit him on the hand and gestured him to listen. "I am not giving you the money in charity you fool! Every month you have to give me 5000 rupees. You can easily do that, as I have a part time job for you. You can earn more money that way!" said the old man.

"Dada! You are the best! Tell me what I have to do? Load the lorries? Supply groceries? Tell me!" asked Andy enthusiastically. "Nothing of that sort! You have to accompany certain foreign tourists and explain about our place. One trip Rs. 2000. They want a native simple boy knowing English. I thought of you! Is it ok?" asked Sitaram. Andy hugged him and assured him he would do the job during weekends.

Next day, Andy gave the good news to Rani. She squeezed his hands and thanked him with tearful eyes. Thankfully the working women's hostel demanded only 18,000 as deposit. Rani sold her gold ear rings and made up 3000 rupees. Happily she left her Aunt's house and settled in the hostel. It was not a great place but, nothing to worry about too! Days flew like a bird. It has been a year since Rani shifted to the hostel. Now Rani and Andy were in a relationship.

Their relationship grew stronger by time. One day, Andy proposed to her in front of the caretaker, which she accepted gladly. Now Andy was a committed man. His old dream came back to him. He dreamed of building a small house and starting a family in it with Rani. They discussed in length about this. Rani calculated the money they needed for building a house. The land cost, cost of the building materials, paint etc everything came up to almost 10 lakhs. That was a real fortune for them. Andy got upset and was about to give up. But Rani consoled him.

"If we work extra hours in the office and cut down our expenses maybe we could save!" She spoke.

"10 lakhs Rani! Money needed is 6 lakhs. We may not make such an amount in our entire life. What's the use of having our hopes high?" asked Andy.

"Oh! Come on Andy! I am not saying this is easy. But this is not impossible either, if only you listen to me."

Andy listened, as a result he started as a tourist guide. Andy registered himself, learnt the history of each building in Jaisalmer, memorized the legends and myths about the abandoned village Khuldhara. It was a slow pick up in the beginning, but he hit a break. His behavior, attitude fetched him more clients. Some foreigners tipped him generously. They even referred him to their friends when they planned a visit to Rajasthan. Most of his earnings went to the house fund. They were nearing the target and were taking initiatives to buy a piece of land in the outskirts of the city.

Then the least expected thing happened. The pandemic broke out! Covid 19 as it was called came to India and struck Jaisalmer also. The government announced a complete lock down, the travels were banned, all hotels were closed. Both Rani and Andy were jobless. On the day the hotels were closed, Rani cried a lot as she had no home to stay. His uncle had moved to Jodhpur, another city far from Jaisalmer, the place she was staying was closed to the tenants due to pandemic. The same thing happened to Andy too! Now both were jobless and homeless.

Andy came up with a brilliant idea. Rani was initially scared and reluctant, seeing no other option she agreed half mindedly. The idea was to move to Khuldhara an abandoned village not far from Jaisalmer. The place was closed to tourists. No one was living there including the watchman now. There were bare houses left behind by the unknown occupants. Rest rooms were there near the entrance. What could be more convenient than this arrangement? They could work on some patches of land and grow eggplant or something. They could get flour from the nearby market. No rent! The only problem with this arrangement was there was no electricity, surely, they can live without power, many had lived like that before it was invented! Not due to the convincing power of Andy, Rani saw that there was no other choice left for her, but to take this.

Rani and Andy gathered some provisions and clothes in a bag and set off for Khuldara at night because no movement was allowed during day time. They walked all night and reached the village at the creek of the dawn with sore feet and fatigue, they were too tired even to talk. Not a single soul was visible in the place. The watch man's cabin was bolted and abandoned like rest of the village. Without even deciding which house to stay, Rani lay down and slept on a bench in front of once an ice cream shop. With a heavy heart Andy sat resting his head on the legs of the bench and went to sleep too!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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