
Semi Sweet Love Story

Misha, the famous author of the love stories, invited you to her mansion. She wants you to hear her story before it'll be too late, before she won't be able to share anythyng with anyone anymore... Are you willing to receive such gift? A gift of someone else's life.

KamciaPv88 · Urban
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Welcome to Beary Estate




- ok, ok I'm coming already, stop ringing this freaking bell!!

Oh, it's you, sorry for that. I was busy with something.. come on in..



Let me show you your room, as you will be staying here for a whole month I prepared you one of my best guest rooms.


Yes, Usually there are couple of people around the house to help with all the arrangements, but it's their annual holidays and now we are the only ones in the mansion.


I just like to be left alone from time to time.. other family members are not interested in my well being, they think I put on air too much..but I will tell you everything about it when the time comes, for now here.. it's your room. The bathroom door are those on the left, whenever you will be ready I'll be in the garden for the rest of the day. Look, through your window you may see this large hornbeam tree? I'll go catch some snack from the kitchen ans I'll go there. Join me of you want.


Kitchen is downstairs, no worries, I prepared signposts for you.


ok, then see you later.