

Selina, an innocent girl who endured relentless bullying and was despised by her own father is unjustly declared insane and confined to a mental hospital for years. Now, determined to rewrite the narrative of her life, she escapes from the hospital with a singular goal: revenge. As she navigates a world that once shunned her, she confronts those who wronged her, revealing the true depths of her resilience and the darkness of her past.

FaridahLawani2311 · Teen
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7 Chs

Laying off


(Selina enters and notices Helen sitting comfortably on the couch.)

Selina: Thank you for the ride, dad.

(Selina was about to exit.)

Richard: Hey, brat! Are you blind? Can't you see that someone is sitting here?

Selina: Who exactly?

HELEN: So you threw your manners away before coming in?

SELINA: If you had any, you wouldn't be here.

(Richard's face contorts with anger. He strides over and slaps Selina across the face.)

RICHARD: How dare you talk to her like that?

(Selina glares at him, holding her cheek.)

SELINA: Let me make this clear to you, Dad. I am not the old Selina you knew fifteen years ago. Don't ever lay your hands on me because of this trash you call a mistress.

HELEN: Are you out of your mind?

SELINA: Yes, but at least I have shame. Go work on that, shameless woman.

(Selina exits the room. Richard seethes with anger, while Helen looks both shocked and furious.)

RICHARD: Don't worry, I know what to do.



(The restaurant is bustling with people. Anne sits across from Thomas, a young businessman. They are mid-conversation.)

THOMAS: So the business is growing, and our company is expanding.

ANNE: Shouldn't you be in school? Don't you have classes to attend?

THOMAS: I have a home tutor, thank you very much.

ANNE: No offense, but how old are you?

(Thomas glares at her, and stands up abruptly.)

THOMAS: I'm done. That's not how you speak to me.

(Anne watches him go, slightly amused.)

ANNE: It was that easy to get rid of him?

(Taylor enters, looking concerned.)

TAYLOR: What did you say to him?

ANNE: Mom, look, they're coming back.

(Taylor turns around quickly.)

TAYLOR: Where?

ANNE: See you at home.

(Anne exits hurriedly, leaving Taylor flustered.)

TAYLOR: Anne... this girl...



Selina lies in bed, looking at a photo of her mother.)

SELINA: Goodnight, Mom… so sad you're not here to put me to bed.

(Her phone rings, snapping her out of her thoughts.)

SELINA: Hello… what? Why didn't you tell me, Dad? Now, I'm home alone. Alright, I'll lock the doors and windows. Bye.

(She hangs up and gets out of bed. Suddenly, she hears footsteps and sees a silhouette near her window.)

SELINA: No, no, I'm afraid of the dark. Hello… Dad, are you back?

(The silhouette moves closer. Selina screams.)

SELINA: No, no, don't hurt me! Noooo!



(Kelvin, a senior officer, stands by his desk, looking over a report. James, another officer, approaches.)

KELVIN: What's the report, James?

JAMES: We caught the thief.

KELVIN: That's good news. He should rot in jail for the rest of his life.

JAMES: That will teach him a big lesson.

(Selina rushes in, looking terrified.)

SELINA: Please help me, there's someone in my house and no one is home.

(Kelvin rolls his eyes.)

KELVIN: You again?

JAMES: Last time it was your dad hitting you. Today, someone is in your house. You're a crazy girl.

SELINA: Trust me, sirs. I swear I heard footsteps and saw a silhouette.

KELVIN: Get lost.

JAMES: Crazy kids.

SELINA: I am not crazy!

(Both officers yell at her.)

BOTH: Get out of here!

(Selina exits, crying.)

SELINA: I am scared...



(Miss Lizzy stands at the front of the classroom, watching the students intently.)

LIZZY: You all have an hour to finish the test.

(Sophia, sitting nearby, smirks as she throws a paper under Selina's desk.)

SOPHIA: Miss Lizzy, I think Selina is cheating.

(Selina looks up, surprised and indignant.)

SELINA: What? I studied hard for this test. There's no way I would cheat!

LIZZY: Let me see.

(Lizzy walks up to Selina and searches her.)

LIZZY: There's nothing here, Sophia.

SOPHIA: Under her desk.

(Lizzy pulls a paper from under Selina's desk, frowning.)

LIZZY: You cheat!

SELINA: I didn't... you know what? It was me. I guess I didn't study hard enough.

(Anne looks shocked.)

ANNE: What?

LIZZY: Get out. You are done with your test.

SELINA: Anne, I know what I did. (Exits sadly)

ANNE: I was also cheating. Here's my booklet. (Exits)



(Selina sits on a bench, tears streaming down her face.)

SELINA: I won't defend myself anymore because I am tired of being called a liar.

(Anne rushes in, worried.)

ANNE: Selina, what was that all about? Since when did you start lying?

SELINA: No one would have believed me except you.

(Jake approaches, overhearing the conversation.)

JAKE: And me.

ANNE: Hi, Jake.

JAKE: Hi, Anne. I know you can't do something as serious as cheating.

SELINA: The head didn't believe me, Anne. I am sorry I didn't tell you this earlier… I am on probation.

ANNE: What? But you didn't do anything.

SELINA: Of course. I am always at fault, and this is the last straw. I'll probably be expelled.

JAKE: What?

ANNE: I have to tell Mr. Joe the truth.

SELINA: It's of no use, Anne.

ANNE: Selina, why are you so relaxed as if nothing has happened? This isn't you.

SELINA: I guess I am tired of crying.

JAKE: Don't tell me you are giving up, Selina.

SELINA: Sorry to burst your bubbles, but I don't have a choice.

ANNE: You do have a choice. Let your voice be heard. Tell them the truth.

SELINA: I have been telling them the truth since high school but I am still here, being bullied every day.

(Michael and Sophia enter, mocking Selina.)

MICHAEL: Aww. Are you in pain? Do you need help?

SOPHIA: We feel like crying.

JAKE: Both of you should leave before you regret it.

SELINA: It's fine, Jake. I'm going home anyway.

MICHAEL: So soon? You haven't met your new friends.

(Before everyone can react, Michael pushes Selina into a snake pit.)

SELINA: Ahhhhhh!

(Jake and Anne scream in horror.)