
Selfish Desires (A Novel)

“Can a mistake right a previous mistake? Will wrong be right if your reason is love?” Grace and Marcus broke up two years ago. Everything’s going fine after ending their secret relationship that lasted so many years not until they both found themselves craving for each other’s selfish desires once again.

maria_sy · Teen
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"Give me a child."

"Fuck, what are you talking about?!

"I want a child. I-i want to have a child with you."

"You must be joking."

"I'm afraid I'm not. I'm serious, Marcus. I want us to have children. I want to have a child with you as the father."

"Grace, I have a girlfriend!"

"I don't care. I don't care if you have a girlfriend. Just give me a child, Marcus. That's all I don't want."

"You're crazy."

"I am."

Mistakes, lies, betrayal, pain.

It's all part of life when you love.

If we only talk about mistakes, maybe my guardian angel has a quota for counting how many times I have made mistakes in my life.

There is a big mistake.

There is a small mistake

There is also a mistake that even if it is wrong, I feel it is right.

Who cares if this is the reason why you are happy?

But they also said, if happiness is caused by a mistake, it will never be right.

Can a mistake right a previous wrong?

Will wrong be right if your reason is love?

I also do not know.

I do not know the answer.

But no matter what happens, I'm willing to make mistakes and sin again and again in exchange for the moments I can be with him.

Just a few steals for both of us.

Hi guys, i'm sorry if it has a lot of incorrect grammars it's my first time writing full english novel.

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