
Grace the waters

It's been some time since the incident of the national goddess, now called Moon Goddess by fans, rushing out in the middle of a fan meet to neighbouring rooftop. There had been an uproar that followed which the PR Team found hard to control. Everyone wanted them to officially release the song. But more than that they wanted to know who was the beauty in the video and her relation with the Moon Goddess. Elena had refused to make a cover on the song to release it officially, but she didn't object to people putting the song together from the two videos. There had been a lot of speculation on who the Sun Goddess is, as they call her now. But she's nowhere to be found as if she disappeared into thin air. Some speculate she left the country. There were also many different speculations and theories on the exchange that happened with the piece of paper between the Sun and Moon Goddesses.

Today was the day marking the Moon Goddess' first interview since the incident. Many were eager to find answers to the questions plaguing their minds for the past few days. But they all became silent the moment the Moon Goddess came in. She had swapped her simple style she had been going for in the previous interviews for a stunning Blue dress. It looked so beautiful and perfect on her like the moon came down from the sky.

The interviewer was so stunned by her beauty that he was speechless for a while till he was reminded by the sound coming from his ear piece. He coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment and asked her why she decided to change her style this time. Elena's only reply was to be worthy of the wishes she got. The interview went on and she clarified that it was only a one time thing. Everyone understood that it had something to do with the Sun Goddess. As the interview continued they talked about other trival matters, her career, her hobbies, favourite food, places to visit, and other things. Towards the end of the interview they had walked to the balcony overlooking a beautiful flower garden which was home to a variety of exotic flowers of all colours with a little pond in the middle. Elena looked so beautiful standing there. The interviewer could not hold back his curiosity anymore and asked who the Sun Goddess was. Elena's smile as she said "Someone important" was dazzling. Overcome by impulse, he asked her if she had anything to tell her.

Gazing at the sky "𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱é 𝔞𝔲-𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔲𝔰, 𝔤𝔯â𝔠𝔢 𝔞𝔲𝔵 𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔵" is all she said.

At the same time, somewhere else in a far away country a famous celebrity was interacting live with his fans showing off his vacation paradise he discovered this time around. He was just showing them the surroundings, talking as he hiked up a mountain ending in a cliff overlooking the sandy beaches and gorgeous blue waters, the distant islands dotting the ocean and the beautiful blue skies. He'd heard about it from the locals and wanted to see what it looked like. There wasn't anyone else going up because it was a dangerous hike up. Talking with his fans as he climbed up was fun and relaxing. After all he'd run away again without telling his manager and his fans knows it pitying the poor manger and laughing at him for being bad. But they loved him, especially his free spirit. But he sure is going to get an earfull from his manager when he manages to find him. Nearing the peak he noticed someone standing on the cliff, he didn't think anyone other than him would come here and they don't look local from the dress. The people here have unique culture and prefers to wear exotic clothing. As he kept climbing and got a closer look, his breath got blown away. He stood there gawking at the beauty standing there staring at the clear waters below and the distant horizon. She was so beautiful and ethreal that he was afraid she'd disappear if he blinked. His fans shared his sentiments. He stood there in a trance for a long while till she looked up at the sky and uttered with a smile that got etched in his mind forever "𝔅𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔱é 𝔞𝔲-𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔲𝔰, 𝔤𝔯â𝔠𝔢 𝔞𝔲𝔵 𝔢𝔞𝔲𝔵"

He was in a trance from watching that smile for a long while that by the time he came to, she was long gone. He was frustrated at himself for letting go of such a golden opportunity and his fans didn't let him have it easy either as the wanted to see her some more too. They made fun of him and some of them even said they'll snitch about his whereabouts to his manager if he doesn't find her. They were really just rubbing salt in his wounds.

Aurora turned back to look at the man who had frozen stiff with a playful smile on her lips as she left. If anyone had seen her right then, they would have lost their souls to her smile for that was how beautiful she was.

The video of Aurora that Sean had managed to capture in his live got trending and some of Elena's fans there saw it. They send it back to their friends in the country and it got circulated in fan groups and later became a trending topic. The fans realized something later from analysing the time of the original Livestream and the interview. They both said the same thing at the exact same time.

It was as if they knew.

it was just unbelievable how in sync they where like two ends of a soul.

No one has ever seen them together though, till the end of their lives.

People still try to find the elusive Sun Goddess but they never could. But she'd show up at places you'd never expect catching you off guard. Just like the time atop the cliff. Like a free spirit, drifting through the world. Appearing and disappearing as she likes.

But everyone knew about the Sun and Moon Goddesses, The only ones who can match each other's beauty and to perfectly understand each other even when miles appart. Elena continued to take the path she had chosen and became the top idol in the country and later the world. Their story, though discontinuous because the unsolved mystery many tried to unravel.