
Selena my lovely wife

Yehuangje · Fantasy
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4 Chs

A Message From K!

Chirping of bird were hear around everywhere. to begin a new day the sun raised brightly.

Harley wake up in a yawning. she find that Jin not on the bed with her. maybe he wake up early. After done with her daily routine. she wore a nice outfit and went to downstair. she saw Jin in his three suit and still sitting on the couch talking to his PA Mike. is he going to his work?

" good morning my love "

" morning, Hao."

" So let have our breakfast together. "

" hey, hadn't you have your breakfast? yet? "

" No. baby. I want us to be together have a breakfast " Jin said to her and get up from the couch. Harley and Jin sit on the dinning place and eat their food. Jin bid a good bye to Harley and went to his office... Harley was so bored when he's not in home. she want to go outside. but, it's so boring hanging out there. so she decided to stay home. now. she's chatting with her friend on laptop. then she had suddenly a unknown message popped up on the screen. she clicked it on. she realize it's from K? what's he up to? " good morning "

humph, only a good morning is what he have to say. " Where should we met? " I sent the message to him.

" You have to arrive At the peach restaurant by 10:AM. there my men are waiting for you. remember. don't you dare to contact other people to help you or never try to pull any stunt. "

" peach restaurant? why he picked it? " memories flashed on Harley head.

She was in the restaurant with her friend. the one who sit with in front of her. it was Shee-Han. the man who's once her best friend and also have a secret crush on her. he didn't want express his feelings to her, he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. he always shut his mouth mum. that moment his purpose is what to tell her that he love her with his bottom of his heart.

" Harley, I want to talk with you something. "

" what's up, man? " he touch on Harley's right arm and said....

" I like you. I don't know how to explain it. I liked you when I first met you. I love you Harley! may you accept me as your boyfriend? " I was shocked for a moment and I'm in my la-la world... it's not the first time someone confessed to me. I always rejected them cruely. but, when Shee-Han confessed to me. I don't know what to do? reject him or accept him? I can't never accept him. when I about to tell him. I doesn't like him. suddenly a man approached to us. it was Haotion. how come he is here?

" you dare to having date with a man behind my back, Harley " Hao looking at both of us and said with so much rage and anger....

" Haotion, it's not what you think " can't even let me complete my words or mind to listen my explanation. he grabbed my wrist while I was still sit on the chair and pulled me out from there.

" Hey, what are you doing? let go of her " Shee Han yell at him and come close to us. he grab Jin collar. Jin loosened the grip on my wrist and looked deadly in his eye.

" Don't you dare to stop me. who the hell are you? who you think you are? " Jin asked to Han.

" Mr. whoever I am it's not your business to know who I'm. so I'm telling you. don't you have any shame? forcing a young lady in board light. can't you see that she is unwilling to go with you? " Shee-Han released the grasp on his collar and questioned him.

* Harley: I want to yell at shee-han. no one dared to talk to him that way. Does this idiot know? who is he? Hao is now crazy mad. damn, he's going to kill him. I have to save him.... Without wasting my time I pulled Hao closer to my body and kissed him a French kiss... after done with the kissing. he was petrified. then I I turn my back to Shee-Han and I said to him '..

" Shee-Han, I know your love for me. but I'm sorry. I can't say yes. because, I already have a boyfriend. ( she caught on Haotion arm and pulled him close to her body. she smiled and continuely say ) he's my boyfriend. you're wrong about him. he's not forcing me to go with him. he'll always get jealous when I'm with other boy." Harley teased Jin and he blushes.

" Nice to meet you. I'm Harley friend Shee-Han." he said to Jin, while giving his palm to shake hand. Jin ignored him and start to walking grabbing my arm tightly.

" good bye. I see you later. " I said to Han and walked together with Jin.... Flash back end...

I Forget that I have to visit that shithead, K.

I was now at the restaurant. I saw his people's.

" Miss. Mu. follow us " I nodded and followed them. get into the car with them.

" where we were are heading to? "

" boss, strictly warned us not to tell madame the place " I sighed and as a long travel the car just now stopped. when I get off from the car. I realize the place is so creepy. everything surrounded by full darkness. showing no single human being present there. well, it's a best shelter for people like him...

" this way, madame " one of his guy lead me to a big ancient building and said. I saw they are many guards. I entered inside on the building.

" gladly you come, Miss. Mu. our boss is waiting for you. " a grey eye, green colored haired guy about 25 said to me greeting.

" where the hell is he? " I asked him. damn, you K. what the heck are you up to? you're testing my patience. the grey eye man sudden change his expression on my behaviour. he didn't expect a beauty angel like me to A fierce.

" it's my duty take you to my boss " he said and he walked to a room. I followed him.

" Miss please. wait here " I sit on the couch. then I saw a figure from upstairs slowly approaching. huh, finally he shown up.....

" nice to meet you. Harley " KAI WEI HAN, he's only brother of Shee-Han, well he's up to revenge on me. does he know he's playing with a fire? little bold boy. you alive for God sake. but, you can't even escape from me again. I make sure you won't never escape from my hand....

" Cut the crap. where's he? you don't have done that to my brother. why you won't let me go? your brother death is nothing with me. why you don't believe me? K? Huh? " I shout at

him. he come closer to me and grabbed my chin harshly.

" Don't you dare to raise your voice at me. I'm not like Shee-Han. I will kill you anytime just like an ant. " he said threat to me.

" you're nothing but Bitch who own a beautiful face that able to seducing any men's, you can't win my heart. I don't know why my brother fallen for you and also liked you, " he fucking dare to call me a B*tch, goddammit. I put you in the right place, just you wait K. who want to win a heart of this monster? is he joking?

" Young Master. Emergency " a fat guy in black suit run toward to us and said. K turned his head and went to him. he whispered something to his ear.

" You escaped your brother from me Harley? what trick you used to broke into my chamber? "

" Ha, Ha, Ha, trick? it's just a little game. do you think I won't able to get him out from you. well, you're wrong dear. "

" Damn, crazy woman. you're asking it " as he said pulled out the revolver from his pocket and pointed it to Harley.

" you're bold enough to kill me. K. " I said, I clapped my hand. in a Second the room full of bullet sound. behind my back in front of me. my people. my people are here for rescuing me.

" protect our boss. " the grey eye yell. I get up from the couch and my one of men give a gun to me.

" Thank you dear " as Harley said she shot it's on Kai right leg and he immediately fell down. her people completed killed everyone expect K. Harley make a way to him. and gazed at him with so much authority and power... he slapped across his face.

" you dare to mess up with me. for sake of Shee. I don't want to kill you right now. you're glad that you're his brother " Harley said gritting her teeth angrily. her people shocked in her action. they know their boss won't never let go of a single life who were tried to murder her. everyone confuse, is she same ' Poison Eagle '? our boss? what made our boss to behave this way. she never show kind to anyone. True profile of HARLEY MU KANE AKA THE POISON EAGLE, she turned 18 on three months ago. her uncle Lorenzo Azlakier Bradson Kane was a head of Italian mafia and he doesn't have any kid of his own. so his only the right heir was Harley. he was taken care of her when little. taught her martial arts and others. Harley become head of the mafia when she was only 13 surviving on death mission in the amazon forests. she is leading ' ANGEL'S OF DEATH ' and ' THE DRAGON KNIGHT GROUP ' world most feared gang. well the millionaire mafia queen, she's different from other women. because, she's cruelest, heartless, fearless and ruthless beauty queen that you've ever seen. she only bow down to her family and her boyfriend Haotion. ' mercy and second chance not never added to her dictionary. she's grown like this way. she have to live it way....

does the little CEO of Han dare to play with her. she's going to teach him that what cause his entire nightmare of his life. but. she doesn't want to be scare him like that way. she only ordered her men to lock him up at the chamber and treat him well... what made this icy queen to show a mercy on him? I tell you later....

Harley reached at the dragon group basement. to see Meng. she sighed in relief when see him. he's healthy as ever. Peter check out on him.

" Nothing to worry. he's healthy as an horse " Peter said. my all friends were here relaxed when they heard it. I hurriedly hugged him.

" Brat, doesn't he not torture you? "

" No Harley. he treated me well " Meng replied.

" So. that why you didn't shot at his head ? " Oliver asked.

" oh yeah. Oli. "

" Man, you come back alive, what about go to the party tonight " Tann commented.

" What party? where's? Jake asked.

" I'm the one who throw the party. you guys all arrive at 7:pm in Shanqiu-wan-pub. "

" Tann, you suck' man? Lol. they are many new beautiful girls will come! what about picking one of them as your girlfriend Charlie? " Oliver asked to him teasingly. Charlie keep always distance from female. everyone tease him say that he's gay. in reality the real gay in here is Tann. he's already have a boyfriend. Charlie has womanophobia....

" Shut up your, mouth you moron " Charlie yell at Oliver and we all start laughing...

" calm down Man. Oliver don't you dare to tease him. or else you've need to taught a lesson from me " Jake warned his little brother... Oliver obey him and folded his arm.

" Guys. I'm going to home. " Harley said grabbing Meng arm and bid good bye to everyone. they both reached at Mu mansion .

" Meng, you've finally home " grandma Mu said and hugged him.

" Brother, you are home. " elder sister Mu greeted him.

" Oh my child. you've lost some weight " my mother said hugging Meng. parents are always like this. they don't saw when their child for a while and say lost some weight....

" My grandson, you come " Elder Mu. my old man come out from nowhere.

" Sorry. everyone I'm quite busy. I missess you much "

" we'll all missed you too. Meng "

" Harley. you're here too." sister Jiang said.

" Sis, Mu glad you asked me. I'm also here to "

" Brat, can't you respect her. she's your elder sister " grandpa said.

" what's wrong? it's not my fault that my sound is like a drum " Harley said while rolling her eye. other laughed at us.

" Harley, I've heard last night you stay together with Jin? " her mom asked.

" of course. we slept together " Harley said to everyone like it's not a big deal! everyone shocked what they heard.

" finally I've relieved. before I'm going to heaven. The God bless me to see my great grandchildren " grandpa Mu queried. Harley was drinking water and when she heard it from him. she immediately have choked and split all the water she drunk.

" slowly drink. kiddo. it's not good for the baby health " grandma Mu said.

" Hey, you've misunderstand. " Harley get up from the chair for explaination . her mother stopped her in middle and said.

" Harley, you don't have to deny it. I know from the beginning you're hiding something from me. it's why you two doesn't want to be get married early. Congratulations. my child. you're going to be a mother "

" yeah sister from now you have to start care for your health. always remember you have a life in your tummy " my sister warned me. doesn't they understand what I said. there's nothing between me and Jin. I'm not pregnant. how to explain them? I left here hurriedly and went to my room. I took a nice hot shower and wear my homely dresses and lay down on my bed. suddenly my phone ringed. I saw it was from Haotion.... does that idiot believed what they said?

" Hello, what's up? "

" Hello, Babe, I've heard you make a new lie in front of your family. "

" Honey. it's not like. " I said to him what happened earlier and he start laughing...

" well, I'm serious Harley. they want us to have our kid. what about we try it tonight? " when heard his comment I blushed like a rose.

" stop it. you're tempting me. I'm not ready. "

" I'm always ready babe. I can't wait anymore "

" Haotion Lei Lei Jin, you pervert. I'm going to hang up. don't you dare to call me " wild cat you're so shy. I like you when you're tempted by me. Harley hang up the phone and throw it to the bed. she remembered she have to ask the permission from Jin to hang out with her friends. she warned him to not call her. but, now she is going to call him. she immediately called him and He agreed. Harley can't believe her ear. what? my Fiancé Hao agreed me go to the nightclub? is still the same Haotion is she know? whatever....door knock.... Meng come to inside her room. she got up from the bed. he sit closer to her and put arm on Harley shoulder asked to her.

" Harley. it's true. I'm going to be an uncle? "

" Ha,ha,ha... no. it's not what I mean dude. Me and Jin. we didn't even got married yet. soon. you've become an uncle. you have to till wait for after our wedding "

" So. it was just like that " showing a poker face and he said disappointed.