
Sejin I love you

Bethi, lying on her deathbed, catches a glimpse of her childhood friend Sejin's life story. In that moment, a revelation strikes her with the force of thunder. She witnesses the depth of Sejin's unwavering love for her, a love she had never acknowledged beyond mere friendship. The realization hits her like a dagger to the heart—he sacrificed his life for her. Overwhelmed by an avalanche of regret and guilt, Bethi finds herself consumed by an ardent desire. If only she could be given another chance, another life, to bestow upon Sejin the love he truly deserves. And in a twist that defies all reason, her wish manifests before her eyes. She awakens, startled, finding herself transported back to her teenage years. Trembling with a mix of anticipation and nervousness, she summons the courage to utter the words that have long remained dormant within her soul: "Sejin, I love you." The stage is set, and the story takes an unforeseen turn. What destiny awaits Bethi and Sejin in this newfound chapter of their lives? Only time will reveal the secrets that lie ahead.

lemontree_som · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Sejin's Title_Track ...

Upon their arrival in America, Sejin sought solace in his parents' old apartment in Chicago. And with unwavering devotion, Momoka made the poignant decision to join him in this foreign land, her heart forever intertwined with his.

Following the devastating loss of Sejin's parents, they made the heartfelt choice to rent out their cherished apartment, allowing it to serve as a source of financial stability. Over the years, it garnered a substantial sum, which Sejin wisely utilized to cover his admission fees for Asian Highschool.

Engrossed in the evening's culinary symphony, Momoka couldn't contain her astonishment any longer. Amidst the clattering of pots and pans, she questioned Sejin with a tender voice, "Why won't you allow me to contribute to the rent? And on top of that, you paid my admission fees without even informing me."

With a gentle smile adorning his face, Sejin lovingly responded, "What's wrong with that? While you tirelessly care for me, attending to all the chores and conjuring exquisite dinners, would I not reciprocate?"

In a moment of exasperation, Momoka retorted, "Huh! Cooking and household duties are an entirely different matter, I love doing that."

Their words danced with emotions, an intricate rhythm of affection and playfulness, highlighting their unique chemistry. Despite their differences, they found solace in their shared journey, a harmonious bond that transcended the mundane tasks of daily life.

Sejin devoted himself entirely to studying. He was always brilliant, so it didn't take him much time to adjust to a new school. Moreover, Momoka joined the same classes, so she received help from Sejin. Their classmates loved Sejin and Momoka. As time passed, they graduated from school with excellent scores.

However, no matter how successful he became or how much better his life got, he could never forget Bethi. From time to time, he found himself thinking about Bethi, feeling worried and sad.

During those years, Momoka grew very close to Sejin. In fact, everyone in school referred to her as "Sejin's girlfriend." Although she enjoyed the attention, she knew it was never going to be a reality. Nevertheless, she couldn't hold back her emotions any longer and decided to confess to Sejin.

"I like you! No, I love you, Sejin, and I've felt this way for a very long time," Momoka said while holding Sejin's hand in the school grounds after the graduation ceremony.

"I know you may not accept me, but I had to tell you my feelings, or I might regret it for the rest of my life." Momoka's eyes were filled with sadness.

"I know you loved Bethi and can't accept me, but…" Sejin interrupted Momoka gently.

"I know! I know! But I don't think I am the right person for you," Sejin turned away and let out a sigh.

"You've always taken care of me. You've always worried about me. You even came to America because you liked me. I know everything, I'm not that oblivious, you know," Sejin said, looking into Momoka's eyes and chuckling.

"But even after knowing all that, I decided to ignore the fact that I'm an unforgettable person."

"No," Momoka said. "You've always been a great person to me. You never treated me like a stranger. You always looked out for me in class. When I couldn't understand English very well and became the subject of jokes, you stood up for me. When I had a fever, you took care of me all night. When I remembered my parents and became sad, you always consoled me. How can you call yourself a sinful person? You are the most lovable person." Momoka said, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I don't know," Sejin said, patting her head gently.

"I don't know if I can make you happy, but I don't want to make you sad or have you end up like me. So, if you're really okay with that, then I'll try my best…" Sejin said, picking up his bag.

For a moment, Momoka didn't understand what he meant and stood there in confusion.

"Don't you understand? Haha, I mean, I'm asking you out, but I can't promise that you won't regret it," Sejin extended his hand towards Momoka.

Understanding his words, Momoka's face lit up with happiness. She grabbed his hand, wiped away her tears, and said, "I'll never regret it."