
Awakening Into a New Life

The sound of a loud smack echoed in the house of the Kota family.

My name was Takumi Kota, and this was my life. My father who had hit me was named Yashiro Kota, someone who took pride in the Kota family ways, for many generations.

My head turned to the side, a bright red handprint embedded into my tanned cheek.

"You are just ridiculous! A child such as yourself doesn't belong into this family. You're a disgrace!"

My father yelled at me, his yelling could wake up even the oldest sleeping mummy.

"Yashiro, calm down! Our child must have an explanation, isn't that right, Takumi?"

My mother grabbed my fathers arms, tugging on it, and preventing him from hitting me any longer.

"I have no explanation Mother… what you've all read is true."

I was honest, and they were shocked by my honesty.

"You are no Son of mine… you are a walking failure!"

My father turned his head, not wanting to face me anymore, whilst mother comforted him, now speaking to me.

"Takumi, you will switch schools! Then we'll be sending you off into a Christian school, that way you'll be saved from this curse!"

I balled my fist in anger.

"No! You can't do this to me! It's what I like, this isn't fair! It's not fair at all, you can't run my life Mother!"

My dad who had his head bowing, started to cry.

I didn't understand why something like this was a big deal.

Did their belief in another god really cause such an outcome like this? Crying because I "Sinned".

"Those messages you texted to another boy is deemed as a sin Takumi, we cannot have you liking someone else who's not your opposite gender."

This was unfair, I just couldn't take this any longer.

Turning around, I had stormed out of my room and ran pass them, making my way to the front door until I slammed it open, now running down the street in matter of seconds.

I heard my mother Sakura shout from behind, as my father Yoshiro yelled for me to return again.

I ignored their voices, tears streaming down my eyes as I ran through the lonely streets in the middle of the night.

Their shouts woke up the neighbors, as all around me I could see windows lighting up from the neighbors being woken from their slumber.

It was 12:00 am in the middle of the night.

If only… just only they didn't get ahold of my computer.

I left it on when I was asleep, having my father read over my messages.

A simple crush, nothing more. I was just any other teenager falling in love.

I was in High school, a Junior student who went to the most richest school in this city.

Now running away from my problems, and leaving them all behind, even my crush…

"You are all just so unfair! This worlds unfair to me! Everything hates me! Why… just why?!"

My legs started to tremble from adrenaline as I shouted into the sky.

My senses were heightened into an unknown degree by the violent flow of my blood.

Behind me were my parents, they decided to take actions in their own hands by getting inside their car and chasing after me, forcing me to come back home.

I looked behind me as I ran, eventually having my legs give out on me, they felt like jello as they wobbled, sending me into the ground like a lifeless corpse.

"Why do I even try…? This entire neighborhood hates me. It's something about me, that makes everyone despise me… just what is it…?"

<May I run a conclusion by?>

As I laid on the ground crying, and shaking from my adrenaline, I could hear a voice talking to me out of thin air.

"….Did someone, say something?"

I believed I was going mad, no one was even around me, not even my parents caught up to me yet, so what was it?

<May I, run a conclusion by?>

A conclusion? What the heck was going on? And who was even talking?

I looked all around me as my view was blurred from tears, and I could find nothing.

<Up Here>

I slowly looked up into the sky, seeing a figure hovering above me.

…He was tall, his arms crossed as he looked down at me with a smirk on his face. He wore an odd design of Crimson Armor that stretched on down to his boots, a sword set in his scabbard on the side of his waist, with a darkened skin tone.

He looked like something you would create in a fantasy RPG.

I believed I was dreaming at first.

"What's going on…?"

I slowly gotten up from my laid position, getting on my knees with my palms resting onto the ground.

…This figure looked at me before slowly levitating down to his feet, hearing the clank of his armor once he made contact with the street.

This wasn't a dream.

<Now you see me right? Now I'll ask again, can I run a conclusion by?>

I didn't understand what he meant by conclusion, I was admiring the view in front of me a little too much…

"C-Conclusion? Y-Yes… you may run a conclusion by!"

I didn't know what I agreed to, but for some reason, it felt like I could trust this person more than I would ever trust my own family.

<Very well then. On the behalf of King Alexander, and Queen Bomboria, I as one of the Knight of Dimensions will hereby announce the conclusion!>

…Knight of what?

<I have gained permission from Young Takumi Kota, to announce the conclusion! Thus…>

Won't this guy hurry up already? I wanted to yell it, but honestly doing that in this situation would make me look like I'm going crazy to the others around me.

But then I noticed—

"The entire world is frozen?"

I was in a motionless world, as if time had stopped.

<Takumi Kota, age 15, from city Deroville, growing up in the country of Japakin, coming from a long life of hate and misery. You are chosen by King Alexander, and Queen Bomboria to be a Knight of the Round Table!>

The knight finally spoken, he had offered me- or rather, told me of what his king and queen wanted. But honestly…

"I refuse!"

The Knight in front of me went poker face.


I stood up and dusted myself off, looking around to see if my theory was right… and yeah… time stopped moving.

"I said I refuse. I don't wanna be a knight, my favorite in games were always something similar to mages. A knight sounds boring and too bland."

I teasingly looked over at the Knight in front of me.

"Teehehe, honestly if there was one thing I would be, it's a sorcerer!"

The Knight slowly walked up to me, his poker face remaining.


Seeing him in front of me looked menacing, standing at 6'3 in height, and wearing crimson heavy armor on his body.

<You refuse, eh?>

His shadow covered my face, and I stepped back, prepared to run any second.

<Youuuuu refuuuuuseee ehhhhh??>

He was starting to really scare me now, leaving is best.

But in the end, the Knight said with a menacing smile:

<No one has ever refused the word of king and queen. You are called Otakus in this world, yes? I have taken many Otakus inside of our world, and they all are loyal… but you are refusing, because of becoming a knight?>


Well that left me feeling pretty unspecial.

I know it sounds selfish, but I wanted to be the first to be brought into a new world, and realizing I wasn't, kinda hurts…

"H-Hold on! Question."

I took a big gulp and swallowed that fear clogging my throat.

"You're saying, there's others in your world right?"

The Knight had backed up some and crossed his arms.

<That is right, Young Takumi!>

Damnit… why not ask? I felt like I was just wasting time holding my question back.

"Then, if I enter inside your world, I want position as a mage or something else! Anything but a knight and I will enter your world! Sir… Knight?"

The Knight in front of me looked annoyed, scratching the side of his head.

<What a troublesome kid… seriously. Many others have asked the same thing, one even asked if they could have their hair color change blonde and shoot energy from their hands.>

I felt like I was starting to annoy him, but sometimes that's how you get things you needed in your life.

<Very well, you are lucky young Takumi Kota! The reason why the queen and king recruits knights is because of their scarce population, but as things are now, we have enough. You may entire another class, of your own choosing.>

I honestly wanted to cheer, and jump around happy like a madman, but I held the urge to do so.

Was this all a dream? Was I just laying in bed believing I could escape into this new world?

If so… then please let me sleep forever.

"Alright! That's great! A-And hey… you said they recruit knights from other worlds?"

Genuinely curious to what he had meant, I asked the question before we went anywhere else.

<Indeed, there is a multiverse out there, and each world runs differently, but where we are heading is into a world in the center of the multiverse, named Seishin.>

…Multiverse? Seishin? I played a lot of games and read too many Fantasy novels, so I understood how a multiverse worked.

Hearing that it existed had just shocked me even more.

"Then why me? What's so special about me?"

I asked the knight in front of me.

<It's because of the King and Queen. They are said to have the direct connection with the Seven Great Spirits, which are the sole creators of the world, each representing all primordial concepts of our world. They can see the future and the outcome of the future, however to only a certain degree.>

The knight smiled, and soon enough, behind him would open a large portal, tearing a hole in space.

<You are chosen to be one of their picks, so come with me Takumi Kota, into Seishin. From here on out, you'll be a great warrior, and your purpose will be fulfilled.>

My cheeks flushed with excitement, my legs shook even harder than before with my adrenaline, and thus I reached forward to grab onto the knights hand, who offered it up.

"I'm ready…"

The knight nodded and turned to face the portal which ripped space open, walking straight into it along with me.

<You may call me Sir Leorio, I am the leader of the Knights of Dimensions.>

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