
Seiichi Yukimura the son of God, in kuroko no basket

This is a story of young man who’s dream was to become an NBA player but unfortunately he couldn’t achieve it. He died in a car accident and was reborn in the world of kuroko no basketball. And just as he thought he could make it to teiko or at least play against all the miracles, he got sick, this sickness paralyzed him, and made him spend most of his middle school life in a hospital. But no he didn’t give up, he swore to himself, that he will beat this sickness and that at the start of high school, accompanied by his best friend, they will dominate Japan!. “Losing will be unacceptable !”

Hades09 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

The Game ( Part 1)

(Author note:

Regulars: Iwamura - center, Ryuhei- PG, Omuro-PF, Sakamoto- SF, No name- SG)


As the whistle stops and I see the ref about toss the ball up in the air, I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and activate « God's mind ! » on passive mode .

( A/n: God's mind (passive): Means Yukimura is using all of his senses, which means what he sees, hears, feels, etc, to collect as much information as he can from his opponents to fully activate God's mind.

God's mind (active): Means he's using all of the informations he got from the passive mode, to create model or a profile in his mind which will help him anticipate the moves, actions, and thoughts of his opponents. The more information he gets, the more accurate the profile is.)

After that, I reopened my eyes and it was like I became a totally different person. My gaze became cold and the small smile I always kept on my face completely vanished. I looked up just in time both Sho and Iwamura brace themselves up and leap at the same time, but since Iwamura was a few inches taller than Sho i wasn't really surprised when he got to the ball first and tipped it at his side of the court.

The ball landed in Ryuhei's hands and he immediately dashed toward our basket but didn't get far as I stopped right in front of him. Same goes with my teammates, they each found their mark and started defending, Man to man as I told them at start.

" He~ I'm surprised, you were so quick to defend." Said Ryuhei with a smirk on his face, dribbling the ball with his right hand while looking around for an open pass. ' What is up with this kid, I can't find any openings in his defence.' He thought

But I just kept staring at him, not saying anything. And as he started looking around again, I waited for the ball to leave his hand before dashing straight at him. I popped the ball out of his hand, he reacted and he tried to pick it up but it was already to late . I took the ball and started running straight toward their basket but I since I didn't run too fast he caught up, but as we were about to cross the arc I stopped, with a behind the back crossover, and that surprised him, as he couldn't stop in time, he took 2 more step inside the arc to regain balance and tried to come guard me again but I was already in the air, at the apex of my jump, and with a fluid movement, I released the shot.

' What a form!' Thought Ryuhei looking at me with awe.


As I landed back down, I didn't even spare him a glance, matter of fact, my facial expression never changed from the beginning of the game. I just turned around, and started jogging back but not before hearing him whisper " [sigh] I knew it, this guy's strong." Which almost made me smile.

Back when I was still in the hospital, I wasn't just laying around doing nothing. I read a lot books on psychology, and mental states. I learned lot about how using the right words or the right gestures at the right moment could affect the mind. Like now for example, I kept the same facial expression this whole play, when I was guarding him,when I was stole the ball, when I crossed him, when I shot the ball and when I scored, which made him start thinking that it was too easy for me win against him. But what I did after that, was the cherry on cake. I completely ignored him, like his existence couldn't make any difference to me, like he was nothing. At first it was only a thought, but now he's starting to believe it, and not only him but every people on this court as well. But he's the most affected since he's the one confronting me directly. One more time, I just need to shock him one more time to completely drag him into the abyss.

' What a weak mental strength' I couldn't help but think.

" That was so cool Yukimura! I knew you were strong!" Said Tsugawa excitedly.

I gave him look and he shivered,

"It's was alright, now let's concentrate on défense alright?" I said as I gave him a small smile that didn't reach my eyes.

"Yes!" He responded wiping the invisible cold sweat from his forehead ' ooof..The captain gets really scary during games, it's like two different people!' Tsugawa thought without realizing that he already changed his way of addressing him.

( Iwamura POV)

" Are you alright?" Asked Iwamura

" Yea It's just..[sigh] he's good" answered Ryuhei.

" Don't mind, we already expected it." I replied

" Alright, let's show these newcomers why they call us one of the kings of Tokyo."



I was was to far to hear what they were saying so I started to observe their body languages, and reactions.

Iwamura inbounded the ball to Ryuhei who brought the ball directly to our side, this time he was more careful, he was protecting the ball with his body, while looking around and suddenly passed to his right side, to Omuro the power forward, a regular with average height and build, spiky brown hair, brown eyes and thick lips.

That's was a good idea, since the one guarding him is 'no name1'.

Omuro caught the ball did Pump fake, that worked as he got rid of his guard, and ran past the three point line and did a simple jump shot that was blocked by Haizaki.

I caught the ball saw that the opponents already rushed back to the defence, so I took my time and dribbled the ball slowly and smoothly all the way to their side while observing how everyone was moving, which why I noticed the look of impatience that Sho was giving me that made me chuckle internally.

Ryuhei was defending me in that weird martial art position but I took a step back, dribbled the ball slowly between my legs, and when I saw his defence relax, I rushed past him with a change of pace, then I saw Iwamura trying to cover for him so I stopped, held the ball with both hands, my movements fluid, and filled with elegance as I stared right at the net which made them both jump at the same time, Iwamura before me, and Ryuhei behind me, both jumping as hard as they could to stop a shot I never took, my feet didn't even leave the floor.

I did a no look bouncing pass, that went under iwamuri's legs and into the hands of Haizaki who, as soon as we had made eye contact, easily got rid of his mark, and so, with the ball in his hands, he took off, and did a 360 in the air, and dunked the ball!


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