
Seiichi Yukimura the son of God, in kuroko no basket

This is a story of young man who’s dream was to become an NBA player but unfortunately he couldn’t achieve it. He died in a car accident and was reborn in the world of kuroko no basketball. And just as he thought he could make it to teiko or at least play against all the miracles, he got sick, this sickness paralyzed him, and made him spend most of his middle school life in a hospital. But no he didn’t give up, he swore to himself, that he will beat this sickness and that at the start of high school, accompanied by his best friend, they will dominate Japan!. “Losing will be unacceptable !”

Hades09 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Beginning (part2)

( Haizaki POV )

Haizaki :You did it [sob] You really did it Yuki [sobs]

I whispered as I remembered the talk we had that day.


In the same hospital room-

Yukimura: (Sigh)I told you to stop skipping practice to come visit me Sho.

Yukimura says with an exasperated expression.

Haizaki: And I told that I'm in a strong team, they can win with or without me Yuki.And i do go to practice sometimes so stop sighing like some old man.

'Besides it's already too late, they see me as some sort of delinquents and I don't blame them. Ever since I was a kid, I have been 4 in basketball teams in total. I was always talented and with my ability *Pillage* I became very good very fast but my teammates after some times always saw me as some kind of monster but who can blame them, I would steal their tricks and because of that they hated me for it. When it happened the first time I stoped doing that, knowing my teammates would hate me if I ever did that to them but it didn't matter, every teammates I ever had in the past abandoned me, saying that with this ability, no teams will ever keep me. That was until I met you Yukimura. When we met at that street court near my house, and played together for the first time, I steel remember how shocked I was when i saw your reaction when I stole some of your move.'

Haizaki: Yo~you remember the first time we played together?

I asked him with a cheeky smile on my face, knowing he always mad when I remind him of that. And I start laughing holding my stomach when I see his left eye twitching.

' haha pissing off his forever calm face is always hilarious to me'

Yukimura: Shut up! That was the only time you beat me that bad. That was my winning shot you shot you stole! And last I remember I have 10 wins over you~.

'At first he was raising his voice but at the end of his sentence he used a sweet one with a small smile while looking up as if remembering a beautiful memory. Which would be fine if it wasn't for:'

Haizaiki: ha??? What kind of drug did they give you?? The last time we played it was 22 to 20, YOU ONLY HAVE 2 MORE WINS THAN ME!!!

' I screamed demanding justice!'

We kept staring at each other for a second before:

Yukimura/Haizaki: hahahaaha

We kept laughing for while after that he said:

Yuki: Anyway yea I remember I kept making jump shots over you, until you stole it from me and won the game.

Haizaki: yep it was a beautiful technique I had to take it~. And when I used *Pillage* on you at first you were shocked but then you kept complimenting saying it was an amazing skill to have.

Yukimura: yea I remember how dumbfounded you were at first when I said that [chuckle], bu then you started laughing with tears in your eyes like a mental patient.

Haizaki: …You should stop reading does psychology books. ' I said looking at him with a deadpan expression. For real ever since he started reading does damn books, it's always mental dis and dat.

( Yukimura POV)

' Of course I was shocked when he first use *Pillage*against me, it was the first time I faced someone with that kind of "magical skill!"

Yukimura: Anyway listen to me Sho.

' I say with a serious expression'

( author note: yea I call him Sho, short for Shogo)

Haizaki: hm?

Yuki: Promise me, you gonna stop skipping practice to come here.

Haizaki: …

Yuki: You told me you have strong teammates at Teiko, and that there are some you can't even steal from, if you continue playing with them I'm sure you will get stronger too.

Haizaki: I know but,

Yuki: You can still play basketball! You don't need to feel guilty of that because of me. And don't worry can still hang out on weekends~.

Haiz: (sigh) Fuck it, fine I promise.

Yuki: Thanks~.