
Chapter 1:A Boring Graduation

"Haaaa"I released a sigh while covering my mouth with my right hand.

It was the end of my Middle School days. Everyone was happy,smiling and congratulating one another. All of them having a parent or family member accompanying them for the graduation ceremony.

Meanwhile...I Obana Taiki was alone.It would be hard to say that i wasn't a little bit jealous.But who could help it? My real parents are too invested in work which is their passion project, Meanwhile my foster parents are too busy with their work and 10 year old daughter to accompany me. I just hope they'd even bother when i go back home.

I looked at my phone's digital clock to see that there's half an hour left before the graduation ceremony finally begins so i can go home.

"Only half an hour left and it could begin then after that i could go home and continue to read my beloved novels." I said to myself.

I sat down on nearby bench and to pass the time i thought to myself the time i spent in middle school. As long as i can remember i've always been a loner without friends, I never got along with anyone and most of the time i just spoke when someone is asking me and i never started a conversation myself. i don't know why but people started avoiding me once i got a growth spurt and became taller than anyone else at the start of middle school. like hell it wasn't my fault i was 6 feet tall. I didn't really care alot about my appearances either and just let my hair grow longer to the point it covered my eyes and my pale skin due to not going outside a whole lot added to me looking introverted or a loner. To that point i think you can blame me for not keeping my appearance look good and for making myself look like a creep or somesort of hentai protagonist. Yeah yeah i admit that myself but no one really cared or approached me about it so it's not a big deal i suppose.

My daily life as a middle schooler is just basically school and reading novels or playing games. The reason why i didn't join in any sports club is because i hadn't practiced at all in the past so members that did practice still got an upper hand in try-outs and passed while staring daggers and making snide remarks about how much my height is wasted on someone like me. meanwhile other non-sports clubs didn't take me in or i simply wasn't interested. So i didn't bother making decisions or randomly chose one and hope for the best, so everyday i just went home after school to read or play.

My results aren't nothing much,but it's nothing to scoff at either. I can say im the top six smartest guy in class, to be honest i don't care what rank i got hell im just lucky. I just make 'educated guesses' on what to answer at exams and somehow still get higher scores than the class average. My classmates treat me as air every other day but when exams come up i get asked quite a whole lot of questions about this and that to help with the exams. They liked asking me for questions because i was straightforward and almost always had an answer or idea, And also they didn't need to get stuck in a conversation with me to curry favors and keep up appearances because i wasn't in the top five smartest nor sociable and everyone knew i was socially inept.

On the other hand, People like:Takahashi Shindo, Nakamura Aiko, Hirano Chikako, Uehara Kanon and Ota Ryoko are all smarter, more athletic and much much more charming than me. They were all wildly popular and famous not only in class and school but by the city and by some extention the prefecture aswell. Afterall they were all recognized as children with lots of potential...As for me I'm just treated as a phantom. With those five who would ask "Who's the sixth?" of course with five immeasurable potentials that acted like the sky everyone else on earth below is equal.

Me on the otherhand?

I looked unkept with my long dirty blonde uncut hair covering most of my face,my back is slouched and my purple eyes were lifeless and lacked a hint of joy or light typical of that of youngsters in the spring of life and looked as though it was black as no one would notice it was purple with hair covering them,I hate to admit it but i do look like a NEET or a gremlin.What i hate the most is that im all alone in a once in a lifetime event but who cares,right?As long as I could read a novel and play games after i could distract myself from constant loneliness .The only thing i could be proud of is my height which other kids in my age couldn't reach and was wary of and i am one of the top in the class in terms of scores,grades and class participation. But that's the thing, those are the only things that i have.Everything else is just below that or equal to everyone else's. And as long as no one bothers me i can go back to daydreaming or back to reading a novel that's all to it. Also the truth is i just said i was sixth smartest for personal pride, My classmates does acknowledge me as someone smart but they never said that i was sixth.

Then the announcement came that the ceremony is about to begin in a couple of minutes,thus i got up to my feet and walked over to the ceremony hall.I imagined having atleast someone by my side yet going back to reality,I could only see the colors of this world as gray.I completely admit that my life...is boring.

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