
Seen by her ex's boss

I moaned his name and I knew this was wrong but it didn't feel wrong. I pulled from him. "What's wrong?" His voice was laced with concern "This is not right." He chuckled lowly and gosh was it a sound to hear "You mean falling for your boss isn't right?" "I'm not falling..." "Don't worry love, I've already fallen for you."

Drusilla_Silas · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter Two


I ended up in a hotel. I know it's expensive but I had nowhere to go at that moment. I spent the entire night looking for an apartment but they were all too expensive. Dawn came pretty fast and I had no choice but to go to work. I wanted to stay in and I know my manager will understand but that would be telling Jammie that she succeeded and I wasn't going to give her that satisfaction. I got ready and left for work.

"How was your night?" She mocked the moment I stepped in the shop

"Let's see, why don't I start with thanking you." I replied her

"Thanking me?" She was taken aback

"Yeah, for reliving me from such a burden."


"Yeah, Ronnie was a burden, the relationship was a burden."

When I saw her shocked expression. I'm also shocked at the way I handled it.

"So how was your night?" I asked her in return

"You're really a psychopath." She turned and continued what she was doing.

I feel hurt but...I have to live for me, right?

The shop opened and customers trooped in. I expected that I'll be dull but to my surprise, I handled things well. Trust me, I'm hurt but I'm not going to let them see. Eleven came and he walked in. Ronnie's boss, to be precise my ex's boss.

I felt an instant pang in my chest saying those words.

He ordered his usual but this time lingered. I used the opportunity to thank him about yesterday. If I hadn't gone home, to that house, I wouldn't have known what was going on. So yeah, I have to thank him.

"Um.. about yesterday,.." I stuttered be when he gave me all his attention and I saw how golden brown his eyes were.

"About yesterday?" He called me out of my thoughts

"Um..yeah." I cleared my throat "Thank you."

"For?" He acted like he didn't know what I was talking about

"Letting me... telling my manager to give me the day off." I said standing firm.

He didn't deny it neither did he accept it but he just smiled and shook his head lightly. His smile turned to worry when he kept staring into my eyes.

"What happened?"

"Me? Nothing?"

"Another rough night?" He joked

"Maybe." We both chuckled lightly

Just then, the bell jingled signaling that a customer just walked in. I looked up and saw Ronnie.

All the memories we made came flashing back and the last one that brought me back to my senses was the one that hurt the most.

"Hey you okay?"


He followed my gaze and it landed on Ronnie who just came to the counter.

"Good morning sir." He greeted

He just gave him a slight nod. That was when I saw that he was a strict boss. Like HARSH because I saw the fear that came on Ronnie's face. Not that he did anything bad but like him being there with him was an offense.

"I'll be leaving now." He said smiling and left.

"So that's what you're doing?" He stormed towards me which made people turn to look at us.

"Attending to customers? Yes."

"What can I get for you?" I greeted the girl who came up to me.

He shoved her and stood right in front of me.

"Hey!" The girl yelled at him but he ignored

"If you don't mind, I'm attending to my customer and you have no right to push her like that." I remained calm

He laughed "I know what you're doing and let me warm you, if you try anything stupid I'll..."

"You'll what?" I snapped back "Two options order or I'll call security to take you out."

Everyone was watching us closely.

I smirked at him "Now you listen closely, " I leaned on the counter so my face would be close to his and whispered "If you want me to paly with another of your property, I don't know maybe your house? Just like I played with your car? Then get in my way. If not, get the hell out of my way."   I leaned back.

"Sorry for the scene! It was only a little misunderstanding." I apologized and everyone went back to what they were doing more like eating and I attended to that girl while he stormed out of the shop.

I let out a huge sigh when I went to the bathroom and felt tears threatening to pour. Don't let them see,.

I heard footsteps and immediately cleaned my eyes when the door opened and it was Jammie.

"Keep your paws off my boyfriend!" She was fuming.

"First off, I have claws not paws and secondly, he approached me." I walked pass her when she grabbed my hand holding it tightly.

"I'm warning you, if you do anything to..."

"What? Are you scared?" I smirked at her

"You're a psychopath!" She screamed in frustration and smiles instantly

"I get it." A pause "You're hurt. I know you Tania. You're hurt and the only way to mask it is bury yourself in work and be mean to those who hurt you." She smiled evily

"I don't know what you're talking about." I denied even though everything was correct.

"Really? Do you wanna cry? You know, Ronnie is sweet and gosh is he soo good!"

My heart panged

"Does it hurt? Yeah, it does. Thing is, Ronnie approached me and I didn't hesitate to accept his proposal and since then, we were inseparable. Want me to tell you more?" She laughed and I freed myself from her grip.

I have to get out of here before my tears fall.

"Do you want to cry?" She pouted "Awww did I make you cry?" She laughed hard and I walked out

"We've been together for almost a year now!" She added as I slammed the door and went to the counter.

I can't, I can't. I couldn't control it as the tears poured. A customer came in and I couldn't hear what he was saying.

"Excuse me." I took off my apron carried my bag and left

"Leaving already?" I could hear the fake concern in her voice and ignored it still walking towards the door.

"You know the last person who left like this was sacked!" She called out as I opened the door and left.

I kept walking until I got to the alley close to the company where Ronnie works and sat on a bench there.

I cried out my entire life until I felt my head heavy but it didn't matter because my heart was heavy. Everything around spinned as different thoughts flew into my head. She's right, Jammie is right. The last person that walked out of the shop without permission, was fired and even if the person left because they called him that his mother just arrived town, he still got fired. I've probably lost my job because what excuse would I give?

Oh, hey ma'am! I couldn't stand a heartbeat so I left.


Hello ma'am! I left because my heartached.

Better still,

Good day madam! I left the shop because Jammie just threw it in my face that she of all people is with my boyfriend who is currently my ex.

They are all stupid. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!! I feel like pulling my hair off.


I looked up to see it was Ronnie's boss.

"What are you doing here?" I didn't even bother to wipe my tears.

"I should be asking you that. Are you okay?"

Of course I'm not okay!

"I'm fine." I lied

"Yeah." "Do you mind of I sit?" He asked and I scooted

"It's a free country." I mumbled.

"Not to be nosy but um...I don't think you should be out here alone it's getting dark."

"Can I tell you something?" I asked


Don't blame me I need someone to talk to.

I hesitated for a bit.

"I'm a good listener." He cracked a smile and I nodded.

"Promise it's going to stay between the two of us."

"Okay. I promise."

I wiped my eyes and faced him "I know I'm not supposed to bore you with my problems but right now I need someone to talk to like anyone." I rushed

"Okay, I'm here."

"Do you know I'm stupid?" I started

"You're not."

"I am! I'm really really stupid. Can you believe that right under my nose my best friend and boyfriend were having an affair? I know right? Crazy! You remember yesterday when I went home early?"

He nodded

"When I got home, guess what I saw? Ronnie and Jammie on the bed. Like I saw them, the both of them and when they noticed my presence, they weren't even remorseful instead Jammie said something nasty and when I got mad he broke up with me." Fresh tears poured out and I quickly wiped them.


"It's no problem." He said softly

"I took my things and left but that was after destroying his car. What still aches me is the fact that I thought we were meant to be for life. I even had this fantasy in my head that he was my soulmate and we were going to get married, have beautiful children.." my voice broke

"..grow old together, and I was soo stupid that I didn't even have any personal savings. I put in all my... earnings into the house. I make sure there's always what to eat, comfortable wears. It was like we.. were a little couple where both the man and the woman bring their incomes together...for a better home. And I was soo stupid that I... believed that he was my world. Right now, I'm staying in a hotel... and I checked for an apartment but it was too expensive to get and now, I.. I've probably lost my job...I'm helpless and homeless and hopeless that I just...."

I broke down in tears as I let all the feelings wash out. I've not cried like this before and definitely not in front of a stranger.

I felt his strong arms around my shoulders as he gently pulled me close to himself. I relaxed into him as I cried. Surprisingly, I liked the comfort he gave and relaxed as I bury my head in his chest still allowing my tears to flow. His perfume hit me. It wasn't as harsh as Ronnie's but it was comforting and natural that it made me want to sleep in his arms.

Wait what? I just got out of a relationship and I'm thinking of sleeping in another man's arms?

What in the freaking world is wrong with me. But to be honest? I felt relaxed. Maybe it's because of his calmness or his comfort or his scent or all of it? But I know that I felt relaxed and I don't even know when I stopped crying.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bore you with my troubles." I apologized sitting up and wiping my eyes.

"I'm glad I was here for you." He said softly but when I looked deep into his eyes I could see anger rising

"You're angry." I said feeling my heart shatter. What was I thinking? He hated it! Why in the freaking world would a billionaire want to listen to a waiter sob story.

"Not at you."


"I'm angry at your ex. My PA? I'm angry at him." He clarified

"Are you? Are you going to do anything to him? Because I'll beg you not to it's going to look like I convinced you to." I pleaded

"It's getting dark." He stood up and so did I as we both walked out to where his car was waiting for him. We were silent all the way but it wasn't awkward it was... comfortable.

"Let me drop you off."

"No, I'd rather not. I've been a lot this evening..."

"I insist." He held out his hand for me to take which I did.

His touch was gentle and I know it's probably stupid but I instantly felt a shock. I let go of his hands the instant I got into the car and my palm? Burned from his touch.

He got in and asked which hotel. I told him and his driver took us there.

"So how do you plan on getting an apartment?" He asked

"Well, first. If I don't loose my job, I was thinking that I'll take another job to increase my income."


"I already work double shift in my shop so I was thinking to get a job as a waiter in a club."

"They pay very well." I quickly added when he arched an eyebrow

"Can't you just ask your manager for your salary in advance?"

"That's like asking for what? Five months salary in advance? Yeah, it's not going to happen."

"So you plan on working in a club."

"Yeah. My shift ends by 6:00pm and I can have about an hour half then I'll resume work on the club and end by 4:00 or 5:00? I don't know." I don't know why but I feel comfortable around him and telling him things.

"Sir, we've arrived." His driver said

"Thank you for...today, your time and again for yesterday." I said stepping out of the car

"It's my pleasure." He smiled as the car drove off.

Now, it's just me and my laptop looking for a club that needs a waiter. I spent all night searching for one but guess what? I didn't see anyone.

I got up and got ready for the day. I know that out of ten? There is an eighth percente chance that I'll get fired.

The moment I walked through the door I saw my manager and Jammie with a smirk on her face.

"Where did you go?" She is furious


"I gave you a day off and you took is as a right to leave my shop anytime you want? Is that it!"

"I'm sorry." I apologized

"I warned her, I really tried to but she said that I should mind my business and she really snapped at me." Jammie lied and it tore me that my manager believed her

"Now I see the reason why Jammie said your boyfriend broke up with you. Your becoming something else! What are you a wolf in a sheep clothing?"

I wanted to snap at her and don't give a damn about the job because I can't take such insult but I had to swallow it because I'll be homeless if I don't get my salary with an added income -which I haven't found yet- soon.

"I've always been loyal and you should know that if I left it should have been for a serious reason." I said calmly but she? Wasn't calm

"Listen I'll let you work here until the end of this month. After that? You're done!" With that she went into her office.

Jammie smirked at me

"What is it love wanna cry?"

"If I did, it would be your eyes."

The bell jingled and I saw Ronnie walk in

"What have you done?" He asked

"Babe what's wrong?" She rushed to his side while I went to arrange the things for the day before customers came in.

"I'm asking you a question, what have you done?"

It was then I realized he was talking to me



"What happened?" She asked him again

"I got to the office and was asked to take two weeks off."

"That's great news!" She squealed

"No! It's not great news. Those two weeks would be deducted from my paycheck."

"Oh." She said sadly

"And why do you think I'm involved?"

"You bloody spoke with him yesterday."

"So I'm not allowed to speak to customers? Look Ronnie, if you're having a bad day why don't you pass it out in a bar or something?" I ignored them and the first customer came in

"Oh hi!" I greeted.

"This is your fault." I heard him say as he left

"My fault?" Jammie asked in confusion.

The rest of the day went by with me fighting with half of myself in order not to go into my manager's office and quit. While the other half thinking of where to get a new job so I can quit.

The bell jingled at after eleven and he walked in. I smiled instantly and tried to hide it but couldn't.

"Someone's happy." He said


I started preparing his usual

"I don't think I want that." He said and I stopped what I was doing

"I came here for a different reason."

"What for?" I gave him my attention

"What time is your break?"

"Two minutes from now? What's wrong?"

"Good. I want to tell you something then."

"Okay?" I attended to a customer and turned to him

"Do they allow you out of the store during lunch?"

"Yeah just that you have to come back before your break is over."

I took off my apron and followed him. We got into his car and wes driven to a restaurant. Not like the one I work in a good restaurant.

"Um.. why are we here?" I asked as we sat down

"To discuss."

"To discuss what?" Just then a young guy came to us

"Good day, what would you like?"

He picked up his menu but I just stared at him

"Make an order." He said and I picked up the other menu on the table.

I made sure I picked the cheapest thing so I can be able to pay but instead he ordered for me.

"I really appreciate but..." I was still speaking when he cut in.

"Can you cook?"


"How well do you cook?"

"Well enough."


He brought out his card and slid it across the table which I caught swiftly.

"What's this?"

"I'm offering you a job."

"Wait what?"

"As a cook. If you're interested call me and we'll discuss the details."

"I appreciate but what I told you last night was because I needed to talk to someone not because I wanted favour from you."

"I know." Our meals arrived

"If you're about to decline the offer, think about the amount you'll be paid. Double whatever you're going to be getting with two jobs at a tim and under three months you'll be able to get more than just an apartment."

He dugged into his food and so did I. They sure do know how to cook.

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