
Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Since time immemorial, demons and cultivators have engaged in an unending battle in a struggle for power. Demons have wreaked havoc, causing millions of humans to suffer—cannibalism, rape, the killing of children… But there is a particular second young master of the Qin family, Qin Yun, who abhors demons due to his past… Furthermore, he is a sword immortal, an existence that can send his flying swords out to kill enemies thousands of miles away. Enter this world filled with immortality-seeking fox fairies, river gods, water demons, great demons, and cultivators!

I Eat Tomatoes · Eastern
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739 Chs

Misty Rain Sword Art

Translator: CKtalon

"What, we are fighting just like that?" Black Demon King's heart trembled. Although he was enraged previously and made fierce threats, fighting with Qin Yun was the worst of his plans! For him to be able to cultivate for more than five centuries, it was because he seldom risked his life in battle. Every time he risked his life, it was like traversing the borders of life and death! Therefore, unless cultivators and great demons had the confidence or had reasons that forced them to risk their lives, they would not easily come to blows.

"A recently promoted junior sure has an exaggerated opinion of his abilities. It appears that I've not fought for a long while that even a junior doesn't think much of me." Rich killing intent burned in Black Demon King's eyes. Although such great demons would not easily risk their lives, they would naturally not go easy once they decided to take action.