
2 lives slaughtered and more to come.

Somewhere on a mountain in Japan.


Here I am, the air was fresh and my curiosity grew as I looked around only to see hill after hill and mountain after mountain of which were covered by lush greenery.

"Who knew the human world could be so nice?" I said aloud after which I began to chuckle.

"The nicer the better, if it wasn't nice there'd be no reason to destroy it." I said in a deep low voice.

After I said these words I heard a shrill cry that reminded me I was still in my natural form which of course would be quite frightening to any human or creature, I turned around slowly and I saw a human boy of which was accompanied by a slightly older teenage girl. After seeing the two who stood there whimpering. I began to speak.

"What are you two doing here?" I asked

"Nothing sir, just picking apples to sell." responded the teenage girl in a shaky voice.


The girl stood there terrified with her eyes wide open as the the little boy beside her fell on his rear end, seeing this I walked closer and then picked the little boy up from the ground by his collar. Then proceeded to snap his neck and then I cut the teenage girl into little pieces with my claws.

I stood and stared for a while as I chuckled.

"This would considered a heinous crime in the human world, wouldn't it? Alas such is the law of the jungle." I said to myself.

I felt quite satisfied after killing the two so I began to trek towards the city I saw from afar.

"I wonder what delights await me in the human city." I wondered. As I walked my body slowly became smaller and smaller before I transformed into the little boy I killed awhile ago.

"Now to find the boy's family." I spoke in a cruel voice, After doing so I began to think about one of my many habits that has stuck with me for years.

"You see, I just can't help killing the family of those that I kill." I thought and at some point in time my lips curled into a cruel sadistic smile.

And here is the first chapter of STE, I hope you enjoyed.

- xFinal_Bossxx

PS if you wondering why this novel is listed under video games, just know you’ll find out soon enough :).

xFinal_Bossxxcreators' thoughts