
Seeing Double

This story is about how a boy from our world dies and gets a second chance in the Pokémon world. He then starts life slowly before then being rapidly thrust into many dangerous situations he must overcome. This story is inspired by other similar fanfictions. I do not own anything related to Pokémon. This is my fist Fanfic so I hope you like it.

Archnaught · Video Games
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Chapter 4: Surprises

I woke up extremely excited. That's because today I get to see my Mom for the "First" time. I actually don't really remember what she looks like to much, except for basic characteristics. Things like her hair is black and straight, she wears suits most of the time, and she has pale skin.

Other than that my child brain doesn't seem to have to good of a description. I'm assuming because before I got my memories and system my special effects were not applied. Such as the memory of a basic adult. Also because She is often away for work.

Having enough of sitting and thinking I get up and get dressed to do my morning exercise with my Dad. It doesn't take me too long to realize that won't be happening today. As soon as I enter the kitchen I see My Dad cooking breakfast and Toriel preparing the table.

It appears that we will be having a celebratory feast for my Mom's return. That does beg the question of where she even went. I decide to be direct and ask my dad.

"Where did Mom Go too?" I look up to see my dad look a little startled by the question before answering me.

"Sorry Little Zech I don't remember where Mom went to exactly. I was training with Benjamin when she told me." He sheepishly rubs the back of his head in embarrassment after he finishes talking. I have to sweat drop at the reply.

Each time we talk he keeps making me think he's a meat head that only cares about training. It makes me wonder why then does he look like your slightly above average office worker.

At this point I think I can't ever underestimate anybody in this world. If I do I might end up with a mega Lucario shoved in my face or worse. That is kinda of a terrifying thought.

Though my next question would be, what does she do for work? Especially if it makes her constantly travel. I end up voicing my thoughts to my Dad.

"What does Mom do for work?" My Dad seems to have expected this question and quickly replied, while still focusing on the food.

"She represents a shipping company in advertising and Pokémon events. She is also the head of the Defense department." That's a lot to take in at once. So she is a model, professional trainer, and the head of the Defense department of a… "shipping company?"

Why would a shipping company need a defense department for. Do they transport rare materials or something. Are there materials that help in Pokémon growth? That's actually a good question so I decide to ask the system. The system does not even need me to direct of a command before it gives me the answer I want.

"There are materials that can enhance a Pokémons growth, and they can be readily found on Lunerth. But quality materials are rarely found and most of the time come from a specific part of a energy dense creature. Though in specific places quality enhancement Items can appear. This is usually only observed in environments with incredibly harsh conditions. Such as the middle of a volcano."

That's quite interesting. And will hopefully make training Pokémon easier. That does make me wonder if I could make such a material if I get strong enough. Though at that point I don't know how useful something like that would be when I get to that level.

My Dad doesn't take to long before he finishes making breakfast. It honestly smells delicious. But before he can set the food on the table he suddenly moves to the door and opens it.

Standing on the other side is My mother. And I'm not talking about my new one. I mean she is the spitting image of my mother from my past life. The difference are few, like the height and how fit they were are different. But everything else is the same.

She has the same cocoa colored eyes. The long straight black hair. Even how they do their makeup is the same. The thin eyeliner and the the simple slightly colored lip gloss.

My concentration is broken when I feel something wet slide down my chin. Expecting that I might have started to drool in shock I wipe my mouth. But I don't feel anything get wiped which confuses me.

I finally realize I've been crying. When was the last time I did that? When I got cancer? No more recent than that. Though I'm suddenly interrupted by a ferocious hug.

I look to see the woman who had just arrived hugging me. Why would a random stranger hug another person's child. Then I finally make the connection, she's my new mother.

I then feel a sharp pain in my heart. And I start to cry harder. I hold my mother as tight as I can. Now finally letting it sink in that… I died. Not only that but I lost everything. All my friends, my ambitions, my family…. My mother.

It's all gone, and I can't ever get that back. So I cry as my heart aches. And I clutch on for dear life as I now feel the loss of everything I once knew.

I even overcame cancer. Not just one either but 2 types of cancer. Only to die as soon as I get out of the hospital. What a tragedy.

Now I understand why the Phantom was so nice. Imagine your just walking down the street and accidentally bump into someone. But by doing so you gave them cancer, and you can't cure it. Not because you can't but because you aren't allowed to.

You if you had even the tiniest amount of empathy would do anything you can to make it up to them. Then imagine later after that same man gets out the hospital after just beating cancer you trip this time. But instead of just giving them cancer it kills them.

You now have just ended a life of a person on accident. Not a big one either but something simple. So now I understand why truly the Phantom was so nice.

Because now I have to live in a world where I can never see anyone I ever knew again. And just when I was truly about to start my life too.

|| Alessia Erlanger (Zechariah's Mom) POV ||

My Zechy has be acting strange recently. Though At fist I thought he was just happy to see me come home and that's why he cried. But it's been nearly a week now. It must be something else and it has to be causing him a lot of pain, because I hear him cry alot.

My only guess is that he is awakening his psychic powers. And because he's doing it at such a young age it's causing him problems. I know the same happened to me when I unlocked them, but I was four not Two.

Not only that but Arther tells me that while I was gone he acted strange too. He stopped taking naps and even started training with him.

I almost throttled Arther when he first told me that. Because I know exactly how he trains. Thankfully he did take Zechy's age into consideration when training him. I did make him sleep on the couch that night.Can't have him making such important decisions without me now.

Maybe Toriel caused this? No that can't be the effect would have been immediate. I honestly don't blame her either for her actions. I would probably have reacted the same way.

Again The most worrying thing is it's been almost a week now and he has only slightly improved. Maybe… I don't know… it's an idea. I should talk to Arther before I decide on anything.

I walk to the kitchen where I see Arther preparing lunch. He has been stress cooking alot recently. I totally understand how he feels though. At this point we need to talk about what is causing these worries.

"Do you have any ideas on how to help Zechy?" He laughs gently. And even with the situation it makes my heart flutter, like always.

Though he does stop to think about it before he replies.

"He could start training with me again, he enjoyed it a lot when we did it. Exercise is also known to make people feel better." I understand where he is coming from but If he doesn't want to do it himself then we can't force him. That does let me bring up my idea.

"I could give him my dad's gift? It might lift his mood and get him to do something." We had already talked about this few times. He thought that it would be too soon. I personally think he could handle it, especially because he takes after me. Unlike my lovable knucklehead of a husband I am quite intelligent and responsible.

We both sit in silence contemplating on what to do. That is until the telltale smell of burning causing Arther to resume his stress cooking. I always wonder where he learned to cook. Definitely not his grandfather.

Back to the topic at hand of Zechy. At this point I'm just going to go with my plan. It's not the best but it's something.

|| Zechariah POV ||

I'm tired, my eyes hurt, and I am hungry. So I get up for Dinner, I had skipped lunch. I slowly make my way to the table. I try my best to eat what I'm given. Though every time I look at my Mom my chest aches with memories.

Eventually I get up to go to bed. But before I can even finish getting up from my seat my mom speaks up.

"I know grandpa missed your birthday a few months ago, but to make up for it he got you a special gift." My mom gets up to go get whatever it is. My dad then starts to speak.

"Okay Zechariah this gift is very fragile and expensive. But your Mom trusts you can take care of it. So I will trust her judgment. But you have to promise me to make sure what you get won't be damaged." It takes a tremendous effort but I eventually muster out a simple response.

"I…. Promise" my dad looks a little sad at how tired I sound, but other than that nods in approval. That is when my Mom comes up from behind me and covers my eyes with one hand. Then something is gently laid in my lap.

At this point I'm actually a little excited for what this is. After a moment my Mom removes her hand. I slowly open my eyes to see a very large egg in my lap. It takes me a moment but I realize it's a Pokémon egg. A real full blown Pokémon egg.

I look at my parents in pure bewilderment. Why in any universe would you give a 2 year old child a Pokémon egg. My mother than helpfully answers my question.

"Zechariah what you are holding right is a Pokémon egg. Something that is very precious. Most children don't get a chance to even have a Pokémon until six, let alone an egg. But you were given one do to a family tradition, in which the eldest child must take care of a Pokémon egg in order to prove they can take care of themselves.

This used to be done when your older originally, but as time progressed it has been done younger and younger.

You will be the first to do it since myself when I was around your age. So make sure to take care of the egg or you will be not allowed to have a Pokémon until you are a legall adult."

I kind of sit in my chair gently holding the egg in shock. Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected this.

Though after the shock wears off I'm back to feeling tired. So I decide to continue with my plan to head to bed. Before I go I tell my parents thank you with a slight bow. I the carry the egg off with me to bed.

I make sure to properly situate the egg in my bed so It can't fall out. I then lay down and gently fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up to a loud beeping sound. At first I ignore it, but it doesn't stop even after several minutes. So I decide to open my eyes. I look and see a screen in front of me. I quickly rub my eyes to read the annoying system message before I head back to bed.

"WARNING: Egg in critical condition, if not provided energy from the user in 21 hours the Egg will cease to function and die." I'm immediately taken aback by how aggressive it is. But then I realize what it says. I quickly ask the system what is going on.

"Pokémon eggs usually bond to their parents shortly after being conceived. The Egg currently in your possession did not receive such bond.

In this case the user has to be the one to create a bond. Though the bond will not be that of parent and child due to the dissimilar energy. It will be that of trainer and Pokémon."

Okay the last part wasn't needed but still good to know. I guess now I got a life resting on my shoulders. So for now there's no time to mope around.

I immediately get into position and try to unlock my energy. And after the first few hours of nothing I realize I need a different strategy. First of all what is a ghost. It's a soul tied to the mortal world by strong memories, usually tragic.

At that is one of many reasons or explanations for ghosts. But it's basic in most places so hopefully it has some truth in this world.

So what are my strongest memories. Recent ones may be strong but hold no weight. Only ones I can think of from my past life. I'm not even sure those would work here. But might as well try anyway.

My mom crying as we sit in the doctors office. It was when I was first diagnosed with not just one but two different types of cancer. The first time she held together, but the second she cried. My dad just hugged her gently, as I sat alone and destroyed.

I sit myself in that memory to try and maybe find something different, but I don't. That leads me to believe maybe it's quantity over quality. So I spend the next few hours going over all my memories.

Eventually I realize it's useless. I look at the egg to how much time is left. It ends up only being 13 hours left. I desperately want to sleep but I can't. If I ado it might end up being the end of this egg.

So I go back to what the system recommended me to do. After going down memory lane I find it much easier to concentrate now as well. Then suddenly I feel something. It was faint and only for less than a second but something was there.

I then focus everything I have on finding that feeling. And it takes me a few hours but I eventually grab hold of it. It's fickle and wispy but I hold on with alll my strength.

I then try to push it from by body to the Egg. But as soon as I try to I end up letting go of the energy. It's frustrating but bonding with the Egg has to be done.

It takes a little bit but I get ahold of the energy again. It's still incredibly hard to contain but I was able to get it faster this time.

I gently put my hand on the Egg. I then take a deep breath and concentrate. I slowly move the energy in my body out towards the egg. Even trying to get through the shell is a struggle. But I continue.

It takes nearly an hour of concentration but I managed to penetrate the shell with my energy. And once I do all the energy that was inside me is absorbed by the Egg. I nearly fall off the bed as the sudden change occurs. I thankfully remain upright and touching the Egg.

It doesn't take long for the egg to absorb all my energy. And once it does a message apears In front of me. But before I can read it my vision becomes blurry and I fall onto my bed.