
See you, Forever

In a tale of unexpected encounters and mysterious occurrences, Mich finds herself thrust into a world beyond her understanding when she witnesses a peculiar sight under the moonlight. Her husband, Rome, tries to reassure her, but their lives take a drastic turn when a young man arrives at their door, claiming Mich's presence is needed elsewhere. Despite Rome's attempts to protect her, Mich is whisked away to a strange palace, leaving her questioning her own reality. As Mich grapples with her new surroundings, memories of her past life as Lady Emilia begin to surface. Trapped in a marriage of convenience with Duke Matheo, Lady Emilia struggles to reconcile her own desires with the expectations placed upon her. Meanwhile, Rome's absence weighs heavily on Mich's heart as she navigates the unfamiliar world she finds herself in. Amidst confusion and despair, Mich resolves to find her way back to Rome, determined to reclaim the life and love she left behind. But as she delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding her existence, Mich discovers that her journey may hold the key to uncovering truths far greater than she ever imagined. With themes of love Romance, loss, and self-discovery, "See you, Forever" is a captivating tale of resilience and redemption as Mich, or Lady Emilia, embarks on a quest to find her place in a world where destiny and desire collide -- I hope you like reading my short novel, which is my first truly excellent work of writing. Please support me until the very end. -- ilumi14

iLuMi14 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Darkness of memories

They looked into each other's eyes as they withdrew their kiss, silently realizing how deeply they were connected. Duke Matheo smiled softly and said, "I love you, Lady Emilia."

And Lady Emilia said, "And I love you, Duke Matheo," in a kind and sincere voice.

Interrupted by the knock on the door, Duke Matheo and Lady Emilia reluctantly pulled away from each other, their cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and embarrassment. Duke Matheo cleared his throat before calling out, "Enter."

Joseph walked into the room, his expression revealing a mixture of surprise and laughter at what he saw. Trying not to show the apparent tension in the room, he replied, "My apologies for interrupting, Your Grace, but there's an urgent matter that requires your attention."

Duke Matheo stood up straight and looked from Lady Emilia to Joseph. With a serious tone, he questioned, "What is it, Joseph? Is there a problem?" as he got ready to deal with whatever matter had come up.

After pausing for a moment, Joseph answered, "It's about the business deal with the Marquis of Westchester. There seems to be some complications that need your immediate attention."

Duke Matheo sighed, a crease forming on his forehead as he thought about the deeper significance of the information. "Very well, I'll be right there," he answered, turning to look remorseful at Lady Emilia. "I'm sorry, my love, duty calls. I'll return as soon as I can."

Lady Emilia nodded with understanding, but there was a flicker of disappointment in her eyes. With a comforting smile she replied, "Of course, Duke Matheo. Take care."

Duke Matheo trailed Joseph out of the chamber after giving Lady Emilia one final yearning look, his mind already turned to the next commercial negotiations. Lady Emilia couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia for his presence as he vanished down the hallway. However, she was aware that her responsibilities came first, so she made the decision to wait patiently for him to return, confident that their love would only deepen with time.

Lady Emilia was just getting used to her new surroundings when a servant showed up at her door, offering to help her unpack her possessions. Lady Emilia smiled warmly and welcomed the servant into her room, grateful for the assistance.

They started unpacking together, taking great care to arrange Lady Emilia's possessions in the chamber according to their proper locations. Lady Emilia used the time to get acquainted with her new surroundings, admiring the sophisticated furniture and exquisite accents that filled the room.

The servant engaged Lady Emilia in friendly conversation while they worked, sharing little morsels of information about the mansion and its past. With great interest, Lady Emilia listened to the man who would soon become her home.

The servant bid Lady Emilia good night once they had completed unpacking and let her get settled for the night. Lady Emilia was all alone in her room and filled with enthusiasm and expectation for the days to come. She was prepared to meet the challenges and delights that this new chapter in her life would bring since she knew Duke Matheo would be there to support her. Lady Emilia sighed in satisfaction as she got ready for bed, eager for the adventures that lay ahead.

As Lady Emilia slipped into a dream state, her nightmare seized hold of her, her brain acting as a battlefield between hopelessness and horror.

The ominous crimson moon hung heavy in the sky, wreaking havoc on the desolate terrain with its twisted shadows. With every breath, Lady Emilia felt as though she were being choked by the heavy sense of doom that pervaded the barren landscape as she staggered across it.

She heard the eerie howl of wolves in the distance, their somber cries seeming like a sign of impending disaster as they echoed through the night. She picked up her speed, trying to shake the growing feeling of dread as it pounded in her chest.

However, the thoughts of her loving husband Rome and the terrible tragedy that had befallen him would not go away, no matter how quickly she ran. His spectral face materialized in front of her, his eyes angry and hollow, a mute rebuke for her inability to save him.

The scenery around Lady Emilia started to change and contort as she moved forward, forming bizarre forms that appeared to be mocking her every move. She staggered across sharp rocks and twisted roots, her limbs leaden and heavy as though from her past transgressions.

It growled, "Come, Lady Emilia," its words dripping with venom. "Come and face your fate."

Lady Emilia let out a terrified yell and turned to run, but her legs would not obey her. She found herself immobile and powerless to resist the all-consuming blackness surrounding her.

And as the apparition got closer, its actual shape becoming visible in the slender red moonlight, Lady Emilia came to the terrifying realization that it was something much darker than a ghost from her past.

It was everything she had feared most, everything she had been feeling since that fateful night—guilt and regret. It had finally arrived to take possession of her soul.