
miss universe

author's note am sorry for not realising more chapters nowdays I was late busy and hope that you're liking my novel so far.

it was terrible to see Eddy at my house plus under the window of my room.that was not a problem at all the problem was how he just got me while cartty has told him that I wasn't home. he looks me in astonished way."well what are you doing here?" he asked me then I smiled hypocritically smile to find an answer.." if l tell you that you will not believe it" I said normally " well I will understand" he said " oky if you say so...then am here because i didn't want cartty to ask me where am going that's why I used window to escape" I said and stares him into his eyes to see if he will buy my lies and it look like he accepted." were you here for me?" I asked as if i didn't know

he blinked before he could reply. "yup yup am here to see you it's my sister's birthday I wanted you to accompany me to buy her some gift" he said and of course the reason why he is telling me this it's because am his sister's friend her name is eddysa they are twins but not identically. well I grabbed his hands and went to his car.... cartty saw us leaving and smiles almost calling out my name to mock at me how i tried to escape and end up in his hands. we reach at the jewelry shop and we bought a nice necklace for eddysa in our way out I bumped to a guy because I was busy in my phone then I fell down before he could help Eddy was right there to help me then I stood up with my hair flows in my face I couldn't see who I bumped.."are you okay miss." the guy asked and voice sounded familiar. to lift my head up I felt like about to fly like a bird but there's was no way I kept my head down it was another boyfriend called Fernando. " mr.she is alright you can go" Eddy said and rises my arm around his shoulder to take me to the car " oky if you say so" Fernando replied and thank God we were out of his sight ....we left Fernando behind and he came to think of my scent " it was like my lilah's perfume" he said to himself "nope she can't be here she told me that she is sick let me but something for her so I can surprise her to her house since she is sick" he thought by knowing that yes I lied him because I had different plans today but this Eddy sabotaged them. we went to eddysa's birthday and Fernando has kept calling me but I couldn't pick up so he chosed to go to my house and parked his car out side of our get and stands by the side of his car's door and sent a text message.

" come down "

" why, where?"I replied

"to your house"

" am not home"

"ain't you sick"

" have I told you that" I replied and recalled me lying him that am sick. I sent another messages.

"oh yup am sick"

" so how came you ain't home?"

" you wanna see me?"


" oky come home I will be there I went to buy some medicine" I lied again


guys lying countless times it's really like a weed or cocaine cause when your life based on lies your life received that lies as truth when they become too much.

now am in eddysa's birthday with my fifth boyfriend and I lied to Fernando that went to buy some medicine.. when I don't even what's am gonna do to get home before he could be there to my narrow minded I don't even know that he is already at my house.

hope you're enjoying so far 😊😉 and please leave me a comment to any fault or idea.