
Seductive Leader from Elite Group

The protagonist starts generating feelings for her hot boss despite knowing if it is lust or love. But there are way too many things to happen in her life before love.

prazya_khadka · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Probably he don't remember what he just screamed. He make his way towards me kicking those creatures and hugged me tightly. I was so thankful to god for saving me everytime I face this same scene. "How am I so lucky? He must be god's server sent to protect me." At this moment I felt life is not so unfair. God will never neglect their children.

After we got parted I saw his forehead bleeding."Mr. Kaven your forehead is bleeding" I said nervously. He just placed his hand in forehead and left as if it was nothing. "Let me send you home" he ordered but I was navie enough to understand his orders and rejected it. He looked at me with a serious gaze that I had to let him send me home anyway. He opened door of his fancy looking car whose name, I don't know because I never care about brand of car/smart phones/bikes. But his car was very comfortable which gave me the feeling it must be some hundred thousand dollar's but that is surely not a big thing for elite like him.

We reached my appartment after 10 minutes of ride and he fastly ran towards my door and opened it for me as soon as I stood out of car he took me in his arm like a groom taking his bride and rushed inside the building. "What is your appartment number?" he asked coldly hiding his emotions for now. "Mr.Kaven I am perfectly fine. I can go on my own." after I finished my sentences I got backfired not by his words but by his gaze. "205. 4th floor" I gave him direction and he quickly rushed inside lift which within a second opened infront of my appartment.

I opened the door and we both entered inside my appartment.