
Seducing the Villainess: CEO’s Contract Wife Wants Revenge!

All Sienna Astor wants is a peaceful, happy life. Unfortunately, things don’t play out the way she wants at all. The next best thing she can get? Revenge. Forced to marry a cold, rich tyrant of the business world to save her family, trapped in a loveless marriage, backstabbed by her step sister, treated like trash by her parents. Sounds familiar? She’s sick of it. When she gets a second chance to live her life, she decides that since being nice didn’t get her anywhere, she’s about to get nasty. Meet the new villainess in town, who will stop at nothing to get her own happiness! So why is her husband suddenly so caring? Did she marry the same guy? Sienna is determined to change her destiny but her husband is determined not to change his wife!

friedpotato · Urban
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94 Chs

Their new mistress was crazy!

Damon stared at her, surprise apparent in his clear blue eyes. Was this the same Sienna Astor he had come to know?

Who was rumoured to be quiet and mousy? She sure seemed bold to him right now. His mouth quirked up a little, he seemed to have married a firecracker.

For a moment, he hesitated, his eyes slowly going over her face. His mouth opened and then closed.

Sienna couldn't read his expression in the dim light, half his face was in shadow, but she thought she saw a hint of unhappiness before Damon nodded.

"If that is what you wish," He repeated.

"It is," Sienna replied curtly and turned on her heel, quickly walking out of the room and briskly entering hers.

Once the door was slammed shut, she leaned against it, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. This was what she needed to do, he would have done it if she hadn't beat him to it.

So why was she still upset by it?

Damon's bewildered face flashed through her mind and there was a stab of guilt in her gut that had her fists clenching. Groaning, she banged her head against the door.

She couldn't be weak now! She was only just beginning!

With effort, she decided to meditate and focus on her breathing until she finally fell asleep.

The next few weeks passed quite uneventfully. Damon and Sienna hardly crossed paths and Sienna worked hard, planning her next move. In fact, she was so busy that she hardly left her room and meals were left at her door.

Close to a month after the marriage, she felt like she had achieved a lot simply by the fact that she hadn't spoken to Damon since their wedding day. Previously, she had chased after him and tried to pander to his interests, but had been coldly ignored each time.

This time, she was ignoring him! With a gleeful grin, she patted herself on the back.

That morning, she put special care into her outfit. In the past, she wore boring dresses in the hopes of staying low key and not causing problems for Damon with any scandals. Moreover, she had never been the flashy sort.

Today, however, she had on fitting high waisted jeans and a pretty blouse. It wasn't anything special, but this was closer to her style and it was comfortable for her as well.

When she came downstairs, Damon's fork nearly skittered off the plate with the way he couldn't take his eyes off her.

She looked fresh and happy, more like the confident girl he remembered from university than the frumpy older sister of the Astor family that she was rumoured to be.

While Damon was taking in her outfit, Sienna was taking in the dining table. Unlike every other morning for the past three years before she died, there was a table setting for her today!

She looked around suspiciously. Was this some kind of trick?

"Good morning," Damon said casually, as if he wasn't supposed to be at work by now.

"Good morning," She replied warily, expecting some kind of trap. This was the man who was so married to his work she never saw him from morning till night!

Yet, here he was at the dining table eating breakfast on a weekday!

Sienna wanted to go to the window and look outside in case pigs were flying.

"Mrs Wright, what would you like for breakfast?" The housekeeper, Wendy, asked politely, "We weren't sure what your tastes were so our chef cooked a bit of everything. Just tell us what you prefer."

This time, Sienna couldn't help herself, she pinched her forearm hard and stiffened with the pain. Okay, so this wasn't a dream…

In the three years of her marriage, the staff in Damon Wright's house had been lukewarm to her at best. They were never rude but they hadn't been nice to her either.

In fact, now that she thought about it, the food that had been sent up to her room had a wide variety as well.

"Sit down," Damon's low voice came and Sienna was so surprised she sat down on the nearest chair which happened to face him, "If you want something the kitchen hasn't prepared, they'll make it now or someone will buy it."

Sienna was in shock. Her mouth was hanging open slightly and she blinked a few times before she regained her composure.

"Um, thank you, but I don't actually eat much for breakfast," She decided that being bad didn't mean being impolite, villainesses could have manners, right?

"Just some toast and fruits are fine," She finished quietly.

Wendy's face was expressionless as she bowed and bustled off, reappearing with a stack of toast with different kinds of bread and a tray of spreads and cold cuts.

"You should eat more," Damon observed as Sienna shoved half a toast into her mouth at one go. With her mouth full, she couldn't retort but she frowned at him and he clearly understood.

"Don't neglect your health," Was all the follow-up he gave.

"My health isn't your concern," She finally managed to swallow her mouthful and stood up to go, refusing to sit at the same table as him any longer.

Why was he pretending to care about her health when they were just doing business?

With a toss of her dark hair, she started to exit the room, pausing only to thank the servants who had brought her breakfast.

"The silver car out front is yours," Damon added just as she was at the doorway. She froze as he continued, "The driver will take you wherever you want."

Whirling around, Sienna stomped back to the table where Damon was. Calmly, he looked up at her, still chewing.

"I don't want your driver, who asked you to give me a car?" She told him.

The servants were staring at the scene with huge eyes. Who would dare to talk to their young master that way? And who would reject a chauffeured ride?

Maybe their new mistress was crazy!

Damon wasn't even offended. He nodded then motioned to his butler and whispered something in his ear.

"You don't have to take my driver, but at least take the car," Damon stood up and now, Sienna had to crane her neck to look at him since he was so tall, "My wife shouldn't have to take public transport."

Her traitorous heart skipped a beat when he said 'my wife'. How she had longed to hear those words from him in the past! With effort, she focused on the issue at hand, trying to ignore her feelings.

Sienna weighed her circumstances. Her own family never gave her a car even though Vivianne was driving one of the latest models of sports cars.

She didn't want anything too fancy, but having her own car would be convenient. It was better to be practical than proud in this situation, she decided and nodded stiffly.

"Fine, if you insist, I'll take the car," She said, trying to sound aloof.

If she didn't know better, she would have thought that the tilt of Damon's lips was a smile. But he had never once smiled at her before, so she didn't think he would now.

As if on cue, his butler came rushing back with the car keys in hand. One small gesture from Damon was all it took for him to respectfully present the keys to Sienna.

Within minutes, Sienna was pulling out of the driveway in her brand new car. As she sped off, she called someone with a smirk on her face.

"I heard you're back from overseas," She said, the moment they picked up, "You said to call you if I wanted to have some fun."

Her green eyes were alight and her pink lips curved into a sharp smile, "What do you say to turning the business world upside down?"

Ohohoho :3c time to get started! Who wants a free car say me! (*Screaming "me"*)

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