
Seducing the Villainess: CEO’s Contract Wife Wants Revenge!

All Sienna Astor wants is a peaceful, happy life. Unfortunately, things don’t play out the way she wants at all. The next best thing she can get? Revenge. Forced to marry a cold, rich tyrant of the business world to save her family, trapped in a loveless marriage, backstabbed by her step sister, treated like trash by her parents. Sounds familiar? She’s sick of it. When she gets a second chance to live her life, she decides that since being nice didn’t get her anywhere, she’s about to get nasty. Meet the new villainess in town, who will stop at nothing to get her own happiness! So why is her husband suddenly so caring? Did she marry the same guy? Sienna is determined to change her destiny but her husband is determined not to change his wife!

friedpotato · Urban
Not enough ratings
94 Chs

Sienna Astor was doomed

"Someone has leaked our files," Alison looked strained and worried, her usual glowing skin was ashy with stress.

Sienna closed her eyes and sighed. She should have known that even by starting her own company and altering her life's course, she still was unable to escape this kind of trouble.

"How bad is it?" She asked, already mentally going through their projects.

"Not good," Alison sighed, "It must have been someone on the inside. Our business plans for the summer campaign are all over the internet. We'll have to start from scratch. Not to mention re-building client and investor confidence."

"Some investors have already pulled out," Sienna muttered, looking through her emails, "Cowards."

"We need those cowards," Alison buried her face in her hands, "We can't stay afloat without them. It's too early on, if we don't have enough backing, we won't make it to the next quarter."

Sienna stood, her head high and her grip on her purse tight, "I'll do what I can."


"This is a great demo set, I'll present it to my team," Eric leaned back, "But even so, I don't think it's enough to make up fifty percent."

Sienna nodded briskly, "I understand. Nevertheless, I appreciate this. Thank you, Mr Ramsey."

"Please call me Eric," Eric flashed another heart melting grin. But Sienna was too preoccupied to even notice it.

Eric was even more intrigued as he watched her walk away, her back straight and her heels clicking.

Even when her company was in trouble, she cut a formidable figure in her professional suit.

Eric smiled to himself. Sienna Astor was sexy. Who would have guessed? Now, it was time to gauge her business and leadership abilities based on how she weathered this storm.

A problem like this could easily bring a new company down, but he was curious to see how she handled it.


"Okay," Jun said calmly.

"Okay? That's it?" Sienna repeated. She had gone to see him on set and had brought all her materials to show to him.

After all the trouble it had taken to even convince him to work with them, surely this would be more difficult.

However, Jun had drunk his water, listened to her briefly and agreed!

"But aren't you worried about my company's reputation?" Sienna was still processing the situation.

Others on the set were snapping photos despite Jun's assistant trying to stop them.

They recognized Sienna as the girl who had been on Jun's motorbike in the past and now, were sure that Sienna was Jun's mystery girlfriend!

They looked at Sienna's elegant bun, wisps of dark hair escaping to frame her perfect oval face. Her cream power suit and strong aura made her seem unapproachable.

Was this the kind of woman Jun liked?

"Don't you think your company will do a good job?" Jun asked her.

Sienna's eyes widened.

"Of course we'll do a good job!" She exclaimed, "But don't you want some kind of assurance? Your reputation is on the line, after all."

Jun walked over to the crew members taking photos. Upon his approach, all of them froze like deer in headlights.

"Please delete any photos of CEO Astor," Jun told them politely but firmly.

The staff who had been ignoring Jun's poor assistant immediately deleted their photos.

Some of them were disappointed that they had no photographic proof of juicy gossip while others were confused if Jun was dating a CEO.

"I already have my assurance," Jun told Sienna simply, "Tell my assistant the details."

Vivianne had been watching the entire exchange in seething silence. She stood in the shadows with her arms crossed and her face in a scowl.

She never knew Sienna could be so shameless. Her company was in trouble and she was trying to bring Jun down with her!

Later that evening, Vivianne was still sulking. Kyra Davies laughed, her champagne glass glittering in the low light as she tossed her black curls.

"She thought she could humiliate me and get away with it," Kyra sneered, her powdered face wrinkling in disgust, "But I know how easily bought people are. She should have been more careful."

She flapped a hand at Vivianne, "Why are you so sulky? Did you miss out on some limited edition items?"

"It's not enough!" Vivianne burst out shrilly, "She's not even panicking, that bitch. And worse, she keeps bothering Jun!"

"Jun Slater?" Kyra's face hardened. Sienna Astor was a piece of work. She couldn't even go down in style.

Their eyes met and both of them smiled, clearly they were on the same page.

Sienna Astor was doomed.


"We're doomed," Sienna mumbled, her head resting on a stack of papers while Alison typed more commands into her laptop.

It was way past midnight and the two of them looked even more frazzled than before. Despite getting some assurance from other investors and working to push up Jun's campaign, it still was cutting it too close.

Alison's phone buzzed. Both women ignored it. Their faces were pale and their dark eye circles were stark.

Sienna's phone buzzed as well. Then buzzed again. Suddenly, Alison's phone started ringing.

They looked at each other. What was going on?

Warily, Alison answered her phone while Sienna checked hers.

"What article are you talking about?" Alison asked urgently, "Our CEO is not involved in any cheating scandals!"

Sienna's face had gone from pale to completely bloodless as she scrolled through the messages that were flooding her phone.

Alison hung up, looking extremely troubled. She didn't have to say a word, Sienna was looking grimly at her.

"Any progress we've made has gone down the drain," Sienna uttered the harsh reality.

Her eyes filled with tears, she should have known that misfortune would follow her even though she tried to avoid it this time around!

"Don't cry! We can still work it out!" Alison exclaimed, rushing over to fling her arms around Sienna.

Sienna couldn't help but burst into tears, "I'm not crying because of the company, I just feel so guilty because I dragged you into this mess!"

Alison's bottom lip began to quiver at those words.

Even when her reputation was dragged through the mud and her company was on the brink of failure, Sienna's concern was Alison and how she would cope!

"Don't worry about me, silly," Alison struggled to keep the tears from her voice, "I come from a rich family that will support me, I'll be okay even if this can't be salvaged. I'm worried about you!"

Sienna stared down at the cheating accusations in the media and sighed. Only a miracle would save them now.

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