

  King's name, that was secret to everyone was revealed just now because of her, but it was not her fault, it was him who asked her to tell his real name. It was also not his fault because he was confident that she wouldn't know his name as his birth name was very confidential. But,

  How did she know his birth name that no body knew?

  This question not only increase his doubt on her, but also crossed his patience level.

  " Anybody.. throw this girl out of the mansion, right now " he yelled loudly and two men caught her from either side, and started dragging her out.

  " How could you do this King, You asked my name and I told you, what else you want to know? Why are you behaving like this? " she yelled but he sat on his chair, stretching his legs on the table whereas his men were still dragging her out. She then thought of another plan. She kicked at the main point of one of the guard, the other one also loosened his grip after listening to the first guard's moan, she got the opportunity and escaped from them and rushed towards King. She then paused and breathe heavily, then said

  " It's okay if you don't care about me, but think about the symbol of love that is breathing in my stomach.. " she said while pouting and rubbing her hands gently over her stomach. King looked at her with his eyes widely open in shock.

  " Yes, you guessed it right, I'm pregnant with your child " she blurted out and everyone was shocked. It was like a bomb that just exploded now where as King started rubbing his forehead with his finger in tension and Peter was still smiling. He didn't expect that this drama could go even farther. King then looked up at her carefully and sighed

  ' This girl is giving me headache now, What does she think of myself!! She isn't even afraid of the revolver that I'm holding right now! Pregnant.. hah, does she even know how a girl becomes pregnant! How can I make a girl pregnant without touching her! Judging by her dress, she is looking like a slut, revealing all the sexy parts of her body, but her face is pretty and she is looking very young, how can she be a slut! is she from one of my enemy that came here to seduce me, if so then girl, you should have work harder because I'm not the one to be easily seduced by anyone, but this girl need some punishment'

  he thought while smiling evilly. He then stood up from his place and walked towards her while opening the buttons of his shirt

  " You little bitch! Did you know how a girl become pregnant, huh, let me show you " he said while pushing her on the table, her heart started pounding, if she say that she wasn't afraid of him, it would be her biggest lie of her life, she was scared to death and was looking at King's eyes that were shining with lust and greed. She was silent but every inch of her body was telling her to escape from this villa, but she just can't. She was still busy in her thoughts where as King came more closer to her, he then bent towards her and placed his hands under her skirt in front of everyyone.

  " Ah... " she bit her lips for moaning too loudly while he said

  " Let me teach you well how to become pregnant for a Mafia King, my dear partners do you all wanna witnessed this scene, huh? " he yelled and then put off her panties and throw it on the ground and pressed her on the table. Everyone was shocked and ashamed. But, No one dare to look towards them, out of everyone Peter was the one who was shocked to the point of frozen, and tears came out from the eyes of Anna, but she didn't let him see through her. She made herself calm and moaned even louder

  " Ah.. My King.. I'm pregnant for three months so I can still make out this.. Umm.. it's after three months, I would love to do it again " she yelled and then King immediately moved away from her and looked at her with stunned but cold eyes.

  ' This girl is really shameless, She wasn't even afraid of loosing her face and reputation, I was right about her, she is a bitch. She doesn't deserve to be touched by me ' king thought, he was feeling disgusted about touching her while everyone was still frozen.

  Anna saw that no one is speaking, so she thought to say something more to make everyone believe that she was not lying

  " Why did you stop honey!! " she pouted and then added

  " Do you remember our first night? Although your di*k was small, but you had so much energy that night, you said that you are often uncomfortable while having sex with girls because your d*sk is small, but after having sex with me you said you were satisfied enough that you only wanted me"

  His partners then looked up at him and then they started muttering in each other's ears " King's d*sk is small " " Who would have thought that the mafia king would be uncomfortable while having sex.. haha.. isn't it funny" " Poor king, what can he do when his s*x is small "

  " You.. how dare you.. " words were dead before coming to his mouth because of his anger, it was the miracle that he didn't shoot her with his revolver till now, but how long could he tolerate her?

  " Aa.. King.. If, If you don't mind, I know a good doctor, I can appoint your meeting with him, he is good at the treatment for s.... " one of his partner wanted him to consult his familiar doctor, however, he couldn't complete himself after receiving a cold glare from him.

  Now, everyone was believing in what she said as if she would have been telling lie, King would never tolerate this till now, so the second partner stood up and said..

  " Well king! I want to congratulate you for becoming father, Don't forget to invite us on the welcome party of your child.. "

  " Shut up, all of you" he yelled and everyone once again become as silent as dead person.